
衣锦还乡  yì jǐn huán xiāng







  • 最后乔治衣锦还乡了。
    And then George's triumphant return.

  • 有不少华人移民无法衣锦还乡,反而终老异邦。
    Many immigrants never returned home in glory as planned. Instead they ended their days in a faraway land.

  • 广州仔衣锦还乡好架势,获赞赏是新世代创作小天王。
    Guangzhou Tsai returning good posture, be a new appreciation for the creation of small kings from generation to generation.

  • 民杰离开爱人恩在到汉城发展,并答应一年后衣锦还乡
    Min-jae leaves beloved Eun-ji, promising he'd make big money and come back for her in a year.

  • 她的第一齣电视剧演出是2001年的<学校4>。她真是衣锦还乡
    Her first drama was 'School 4' of year 2001.

  • 中桥两头为精雕蟠龙,只有状元衣锦还乡才可过此桥,寓意金榜题名,独占鳌头。
    Bridge carved in two for Vista, only the champion can return home in silken robes over this bridge, meaning first, come out on top.

  • 他在海外工作了十多年,今日终于衣锦还乡,所有的亲朋好友都为他而感到荣耀。
    He has worked abroad for more than ten years, today he finally comes back home with wealth and power, all the relatives and friends are proud of him.

  • 其一是对中国故乡的土地跟亲人的怀念和向往,总希望能早日挣够银钱,衣锦还乡
    Firstly, it was the yearning to return to China and bring back with them enough prosperity to lift their family and relatives there out of poverty.

  • 当这位年轻的艺术家回到村中,一家人在草坪上为他举行欢迎晚宴,庆贺他衣锦还乡
    When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albrecht's triumphant homecoming.

  • 出国的时候要静静地走,不要想什么衣锦还乡,不要在亲戚朋友面前觉得出国很有面子。
    When going abroad, should go stealthily, do not think what return home after getting fame or money, do not feel to go abroad to have outer part very much before kin friend.

  • 忙,是我的一个借口。而且内心深处也一直希望能到“衣锦还乡”的时候再去看她。我希望能让她以我为豪。
    Being busy was my excuse. Also part of me feel the need to achieve a lot more before I could show up in front of her.

  • 数以百万的四川人离开了家乡,人背井离乡,住在狭小的居所或临时工棚里,为的是能赚到足够的钱衣锦还乡
    Millions picked up left Sichuan. Many have lived for years in cramped dormitories or temporary construction barracks, separated from their families, hoping to make enough to return home.

  • 数以百万的四川人离开了家乡,许多人背井离乡,住在狭小的居所或临时工棚里,为的是能赚到足够的钱衣锦还乡
    Millions picked up and left Sichuan. Many have lived for years in cramped dormitories or temporary construction barracks, separated from their families, hoping to make enough to return home.

  • 在小说里,阿尔格农最后流连地望了一眼祖先的房屋,抹去眼角的泪珠,离家而去;三年后,他竟然衣锦还乡、腰缠万贯。
    There, Algernon takes one long, last look at the ancestral hall, dashes the teardrop from his eye, and goes off-- to return in three year' s time, roiling in riches.

  • 在小说里,阿尔格农最后流连地望了一眼祖先的房屋,抹去眼角的泪珠,离家而去;三年后,他竟然衣锦还乡、腰缠万贯。
    takes one long, last look at the ancestral hall, dashes the teardrop from his eye, and goes off-- to return in three year' s time, roiling in riches.

  • 传说本村一家刘姓的祖先上百年前在北京做官,后来发了大财,衣锦还乡后大搞土木建设,建筑格式完全照北京流行的样式建造,因此得名。
    It is said there is an ancestor who once was an officer in Beijing and returned to his old home town in full glory to do construction which is according to the style of Peking. So it comes the name.

  • 衣锦还乡造句相关
