
锱铢必较  zī zhū bì jiào








  • 在钱财方面,亨利锱铢必较
    In money matters Henry went for the last penny.

  • 在钱财方面,亨利''。'锱铢必较'。''。
    In money matters Henry went for the last penny.

  • 底特律管理人士和工会代表彻夜谈判,锱铢必较
    Detroit execs and union reps stuck battling mano-a-mano in all-night negotiating sessions.

  • 而财政危机或许会迫使两个大党变得一样锱铢必较
    The fiscal crisis may yet force the two big parties to be as specific.

  • 日本那边更不景气,连对当年给中国的无息贷款都要锱铢必较
    Japanese side more depressed, and even interest-free loans for the current year should be measured to China.

  • 我对你的处境深感同情,因为我本人也是一个锱铢必较的酒盲。
    I sympathise with your plight, being a penny-pinching wine duffer myself.

  • 没有哪个亚洲买家会不顾一家发电厂的安全,和供应商锱铢必较
    And no buyer in Asia is going to risk the security of, say, a power plant by trying to nickel-and-dime the suppliers.

  • 那个影子,我的肖像,它为生活而四处奔波,锱铢必较,多话饶舌。
    That shadow my likeness that goes to and fro seeking a livelihood, chattering, chaffering.

  • 不要锱铢必较。诗人之心、蝎子之尾,都是荣耀地孕于同一片土地。
    Let us not be particular and sectional. The poet's mind and the scorpion's tail rise in glory from the same earth.

  • 那喀索斯,人称风度翩翩美少年,惟心性高傲锱铢必较蔑视一切,令人不堪。
    Narcissus is said to have been a young man of wonderful beauty, but intolerably proud, fastidious, and disdainful.

  • 这点小小的锱铢必较,至少可以抵销一些例如手续费等投资成本,也算有帮助。
    This small pennywise, can be offset at least some investment costs, such as processing fees, etc. , are also considered helpful.

  • 救援人员在等待准入签证,而军政府却在为紧急援助物资的进口税率锱铢必较
    Aid workers waited for visas and the junta haggled about import duties on emergency supplies.

  • 然而马歇尔本人却很担心,锱铢必较的国会是否会同意拿出那么多钱去支援欧洲。
    However him Marshall is very afraid however, whether can the congress of haggle over every penny agree to take out so much money to assist Europe.

  • 但是由于政府财政危机,戈登。布朗不得不重新拾起从前锱铢必较的节俭传统了。
    But the fiscal crisis is forcing Gordon Brown to revive his old image of bean-counting frugality.

  • 救援人员在等待准入签证,而军政府却在为紧急援助物资的进口税率而锱铢必较
    Aid workers waited for visas and the junta haggled about import duties on emergency supplies.

  • 三是质量,上海人对房屋质量锱铢必较,几十户、上百户人家集体投诉的事件时有发生;
    Third, the quality of housing quality permit Shanghai people, dozens of households, families, hundred households collective complaints events occur;

  • 尤其是此种方法应用在类似城市型车站,而必须锱铢必较空间花费时会是个�?�?课题。
    This is very inefficient, and it takes up a lot of space which might be an issue especially for a city station.

  • 更急迫的问题是,为什么写“锱铢必较”专栏的人,反倒变得不那么节俭了呢?岂非适得其反?
    The more pressing question: Why would writing a column on being cheap make a person less so? Wouldn't it have the opposite effect?

  • 欧洲人对社会财富如何分配锱铢必较,而美国人则更希望自己能由贫变富,而不是去“劫富济贫”。“
    Whereas Europeans fret about the way the economic pie is divided, Americans want to join the rich, not soak them.

  • 业内人士在分析楼价下降的原因时说,最主要的因素是零售时代使得开发商必须面对一个个锱铢必较的消费者。
    industry in the analysis of the reasons for the decline in property prices, said the most important factor is that developers must face a retail era of Our consumers.

  • 让我们抵挡诱惑,不再回到党派之争、锱铢必较、意气用事的老路,它们毒害我们政治生活的日子实在太长久了。
    Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.

  • 能够很深切地感受到潘石屹的商人本色:他不单是有强烈的市场判断能力,也有追求最大利润的决心,锱铢必较
    Can feel very deeply Panshiyi businessmen character : He is not only a strong market judgement, but also to maximize profits, measured.

  • 一位成功的球员经纪人在接受《观察家报》体育版采访时指出:“以我的经验,俱乐部通常不会在合同问题上锱铢必较。”
    One successful agent concurs, while also telling Observer Sport: "In my experience, clubs are not bargaining hard on contracts."

  • 在过去的几十年里,西方思维里那种唯法式的锱铢必较和自私已经达到了极致,并且给这个世界带来了一场精神危机和政治僵局。
    In the past decades, the legalistically selfish aspect of Western approach and thinking has reached its final dimension and the world wound up in a harsh spiritual crisis and a political impasse.

  • 在接下来的10天的试训中,杰森几乎每堂训练课都锱铢必较,由于体重过大,一堂课下来,他全身上下的衣服几乎全被汗水浸透。
    Over the next 10-day trial, Jason Hall almost every training all Our pennywise, due to excessive weight, a class down, up and down his body, almost all the clothes were saturated with sweat.

  • 这非常的没有效率,而且会佔用许多的空间。尤其是此种方法应用在类似城市型车站,而必须锱铢必较空间花费时会是个重要课题。
    This is very inefficient, and it takes up a lot of space which might be an issue especially for a city station.

  • 房客们对自己的开销和享受到的相应服务锱铢必较,在这样一种氛围下,乔伊斯对当前这波打折后将出现一轮相似的房价上调持怀疑态度。
    In a climate in which guests will be acutely conscious of what they are getting for their money, Mr Joyce doubts that the current bout of discounting will be followed by a similar rise in rates.

  • 时间继续是刺激经济成长的重要原料,现代经济就是以每秒兆位元组(TB)与每秒十亿位元(Gb)这些单位为基础,所以分秒必争,锱铢必较
    Constantly measured and priced, this vital raw material continues to spur the growth of economies built on a foundation of terabytes and gigabits per second.

  • 有时候,自己的锱铢必较让家人生气;有时候,因为想买的东西不是最便宜的,我不得不忍痛放弃。为了撰写专栏,这些情景我都得一样一样地回味。
    I've had to ponder the times when my penny-ing irritated my family or when I denied myself some small pleasure because it wasn't the cheapest choice.

  • 有时候,自己的锱铢必较让家人生气;有时候,因为想买的东西不是最便宜的,我不得不忍痛放弃。为了撰写专栏,这些情景我都得一样一样地回味。
    I've had to ponder the times when my penny-pinching irritated my family or when I denied myself some small pleasure because it wasn't the cheapest choice.

  • 锱铢必较造句相关
