
普度众生  pǔ dù zhòng shēng








  • 这人说:“观音菩萨,普度一下众生吧,带我一段如何?”
    This man said, "Goddess of Mercy, release all flesh. Can you take me along?"

  • 这人说:“观音菩萨,普度一下众生吧,带我一段如何?”
    It said: "Goddess of Mercy, Purdue beings look it, took me to a How do I?"

  • 这人说:“观音菩萨,普度一下众生吧,带我一段如何?”
    This person said: "Goddess of Mercy, a Purdue beings bar, a section of how to take me?"

  • 但不管怎么说,会武功的和尚总归还是和尚,和尚是慈悲为怀,普度众生的。
    But in any case, the monk all boils down to the powers or the monk, the monk is the compassion for the Huai, the people of Purdue.

  • 所以每天都要忏悔业障,更要发愿,发愿要了生死,要普度众生,才能成就无上道。
    further, we should vow to break out of the cycle of birth and death and to deliver all sentient beings. Only through such practice can we attain ultimate enlightenment.

  • 佛教文化的人生即苦、地狱意象、普度众生、万法皆空与鲁迅的虚无观形成有极大的联系。
    The ideas of lifes hardships, the imagery of the hell, giving relief and help to all mortal beings, all laws being empty in Buddhist culture were closely related with LU Xun s nihilism.

  • 网络对出家人没有干扰,因为大乘佛教提倡普度众生,利己利他,这种传统同样适合当今社会。
    The Internet is not a distraction to the monks because Mahayana advocates egoism  and altruism as well as the emancipation of all living beings.

  • 网络对出家人没有干扰,因为大乘佛教提倡普度众生,利己利他,这种传统同样适合当今社会。
    The Internet is no interference to the monks because Mahayana advocates egoism and altruism as well as emancipation of all living beings. This tradition applies to modern society.

  • 某人在屋檐下躲雨,看见观音正撑伞走过。这人说:“观音菩萨,普度一下众生吧,带我一段如何?”
    A man was under a roof to keep off the rain and a Goddess of Mercy passed by with an umbrella.

  • 为了拯救苍生百姓,左山等三位僧人决定,护送定光佛圣舍利入中原,企望用佛法普度众生,救万民于水火之中。
    In an attempt to save people, Zuo Shan and the other two monks decided to escort the She Lizi to the central plains, so that they could use Buddhism to save thousands of people from hardship.

  • 《佛光普照》:佛济世救人,普度众生,所到之处,人心向善,礼义圆明。这尊塑像完美的表现了佛的慈悲圣洁与庄严殊胜。
    Buddha's Statue": Buddha offers salvation to sentient beings. Buddha's light shines with compassion and rectifies all abnormalities. This statue displays Buddha's grace, compassion and solemn."

  • 而在大乘佛教中,罗汉是“四圣”最低的一级,只能达到“自觉”,而无能力去“普度众生”,于是,释迦牟尼让诸罗汉在佛灭后不入涅盘而常驻世间护法弘法。
    He can only self-enlightens but has no ability to enlighten others. Thus, Sakyamuni does not allow Arhat to enter Nirvana but lives in the world for disseminating and protecting the Dharma.

  • 普度众生造句相关
