
金蝉脱壳  jīn chán tuō qiào








  • 第一招,金蝉脱壳,弃尾自保。
    The first move, escapes, abandons the tail self-preservation.

  • 金蝉脱壳的故事 我先想讲个故事吧。
    One, the story of escape by crafty scheme I want to tell a story first.

  • 如今即使赶着躲,想罢也躲不及了,少不得要使个金蝉脱壳的法子。
    well, its too late to hide now. i must try to avoid suspicion by throwing them off the scent.

  • 例如:“金蝉脱壳”法,就吸引了古今中外的许多科学家们去研究。
    Example: "escape by crafty scheme", it attract many scientists to investigation.

  • 骂完了人,却又置身事外,不负责任,无睹后果,谓之“金蝉脱壳”。
    Mawan people, it is isolated and irresponsible, not to see the consequences, that "Jinchantuoqiao."

  • 金蝉脱壳☆石磊今年五一节,玉娟到首都玩了几天,今天她满脸笑容回来了。
    Yujuan enjoyed herself in the capital during May Day this year. Today she came back in glee.

  • 要是我觉得说你是在拖时间怎么着?磨磨叽叽地就等你想到什么方法金蝉脱壳
    What if I was tell you I think you're just stalling? Biding time till you can figure out some macgyver way to get your ass out of here, huh?

  • 金蝉脱壳的本意是:寒蝉在蜕变时,本体脱离皮壳而走,只留下蝉蜕还挂在枝头。
    The original idea of escape by crafty scheme is: Cold cicada is when decay, noumenon breaks away from leather carapace and go, leave cicada slough to still be hanged in branch only.

  • 不过,殷铁生独揽国奥队失利的责任,倒是可以让谢亚龙有了“金蝉脱壳”的机会。
    However, Yin Tiesheng arrogates to oneself the responsibility which the National Olympic Team is in unfavorable situation, might let Xie Yalong but actually have "escaped" the opportunity.

  • 官员们知道若拖得太久,这些僵尸或准僵尸银行——这些很少或没有净值却被当作依然具有活力的机构——就可能会“玩金蝉脱壳把戏”。
    Officials know that if they wait too long, zombie or near zombie banks – with little or no net worth, but treated as if they were viable institutions – are likely to "gamble on resurrection".

  • 让戏充分演完,但是一旦成交情况并不太好,那你就给他来个金蝉脱壳,而且还要悄悄地暗示在这个城里并非别无分店,还有其他竞争者更愿意和你合作。
    Let the scene play out, but leave when the deal's not good enough by quietly suggesting that the competition across town might be more willing to work with you.

  • 金蝉脱壳造句相关
