
麻木不仁  má mù bù rén








  • 他对同志不是满腔热情, 而是冷冷清清, 漠不关心,麻木不仁
    He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic.

  • 他们对战争的恐怖已变得麻木不仁了。
    They had been hardened to the horrors of war.

  • 我们不需要''。'麻木不仁'。''的医生。
    We don't need the doctor who is dead to all feeling.

  • 消费者对于这类的保健品已经充耳不闻,麻木不仁
    The consumer has already ignored to this type of health care article, insensitive.

  • 悲剧不时发生,连那些麻木不仁的人们也有所触动。
    Once in a while, a tragedy occurs which touches even the most case-hardened heart.

  • 此时此刻的汤姆对这种等同“迫害”的治疗已经麻木不仁
    Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time.

  • 他对同志不是满腔热情,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁
    He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic .

  • 不过,当将它们放回笼子中,它们都堕落成了麻木不仁的瘾鬼。
    Put them back in their cages, however, and they'd stay stoned as Deadheads.

  • 然而它没有哪个字更能使人联想到的那么反动,那样麻木不仁
    It was also much less reactionary and impervious than that word connotes.

  • 我们不可过于依靠自己,因为我们时常缺乏圣宠,并且麻木不仁
    WE MUST not rely too much upon ourselves, for grace and understanding are often lacking in us.

  • 自从参加这个工作和项目后,我已经变得更加冷酷无情和麻木不仁的人。
    I've become more callous toward people since I took this job.

  • 在近郊和市区也不安全,心存恐惧的人们在一成不变的空虚生活中变得麻木不仁
    Even in the suburbs and urban sprawl, fearful people live behind thin walls, numbing themselves by perpetuating empty lives from day to day.

  • 无时无刻只想要感受爱,会使得你在压抑所有的消极情绪数年后,变得麻木不仁
    Trying to feel loving all the time will force you to suppress all your negative emotions, and after a few years, you will become numb and unfeeling.

  • 埃莉诺怒火中烧,然而玛丽安娜对这一讽刺却似乎麻木不仁,因为她的回答很平静。
    Elinor was very angry, but Marianne seemed entirely insensible of the sting, for she calmly replied.

  • 一些学生对同学麻木不仁,对大人不讲礼貌,动辄提高嗓门或用污言秽语以示怨气。
    Some students are insensitive and unkind to their classmates, discourteous to adults, and quick to express their anger by raising their voices or by using profanity.

  • 然而,一项调查结果表明面对成百上千不同形式的广告冲击,消费者已经麻木不仁
    However, a survey showed that the face of hundreds of the impact of different forms of advertising, consumers are indifferent.

  • 对类似事情都麻木不仁了,签发逮捕令的法官把本案轻描淡写地称作“常见腐败”。
    WITH weary cynicism, the judge who signed the arrest warrants called it "common corruption".

  • 为什么他们可以轻蔑地说别人是汉奸,却丝毫不认为自己的麻木不仁卑躬屈膝是一种罪恶。
    Why can they say that other people are contemptuous traitor, but that is not indifferent to their servility is a Kinds of evil.

  • 面对着这些事实,这些国家还在继续毁灭他们的热带雨林,简直令人觉得他们太麻木不仁了。
    In the face of all these facts, it seems senseless for countries to continue destroying their rainforests.

  • 他似乎生活在一种麻木不仁的状态中,而安东妮亚是他家中唯一能把这个老头从麻木中唤醒的一个。
    She was the only one of the family who could rouse the old man from the torpor in which he seemed to live.

  • 我一定花了很多精力去逃避事实——那个简单而必然的事实,我曾经对那人是多么地傲慢无礼、麻木不仁
    I must have invested a huge amount of energy in keeping the truth at bay - the simple and unavoidable truth that I had been offensively arrogant and insensitive to another person.

  • 三月份,日本向来麻木不仁的大学生通过网络组织了国内几年来规模较大的示威游行之一:反对伊拉克战争。
    In March, Japan's normally apathetic university students used the Net to organize one of the country's biggest demonstrations, against the war in Iraq.

  • 三月份,日本向来麻木不仁的大学生们通过网络组织了国内几年来规模最大的示威游行之一:反对伊拉克战争。
    In March, Japan's normally apathetic university students used the Net to organize one of the country's biggest demonstrations in years, against the war in Iraq.

  • 这种事在报纸、电视上常有报道。人们现在表现出来的这种麻木不仁、见死不救的态度已引起了全社会的关注。
    The story is not rare in newspapers and on TV, and the casualness and detachment our people now have developed has amused nationwide concern.

  • 而在今天,这些惨绝人寰而又无处不在的悲剧已经成为中国人生活的常态,许多人反而有了司空见惯麻木不仁的感觉。
    In today's China, these inhuman tragedies have become a common situation that is happening all over the country, many people have become used to it, and are indifferent.

  • 可治疗以湿重为主的风湿骨痛,对身体沉重、关节不利、筋脉拘挛或麻木不仁、关节肿痛而重着不适的风湿病,效果较好。
    Treatable with wet weight based Fengshigutong, heavy on the body, adverse joints, tendons and Julian or heartless, joint pain and discomfort of the heavy Rheumatism, the result is better.

  • 继而我想到自己过去又何尝不是对每天的壮丽景观视而不见,一头埋在细小卑微的琐事中,有时甚至对日常的美景麻木不仁
    Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, two occupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the grandeur of it all.

  • 罗列出这些自我陶醉的特征对于证明这个观点来说,已经足够了:装模作样,对别人的需求和痛苦麻木不仁,情感孤独,怨恨和嫉妒。
    To list the traits of the narcissist is enough to prove the point: grandiosity, numbness to the needs and pain of others, emotional isolation, resentment and envy.

  • 有著「亲像石头的心」,也就是说一个人内心顽固、麻木不仁;它会怎样损害我们与上帝的关系呢?又会怎麽样妨碍上帝实现对人的计画呢?
    How does having a heart of stone, being stubborn and unfeeling, obstruct a relationship with God and the fulfillment of God's purposes for humanity?

  • 天底下没什麽笨问题,这倒鼓励我把「宁可借酒装疯,也不要变得麻木不仁」改成问句:「酒后当街尿尿,是在借酒装疯吗?还是已经变得麻木不仁?」
    There are no stupid questions, though, which gives me the courage to modify an old axiom to ask: Would I rather have a Free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy?

  • 麻木不仁造句相关
