
粉饰太平  fěn shì tài píng








  • 请用爱与关怀粉饰太平,直至某日我们都可卸下责任。
    all you need is love and care until we dont need to carry on anything.

  • 刻意淡化过去,粉饰太平,使民众的政治诉求有所减弱。
    Papering over some of the party's history has helped them too, damping public demands for political change.

  • 人们可以巧妙地粉饰太平,甚至藏拙到不露痕迹的地步。
    Flaws can be hidden, glossed over and prettied up so masterfully few would even guess they're there.

  • 这一章讨论擦除广岛黑暗的过去的城市想象,并粉饰太平
    This chapter discusses the urban imaginary that erases Hiroshima's dark past, and whitewashes it.

  • 这类粉饰太平式的改组强化了自民党处于风雨飘摇中的感觉。
    The cosmetic nature of the change reinforces the perception that the LDP is flailing.

  • 众所周知,希特勒也曾利用体育和运动员来替纳粹政权粉饰太平
    Another murderous regime had exploited sport and sportsmen and basked in their reflected glory.

  • 今天的剧集集中在两大看点上:裴娜假孕和粉饰太平的概念发布会。
    Today's anthology concentrates in two big anticipations: Pei the false pregnancy and puts on a false show of great peace concept release conference.

  • ((英国教育部长))凯利会说英国不能“坐视不理或粉饰太平”。
    (British Education Secretary) Ruth Kelly will say the country cannot afford to "stand still or soft-pedal".

  • 而韩国政府和台湾当局正悄悄地鼓励经纪人粉饰太平的举动可视为时代的一个征兆。
    Consider it a sign of the times that governments in South Korea and Taiwan are now quietly encouraging brokers to accentuate only the positive.

  • 而南韩和台湾正悄悄地鼓励经纪人(分析师)粉饰太平,可视为一个时代重要的徵兆。
    Consider it a sign of the times that governments in South Korea and Taiwan are now quietly encouraging brokers to accentuate only the positive.

  • 他们对现实事件充耳不闻;故而只能选择在喧嚣的尘世中放纵自己,粉饰自我的太平
    They are indifferent and insensitive to current affairs and to avoid reality, they indulge themselves in the hassle-bustle of the city.

  • 并不是因为有什麽神奇的肥皂剧也并非有什麽精彩的体育节目更不是什麽粉饰太平的强眼广告。
    What is the magic is not because the soap opera is not what is more exciting sports programming is not a whitewash of the peace-eye ads.

  • 不假情假意、制造谎言、粉饰太平那你就不需要用尽心思去设计更多的谎言,去掩饰从前的谎言。
    Not to be sham and lie to pretend peace so that you don't need to rack your brain to conceive more lie to cover your past lie.

  • 下西洋的另一目的则是采买皇室官家所需要的香料奇珍,寻找异兽如麒麟等,以示祥瑞,粉饰太平
    In addition to this, another motive of Zheng's voyage was to collect spicery and jewellery for the royal court and to look for Kylinthe legendary beast to pray for peace and good fortune.

  • 下西洋的另一目的则是采买皇室官家所需要的香料奇珍,寻找异兽如麒麟等,以示祥瑞,粉饰太平
    In addition to this, another motive of Zheng's voyage was to collect spicery and jewellery for the royal court and to look for Kylin?the legendary beast to pray for peace and good fortune.

  • 一直以来, 德国犹太人不配有机会代表德国,但为粉饰太平, 竟也有若干犹太人已被选入德国队。
    German Jews have been given no chance to fit themselves to represent Germany, but a few selected Jews have been included in German teams for the sake of window-dressing.

  • 去让事情看起来比较好,忽略让人沮丧的事,美化一切,创造各种理论让事情看来好一些,并粉饰太平
    We make things look better than they are. We ignore facts that may be upsetting. We color the truth. We create various theories that soften the truth, and make things seem better than they are.

  • 我认为,政府应该作好更多举措来面对经济不景的问题,否则将会陷入粉饰太平及拒绝面对现实的窘态。
    The government should do more to face this impending slowdown or it would turn into déjà-vu or a state of denial.

  • 为了暂时粉饰一下太平,政客们的通常做法是提出“社会和平”的概念,它定义了一种和谐、统一和舒适的状态。
    To sustain the metaphor for a moment, a traditional subject of the political artist is social peace, defined as harmony, unity and comfort.

  • 作为一个美国人,我既不希望一个民主党政府粉饰太平,遮遮掩掩,也不希望一个共和党人诽谤他人,搞政治迫害。
    As an American, I do not want a Democratic administration white wash or cover up any more than I want a Republican smear or witch hunt.

  • 永远不要虚情假意、不制造谎言、不粉饰太平;那麽,你就不需要为了掩饰之前的谎言,而费尽心思的去设计更多的谎言。
    Not to be sham and lie to pretend peace so that you don't need to rack your brain to conceive more lie to cover your past lie.

  • 想当然耳,他要极尽所能粉饰太平,所以没有正面针对直升机坠落事件发表明确立场,无论这起事件是故意还是纯属意外。
    Of course, he is throwing this out there to try to overshadow the Hezbollah killing of the helicopter pilot, whether by mistake or intentionally.

  • 恩德勒表示,但在与微软的马拉松收购反收购战和卡尔·伊坎发起代理战的大背景下,雅虎发生的变化只能是“粉饰太平”。
    Enderle said, but with Microsoft's acquisition of anti-marathon takeover battle and the Kaeryikan proxy war launched against the background of the Yahoo the changes can only be a "whitewash at peace."

  • 如果中国政府重视国际声誉,如欲成为国际大国,就要透过以民为本的管治及人民的认同,而不是透过作假及谎言以粉饰太平
    If the Chinese government aspirates to build up reputation as a superpower, it should gain the recognition from others by good governance and legitimacy from people but not by make up and lies.

  • 再观此文,其“文采”不在笔走龙蛇,而在其中强烈的个性色彩,不说官话,不说套话,不粉饰太平,不掩饰自己的感情,难得。
    to view book, "literary talent, " not-go zones, and in which strong personality color, and not Mandarin, not easily, not window dressing, not hide their feelings rare.

  • 一切否认,一切一刀斩,皆是懦弱的粉饰太平,当它已经存在时,我们唯一能够建设性的思考,是如何把这条湍流的大河疏导至有利的田地。
    All that killing all Yidao are all cowardly whitewash at peace, when it already exists, we can only constructive thinking, this is how the turbulence of the river to divert the favorable field.

  • 为了粉饰太平,政府方面拿出每户近100美元的钱给附近的村庄目的是让他们办庆祝藏历新年的意识。但是藏人们做出了一个怀柔的举措。
    Eager for the pretense of calm, government officials handed out nearly $100 to some families in surrounding villages to hold Losar celebrations. But Tibetans came up with a strategy.

  • 其实,我们再怎么煞费苦心对孩子隐瞒实情或者在他们面前粉饰太平,他们也还是能够察言观色,通过我们的一举一动和我们的情绪感知到真相。
    In truth, the information we're trying so hard to hide or dress up for our kids probably doesn't matter nearly as much to them as how they see us behaving and feeling.

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