
砸锅卖铁  zá guō mài tiě







  • 要我砸锅卖铁也要交话费。
    Wants me to lose everything also must hand over the speechexpense.

  • 他说:以人为本不是一句空话,就是砸锅卖铁,也要让百姓搬出棚户区!
    He said : people-oriented than empty words, is No, let people out shanty towns!

  • 尽管生活困难,目不识丁的母亲却心存高远:砸锅卖铁,也要让孩子读书。
    Despite the difficulties of life, they are illiterate mother lofty: Zaguomaitie and allowing children to study.

  • 由于在京高考考上大学的机率大很多,不少人甚至表示:砸锅卖铁也要给孩子办一个北京户口。
    because the probability of passing the university entrance exam in Beijing much, and many people even said : You have to give children a Beijing office accounts.

  • 那样昂贵的学费不是我们这样的农村家庭负担得起的,纵然父母承诺,只要你考得上,就是砸锅卖铁我们也供你念。
    Is not as expensive tuition fees for rural families like us can afford, even if their parents promise, as long as you test for, that is Zaguomaitie We also read for you.

  • 但事到如今,当凤铝渐起砸锅卖铁讨说法之势时,他们却逼迫16家俱乐部发表了“恐吓信”,同时下达了封口令。
    But now, when the phoenix from becoming aluminum Zaguomaitie review of potential claims, they forced the 16 clubs made a "threatening letters", the closure orders issued at the same time.

  • 然而萨科奇先生很难将它作为一项迫切的危机措施呈现给民众,一场现代版的号召家庭砸锅卖铁来支援战争的行动。
    Yet Mr Sarkozy can hardly present it as a desperate crisis measure, a modern-day call for households to send in sauce pans to help the war effort.

  • 第二是他跟每家讲,给我六个月的时间,六个月后我把现金还给你,只要你信得过我,六个月后砸锅卖铁我也还给你。
    his second talk with each, give me six months, six months after I returned to you in cash, as long as you trust me, six months after the Zaguomaitie I returned to you.

  • 那样昂贵的学费不是我们这样的农村家庭负担得起的,纵然父母承诺,只要你考得上,就是砸锅卖铁[2]我们也供你念。
    My parents promised me that they would do whatever it takes to afford my tuition as long as my achievement exceeds the passing mark of the Examination.

  • 如果砸锅卖铁可以解决问题,我就不必如此焦虑,怕的是哪怕砸锅卖铁也凑不足学费,而我又怎么能把家人逼至如此绝境。
    If Zaguomaitie can solve the problem, I would not have such anxiety, the fear is even less than Zaguomaitie also Cou tuition fees, and how can I Bizhi family so desperate.

  • 44岁的王庭章(音)说:“我不在乎是男孩还是女孩,我自己没受过什么教育,所以,砸锅卖铁我也要让我的孩子有出息。”
    "Girl or boy, I didn't care, " said Wang, 44. "I didn't get much education myself. I would break my bones working or sell my house to make sure my child had a future.

  • 而这也是为何许多内陆家庭,或者说许许多多生活在下层的劳动人民受再多的苦遭再多的罪,甚至砸锅卖铁也要供孩子读书的主要原因。
    This is why many of the inland families, or living in many of the lower working people by the more bitter by the amount of crime, and even Zaguomaitie also the main reason for children to study.

  • 砸锅卖铁造句相关
