
随机应变  suí jī yìng biàn








  • 我到那儿时, 就随机应变吧。
    When I get there, I'll try to play to the score tactically.

  • 他富有随机应变的才能。
    He is full of resource in any emergency.

  • 随机应变越来越成为一张好嘴的标志。
    Spontaneity is more than ever the hallmark of good speaking.

  • 由于安格斯随机应变,他获得了成功。
    Angus met with success by trimming the sails.

  • 好的跑卫不仅意志坚定,还能随机应变
    A good running behind is not merely determined, but flexible as well.

  • 随机应变,是聪明的方法。
    It is wise to turn circumstances to good account.

  • 一个''。'外交家'。''应随机应变
    A diplomat must act according to circumstances.

  • 发言人缺席会议,会长就随机应变改变话题。
    The speaker was absent from the meeting, so the chairman rose to the occasion by changing the topic.

  • 然而,复杂的经济形式决定了宏观经济政策要随机应变
    However, the complicated economic pattern determined macroeconomic policy should be changed randomly.

  • 在困难的情况下保持头脑清醒,随机应变,你可以取得成功。
    Keep your wits about you and you could achieve something very special.

  • 我必须随机应变,拿我的计划来对付它的,因为它个儿这么大。
    Mine I must improvise to his because of his great size.

  • 具备分析,计划及达到综合效能的能力,以及随机应变的能力。
    Good abilities of analysis, planning, multi-task efficiency & change needs match.

  • 当他们来到门前时,我的保姆有一套随机应变的话,把门关住不开。
    When they came there, my governess, who had her tale ready, kept her door shut.

  • 黑色它让我知道不管做什么事,应该镇静,随机应变,是我的左右手。
    The black lets me know ignore do what matter, should town quiet, act according to circumstances, is my left and right hands.

  • 和那个捉摸不定的人打交道,你简直无法按预定计划行事,只好随机应变
    In dealing with that unpredictable man, you simply cannot follow a prearranged plan, you have to play it by ear.

  • 世间唯独永恒的就是变化,在戏剧里,一切都是可能的。走快点,随机应变吧。
    The only thing constant is change; all things are possible in acting. So, be quick on your feet.

  • 水星和天王星的不利夹角也有它好的一面,它会令人更加足智多谋、随机应变
    Mercury in hard angle to Uranus has the upside of making one very resourceful and sharp as a tack.

  • 自愈的力量脱胎于生活,那些克服挑战、随机应变的经验才是帮助它成长的养料。
    Your bounce-back muscles are shaped and formed by life experiences—by overcoming challenges and rising to the occasion.

  • 他们无意识的根据大概的状况决定采用何种方式,然后像变色龙一样的随机应变
    They unconsciously decide on a likely level of difficulty, and then adjust it if necessary with chameleon-like sensitivity to changing conditions.

  • 不过,为了投消费者所好──或者打造酷的形象──品牌必须伺机而动、随机应变
    And yet, to be relevant─or cool─a brand must be as dynamic as change itself.

  • 当住到一起以后,你们做决定时就要懂得随机应变了,比如说家务和开销如何分配。
    When living together, you'll have to make tricky joint decisions, like how to divide chores and expenses.

  • 不过我也发现文化就如构成文化的民族一样,善于随机应变,富有弹性而且不可预测。
    But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.

  • 我国的经济从1980年以来增长了近四倍,显示出中国在经济方面随机应变的非凡能力。
    China's economy has expanded fourfold since 1980, showing China's outstanding ability to handle changing circumstances of economy.

  • 不但让你能够随时随地潇洒应答随机应变,而且你还可以用这一百个超级短句来教外国人中文!
    Besides, you can try to teach these sentences to foreigners to help them communicate while they're China.

  • 随机应变的ai系统-现在你的队友和对手开始像真实比赛那样读懂、反应并适应你的游戏策略。
    Adaptive AI – Now your teammates and your opponents read, react, and adjust in real time to match your gameplay strategies.

  • 退役的特勤人员约瑟夫•拉撒沙说,在国外保护总统需要提前数月作出详细的计划,和随机应变的能力。
    Protecting the President abroad requires months of detailed planning and the ability to improvise instantly, says retired Secret Service agent Joseph LaSorsa.

  • 随机应变的智能,是解决生活上困难的武器,要比书本上的知识有价值得多。———[美国]戴尔·卡耐基。
    Adaptability is a weapon to solve difficulties in life. It is more valuable than book knowledge. ———( America ) Dale Carnegie.

  • 年轻的贾克森来到纳沙达星球,之后,用了几年时间在垂直城市的穷街陋巷磨练自己的街头求生技能和随机应变能力。
    The young Jaxxon landed on Nar Shaddaa, and spent the next few years honing his streetwise survival skills and razor-sharp wit on the mean streets of the vertical cities.

  • 小小地提醒一句:“随机应变”不能用来修饰“社会”或“时代”;并且,无论在什么形势下,面试时都需要冷静应对。
    We should accept interviewing self-possessed and calmly in the Age of Information in which earth-shaking changes take place at any moment.

  • 要自然的把这些指导原则贯彻下来――它需要状态支撑。相反的,内化这些指南会提升你的状态,以及你随机应变的能力。
    Naturals have these guidelines down, well… naturally - it is guided by their state. Conversely, internalizing the guidelines will improve your state, and how you come across.

  • 随机应变造句相关
