
负隅顽抗  fù yú wán kàng








  • 敌人负隅顽抗的可能性是不可不加考虑的。
    The possibility of a last-ditch resistance by the enemy should not be dismissed.

  • 敌人负隅顽抗的可能性是不可不加考虑的。
    The possibility of putting uo a desperate struggle by the enemy should not be dismissed.

  • 敌人负隅顽抗的可能性是不容轻易忽视的。
    The possibility of a last-ditch on the part of the enemy should not be lightly dismissed.

  • 走私犯负隅顽抗,但最后被抓获,送进监狱。
    The smuggler put up a fight but was finally overcome and carried off to the jail.

  • 近日,四位运营者成为“钉子户”负隅顽抗
    Recently, 4 operation person become " nail door " put up a desperate struggle.

  • 警方的行动如果持续,部分家长只好负隅顽抗
    If they continue their operation, I believe some parents will be forced to put up resistance.

  • 这个星期的大多数时间里,麦凯恩继续负隅顽抗
    McCain continued to flounder for most of the week.

  • 人们希望此前负隅顽抗的各公司能步南方保健之后尘。
    It is hoped that previously resistant firms will now follow HealthSouth.

  • 尤拿起冲锋枪负隅顽抗.仗着熟悉地形,负伤后逃脱…
    Takes up the submachinegun to resist stubbornly especially.

  • 面对妻子详细的供词,福尼奈经过一番负隅顽抗后终于认罪。
    His face detailed confession Funinai After finally after a last plea.

  • 而其原定的打击目标德国则已经投降,但是日本仍然在负隅顽抗
    Germany, the original target, had already surrendered, but Japan was still in the fight.

  • 红色十字军摧残吾之功业。光明之希望负隅顽抗,玷污瘟疫之地。
    The Scarlet Crusade scurries to undo my work, while Light's Hope stands defiantly against us - a blemish upon these Plaguelands.

  • 四年来,南方各州负隅顽抗,苦苦挣扎,以维护李所代表的理想。
    For four years, the Southern states had fought a desperate war to uphold the ideals for which Lee stood.

  • 在盟军右翼,美军部队已经登上了犹他海滩,但德军仍在负隅顽抗
    On the right flank, Americans on Utah were ashore, but German guns were still firing at Omaha.

  • 地球联盟的剩余力量大多在开罗的一处堡垒内负隅顽抗,非常危险。
    Earth Alliance in Cairo most of the remaining forces of a fortress within a last, very dangerous.

  • 虽然部落中的一些人还在负隅顽抗,但是他们内部现在已经开始分裂。
    Some of them are resisting but there are cracks in the society now.

  • 我们正在留意这些黑暗势力的动向,因为他们虽然势必失败,却还是负隅顽抗
    We are monitoring closely what these dark ones intend to do, and although their magic is swiftly fading, they are still intent upon not giving up.

  • 爱真的是找到真正自由的唯一方式,然而我还有如此多自我部分在那里负隅顽抗
    Love truly is the only way to real freedom and yet I have had so many parts of myself resisting.

  • 深夜,游击队包围了小院,军官负隅顽抗,老马和俊俏女兵先后惨死在军官的枪口下。
    The officers and soldiers make a last-ditch fight but Lao Ma and the pretty woman soldier were shot by the officers.

  • 然而他的三个竞争对手依然负隅顽抗,指称艾马丹加号称的63%得票率必然出于造假。
    Yet his three rival candidates have remained defiant, insisting that Mr Ahmadinejad's claimed 63% victory could have been secured only by fraud.

  • 他们肯定会负隅顽抗。但是现在是1944年。与纳粹1940、41年连连取胜时大不相同。
    He will fight savagely But this is the year 1944, much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940, 41.

  • 尽管当时表现出同情的破产判断确信一部分负隅顽抗的贷方,这样对贷方有利,所以放弃了他们的反对。
    Even then it took a sympathetic bankruptcy judge to convince a group of recalcitrant lenders that it was in their best interest to drop their opposition.

  • 当然,有极少数的顽阴也可能负隅顽抗,甚至当即跳了出来,使人心中产生多种破坏性的念头,进行对抗。
    Of course there is few stubborn Yin energy that tends to put up a desperate struggle, even arising all at once, and antagonize the strong Orthodox School field by producing many destructive ideas.

  • 美国海官对外公布,一艘载有至少20名美国船员的船只遭到索马里海盗夜垄,负隅顽抗后仍然不幸被劫。
    Somali pirates have hijacked a ship with at least 20 US crew on board, after what maritime officials described as a sustained night-time attack.

  • 这些制造商们正在用同样的企业精神来负隅顽抗,起初他们曾以这种精神很好地利用了圣诞节这样的外国节日。
    But manufacturers are fighting back with the same entrepreneurial spirit that made them seize on a foreign holiday such as Christmas in the first place.

  • 但后来我们的队伍越来越小,原来很多人都开始弃暗投明,纷纷开始戒烟,只剩我们几个顽固分子在那里“负隅顽抗”。
    But our army is smaller and smaller later, so a lot of people begin forsake darkness for light, begin drop in successionSmoke, remnant us a few diehard are over there " put up a desperate struggle " .

  • 在陷入埋伏的时候,他们确实像啮齿动物似的负隅顽抗,不过军官们说,把他们的顽固归结于他们顽固的宗教狂热是不对的。
    It is true that when trapped they fight with a burrowing, rodent tenacity, but it is a mistake, say these officers, to credit their stubbornness to fanatic religious beliefs.

  • 欧文获得了他自2005年以来的第一个联赛进球——接到奥巴费米·马丁斯的传中头球破门,在主场攻陷了负隅顽抗的维冈。
    Owen notched his first Premier League goal since December 2005 as he headed home Obafemi Martins' cross late on to sink a stubborn Wigan side.

  • 欧文获得了他自2005年以来的第一个联赛进球——接到奥巴费米·马丁斯的传中头球破门,在主场攻陷了负隅顽抗的维冈。
    Owen notched his first Premier League goal since December 2005 as he headed home Obafemi Martins' cross late on to sink a stubborn Wigan side.

  • 然而,虽然军队表示直到斯瓦特地区的塔利班头目被活捉或者杀死战斗才能结束,巴基斯坦官员们却称他们认为塔利班负隅顽抗
    And although the army says the battle will not be over until top Taliban leaders are captured or killed in the Swat region, Pakistani officials say they are confident the Taliban are on the defensive.

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