
天字第一号  tiān zì dì yī hào







  • 人们期待潘就是天字第一号讲坛。
    Mr Ban is also expected to man the bully pulpit.

  • 这个天字第一号问题或许依然无解;
    Perhaps the single biggest question, whether we are alone in the solar system, remains unanswered.

  • 萨姆简直是个天字第一号的大流氓。
    God never made a bigger scoundrel than Sam.

  • 眼下,帕奎奥是炙手可热天字第一号
    Now, Pacquiao is the hottest thing going in the world.

  • 她是天字第一号势利鬼。
    She was a snob of the first order.

  • 当然,天字第一号讲坛(白宫)的能力有限。
    Of course, there are limits to the power of the bully pulpit.

  • 市长办公室真正的权利寥寥无几,根本就是天字第一号说书的。
    the office, with few formal powers, is ultimately a bully pulpit.

  • 我是天字第一号大笨蛋,成内亚想道,回到了自己的小巷子里。
    I am the biggest fool here, Chenayya thought, back in his alley.

  • 我们家天字第一号家规:我们做好该做的事,而且不准提到半个
    Our big family rule number one: We do what we do, and we shut up about it!

  • 一位资深赌场高管称:“这是我们面对的天字第一号战略问题——我们很难招到人。”
    "It's the number one strategic issue for us – it's very difficult to get them, " says one senior casino executive.

  • 八月初八,周进大摇大摆地进入贡院。他的座号正好是天字第一号。他不禁喜出望外。
    On August 8th of the lunar year, Chou Chin entered the examination center and was very happy to find that his seat was in the number one room where he had so recently cried.

  • 最大赢家----亚瑟。亚伯拉罕:这位定居德国的亚美尼亚人,就是想着要让美国人知道----他是天字第一号猛男。
    Arthur Abraham: The Germany-based Armenian's goal is to prove to the American boxing audience that he's the baddest dude on the planet.

  • 哈珀表示,当前这场危机主要以美国金融市场为中心,削弱了华盛顿这个天字第一号讲坛将其观点强加于世界其它国家的能力。
    Mr Harper said the current crisis, much of it centred on US financial markets, has weakened Washingtons bully pulpit to impose its views on the rest of the world.

  • 新中国成立后到现在,粮食问题对中国人民来说,始终是天字第一号大事。在国民经济的排行榜上,它始终是重中之重、基础的基础。
    On the pop chart of national economy, it is the foundation that weighs medium heavy, foundation from beginning to end.

  • 代表们一致认为,我的天字第一号任务是削减国家财政赤,尽管这意味着要缩减一部分中产阶级的减税,或者完全不对他们实行减税。
    There was an overwhelming consensus that my number one priority should be to reduce the deficit, even if it meant less of a middle-class tax cut, or giving up on one altogether.

  • 哈珀表示,当前这场危机主要以美国金融市场为中心,削弱了华盛顿这个“天字第一号讲坛”(bullypulpit)将其观点强加于世界其它国家的能力。
    Mr Harper said the current crisis, much of it centred on US financial markets, has weakened Washington's "bully pulpit" to impose its views on the rest of the world.

  • 他需要运用自己的沟通技巧,因为他的沟通能力很强,”他在一次能源问题研讨会上说,“如果他能这样运用他的天字第一号讲坛,我想美国人民会理解法案的。”
    He needs to use his communications skills as he does so well, " he told a seminar on energy. "If he can use his bully pulpit like this I think the American people are going to get it.

  • 天字第一号造句相关
