
食不下咽  shí bù xià yàn








  • 他看着他的物,觉得食不下咽
    He looked at his food and felt sick.

  • 她胃口很小,食不下咽,像只鸟。
    She has a poor appetite; she eats like a bird.

  • 直肠癌患者食不下咽怎么办?
    How does rectum cancer patient feed no less than pharynx to do?

  • 这失望咬着她的心灵,使她食不下咽而彻夜失眠。
    This bit disappointed with her mind, she does not swallow food and sleep through the night.

  • 甚至连到我最喜欢的餐厅吃午餐,我都觉得食不下咽
    Even when I go to my favorite restaurant for lunch, the food seems tasteless.

  • 入:被认为会造成伤害。快速聚合固化,粘结在口中。下咽非常困难。
    Ingestion: Not expected to be harmful by ingestion. Rapid polymerize and bonds in mouth. It is very difficult to swallow.

  • 过了一个礼拜,再约MM吃晚饭,发现她心在焉、食不下咽的样子。看样子她还在生我的气,我没了胃口。
    Led for a week, again invite the MM have supper, detection she absent-minded, food not bottom swallow of appearance. See appearance, she still living my spirit, I didn't appetite.

  • 早餐也怎么样,唯一的可部分是一个等候时现做的煎蛋,混合前的速溶咖啡,没有牛奶或者方糖根本无法下咽
    Breakfast is dismal. The only edible part being an omelette which is made freshly as you wait. Coffee is an instant pre-mix, so you can't have it without milk/sugar.

  • 在这个国家进行探险旅行你会体验到惊险与刺激,就象经历现代版的《奥德赛》。这里生活之美好仿佛满满一碗榴莲浓汤一样令人回味无穷,同样,生活之艰辛又令人偶尔有食不下咽的感觉。
    It is a country where the thrills and spills read like index entries from a modern-day Odyssey and where life is both as moreish, and occasionally as hard to swallow, as a bowlful of durian purée.

  • 食不下咽造句相关
