
面目一新  miàn mù yī xīn







  • 爱会使这个讨厌的旧世界面目一新
    Love would put a new face on this weary old world.

  • 爱会使这个讨厌的旧世界面目一新
    Love would put a new face on this weary old world.

  • 先是他那寒碜的小店变得面目一新了。
    First his humble little shop became a smart one.

  • 老房间一经装潢后面目一新
    The old rooms looked like new after they had been decorated.

  • 我们学院最近面目一新
    has taken on a new look recently.

  • 我们学院最近面目一新
    Our institute has taken on a new look recently.

  • 我们学院最近面目一新
    Our institute has taken on a new look recently .

  • 每天都面目一新
    Everyday is a new day.

  • 每天都面目一新
    Each day takes on a new face.

  • 除此,还有一些面目一新的人物闯入我们的视线。
    Besides, some figures with entirely new appearance suddenly come into our sight.

  • 通过巧妙构思,面目一新的新款“飞跃”就此重生。
    Through a smart "re-looking" which safeguards the original identity, "Feiyue" was reborn.

  • 你们使国会、总统职务和政治进程本身全都面目一新
    And you have changed the face of Congress, the presidency and the political process itself.

  • 到感恩节前,一切都应该能恢复正常,看起来面目一新
    By Thanksgiving, everything should be back to normal and looking good.

  • 如果你要求为你的狗儿吹一个发型的话,那它会面目一新
    You can even get a new look if you ask for the blow dry.

  • 汤姆设法用少许油漆和一些附件把那辆旧车弄得面目一新
    Tom has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot paint and some accessories.

  • 他设法用少许油漆和一些零件把那辆旧汽车弄得面目一新
    He has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories.

  • 管理人员和(一些)董事重新改组,风险管理已经面目一新
    Risk management has been overhauled, management and the board (partly) shaken up.

  • 不见得因为我在汉斯福骂了他一顿,就会使他这样面目一新吧?
    My reproofs at Hunsford could not work such a change as this.

  • 在搞卫生的过程中,将家具换换地方,重新布置一下,这既有利于清洁也显得面目一新
    in pursuing health process, will change the local furniture, rearranging some, this is conducive to clean also appear showing us new colours.

  • 引进欧洲教练,更是使美国体坛面目一新,有如移民电影剧作家给好莱坞带来的变化一样。
    The introduction of European coaches transformed US playing fields just as expatriate screen writers did Hollywood.

  • 我猜到你在干什么。你当着那边的小女生面目一新。但我知道你是谁,知道你是什么,小子。
    Gotta clue what you're doing. You can play brand new, to all the other chicks out here. But I know what you are, what you are, baby.

  • 建国以来,党和政府十分重视这座古城楼的保护,曾先后四次修缮,使这一明代建筑面目一新
    Since the founding of the party and government attach great importance to the protection of the ancient city buildings, the renovation of four has to make the new look of Ming Dynasty architecture.

  • 面目一新,精神抖擞,神采奕奕,整个身心像一片春风摇动的绿叶,鲜嫩的绿叶,带露的绿叶。
    I assume a new aspect , spirit tremble Sou, expression Yi Yi, entire body and mind picture a slice of spring breeze the green leaf that waved , tender green leaf, take the green leaf of dew.

  • 这就为通用公司早日脱离破产保护,成为一家面目一新、规模较小且大体上归政府所有的公司扫清了障碍。
    This clears the way for GM to quickly emerge frombankrupcy protection as a new-and-smaller company largely owned by the government.

  • 一场冬天的雪使得教堂面目一新,汽车轻轻的通过广场点起节日的灯光,它今天在圣彼得堡依然占有优势。
    Dusted by a winter snow and lowly lit by passing cars and holiday lights, it still dominates the St. Petersburg skyline today.

  • 近年来随着经济发展,加快了新城区扩展和老城区改造的步伐,创造面目一新的城市景观当然是顺应民心的最好政绩。
    In recent years, with the economic development, urban expansion and new Laochengougaizao accelerated pace and create the urban landscape is showing us new colours to win the best performance.

  • 本周的道琼斯工业平均指数可能已攀升至2000年以来的最高水平,但是自网络泡沫破灭后,技术产业已面目一新
    THE Dow Jones Industrial Average may have reached levels unseen since 2000 this week, but the technology industry has changed dramatically since the bursting of the internet bubble.

  • 这两位明星球员在第二节开始发威,火箭队也就此面目一新。通过一波15比4的进攻,终在第二节以33比31反超。
    Both of Houston's stars returned for the second quarter and the Rockets were a different team, using a 15-4 run to take a 33-31 lead.

  • 同志们,在过去的一年里,英语协会目睹了外国语学校发生的明显变化和取得的巨大成就:学校校园经过改建面目一新,整齐洁净;
    In the year that is being past Eliy has witnessed the obvious change as well as remarkable achievements taken place in YFLS: The campus has been replaced by a tidy new look;

  • 然而,一旦堪称室内环境专家的黛布拉·欧文完成装修后,这原本四周由金属围成的拖车移动房屋变得面目一新,--花费了和周围美景一般昂贵的价格。
    But once interior environmentalist Deborah Irving gets done [10], an old metal-sided mobile home is transformed into something entirely different for a total price that matches the view.

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