
有头有尾  yǒu tóu yǒu wěi







  • 什么东西有头有尾但是没有腿?
    What has heads and tails but no legs?

  • 什么东西有头有尾没有身体?
    What has a head and tail but no body?

  • 什么有头有尾没有身子?
    What has a head and a tail but no body?

  • 鸡必须连同头尾爪一起奉上,象征有头有尾幸福美满。
    The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness.

  • 他太激动了,没法把自己的事有头有尾地讲给大家听。
    He was too excited to tell them his story from beginning to end.

  • 礼车上方悬绑一棵由根至叶的竹子,根上挂著萝卜,以示有头有尾
    A bamboo pole with roots and leaves should be attached to the car with a radish hanging on the end, which symbolizes completeness.

  • 忠诚,诚实,能有效地利用的时间,工作有头有尾,并且有很强的计算机运用能力。
    I'm loyal, honest, I manage my time effectively, I always follow through on my work, and I have great computer skills.

  • 为了把我的故事说得有头有尾,我应该描写一下他们这一悲剧性的结合是如何发展的。
    To give my story coherence I should describe the progress of their tragic union.

  • 我忠诚,老实,能有效地利用我的时间,我工作有头有尾,并且我有很强的计算机运用能力。
    I'm loyal honest I manage my time effectively I always follow through on my work and I have great computer skills.

  • 我忠诚,诚实,能有效地利用我的时间,我工作有头有尾,并且我有很强的计算机运用能力。
    I'm loyal, honest, I manage my time effectively, I always follow through on my work, I have great computer skills.

  • 我忠诚,诚实,能有效地利用我的时间,我工作有头有尾,并且我有很强的计算机运用能力。
    A】I'm loyal, honest, I manage my time effectively, I always follow through on my work, and I have GREat computer skills.

  • 我忠诚,老实,能有效地利用我的时间,我工作有头有尾,并且我有很强的计算机运用能力。
    I'm loyal, honest, I manage my time effectively, I always follow through on my work, and I have great computer skills.

  • 所以要有头有尾地完成这件事,不但去回覆长辈,更要进一步请问有没有自己可以代为效劳的。
    So we must finish the errand completely. Not only should we go back to tell our elders that we can't find the person, we must ask further if they have anything else we can do.

  • 本作品是一个时间与空间的交通工具,或是一个有头有尾的故事,也可能是过去与未来之间的现在。
    In "Between two points" the idea is a vehicle in time and space, like a story with introduction and conclusion, the past and future and the time between, the present time.

  • 她知道她的箴言“有头有尾”,也知道它们带来的好处。但当她必须遵守时,好的,那是另一回事!
    She knows her proverbs, A to Z, and knows the good they bring. But when she has to follow them, well, that's another thing!

  • 切火鸡的场面可能不会出现在《卡萨布兰卡》中,却有可能通过你巧妙的剪辑成为一段有头有尾的情节。
    Carving a turkey may not be a scene from Casablanca, but it has a beginning, middle and end, which deft cutting can reveal.

  • 周日晚上的剧集有头有尾,而不会一直播一直播让人觉得厌烦,而且能一直看到我的偶像,一点都不觉得厌倦。
    The Sunday night dramas have a set beginning and ending point instead of going on and on till people get tired of them. Though I'd never get tired of looking at my idol !

  • 对于我来说,并不仅仅是因为我很介意被别人看到阴暗面,而是我有种感觉就是我们记录下的东西更像是一个故事的开头,而不是有头有尾的东西。
    For me it wasn't even that I minded people seeing a darker side to me, but I think I had a sense that what we'd recorded was the beginning of a story but it didn't really have an ending.

  • 有头有尾造句相关
