
草莽英雄  cǎo mǎng yīng xióng








  • 蓝脸和绿脸也为中性,代表草莽英雄
    Blue and green represent neutral character of rebellious heroes.

  • 草莽英雄时代,靠专业化就能打天下;
    Hero era, we can rely on professional man;

  • 剧情说明/描述富家女与草莽英雄间的爱情故事,充满浪漫趣味。
    It's a love story of a beautiful, rich young woman and a rugged, kind-hearted country ranger.

  • 从“草莽英雄”到“乱世英雄”,中国汽车还能创造出怎样的奇迹?
    From " wilderness hero " arrive " troubled times hero " , a what kind of miracle can Chinese car still create?

  • 侠客:从“草莽英雄”到“革命英雄”--政治语境下的武侠文化流变。
    Knight Errant: from "the Hero of Wilderness" to "the Hero of Revolution"

  • 好在草莽英雄的时代已经过去,新一代中国企业家的第一特质就是学习能力。
    Was good already passes in greenwood hero's time, the new generation of Chinese entrepreneur's first special characteristic was the learning capability.

  • 多少古代的草莽英雄也曾经在这里显过身手,他们的事迹在英格兰歌谣中广泛流传,家喻户晓
    And here also flourished in ancient times those bands of gallant outlaws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular in English song.

  • 革命英雄也不再是那种行为跋扈、意气用事的草莽英雄形象,而是有着强烈的无产阶级政治意识的党的政策的忠实执行者;
    the revolutionary hero is no more a domineering and emotional wild jungle, but an allegiant executor of the party policy with strong proletariat ideology;

  • 也许,由于写作大众化,起点上的作品是良莠不齐的,但英雄多出于草莽,广大读者用鼠标投票,筛选出了最受欢迎的优秀作品。
    Perhaps, due to popular writing, the starting point of the work is varied, but the more heroic for Caomang, readers use the mouse to vote, selected the most popular of the outstanding works.

  • 剧情说明/描述富家女与草莽英雄间的爱情故事,充满浪漫趣味。男女主角演技精湛自然,对白逗趣、剧情紧凑,让观众回味再三。
    It's a love story of a beautiful, rich young woman and a rugged, kind-hearted country ranger. The series is a lively farce on romance and conflicts, filled with entertaining dialogues.

  • 草莽英雄造句相关
