
有恃无恐  yǒu shì wú kǒng








  • 自此,曹操在朝中更是有恃无恐
    From then on, Cao Cao was even more powerful in the government.

  • 由班长大哥罩着,有恃无恐
    Covered by the squad leader, big brother, have nothing to fear.

  • 并且没有更好的保卫措施,所以作案者现在还能有恃无恐
    And not to defend better, so perpetrators can now have nothing to fear.

  • 那我也有恃无恐,尽管狂风吹个不停,山岳是始终屹立不动的。
    PETRUCHIO. Ay, to the proof, as mountains are for winds, That shake not though they blow perpetually.

  • 银行有恃无恐,投资风险极小,业务越做越大,利润也水涨船高。
    Bank backing, the investment risk is minimal, operational work gets big, the profit will increase.

  • 大家都不报案,只会让犯罪分子有恃无恐,给案件侦破带来阻碍。
    Everybody does not report, will only let the criminal offender be secure, will solve to the case brings the hindrance.

  • “噢,”沃伯顿勋爵有恃无恐地回答,“我愿意让她跟别人跳舞。
    "Ah, " said Lord Warburton readily, "I'll let her dance with other people ! "

  • 富士康之所以如此有恃无恐,是因为法律明白无误地站在它那一边。
    The reason why Foxconn is so arrogant and fearless is because it knows that the law in on its side.

  • 不像平常那样有恃无恐的样子,盖恩斯与这个人交谈时带有尊重的态度。
    Instead of his usual bravado, he talks to this unknown person with deference.

  • 因而,你知道,非法捕猎者,为鱼翅而猎杀鲨鱼的行为正变得越加有恃无恐
    And so, you know, illegal fishers, looking for sharks for their fin, are becoming increasingly bold.

  • 有恃无恐的大范围恐怖袭击中,101人死亡,其中包括几名外国人和300多名受伤。
    There are several foreigners among 101 people killed and more three hundred injured in audacious and massive terror attack.

  • 有恃无恐的大范围恐怖袭击中,101人死亡,其中包括几名外国人和300多名受伤。
    There are several foreigners among 101people killed and 300 people injured in a audacious and massive terror attacks.

  • 有了这么大的利润空间,上海人以及更多的境外人士和外地人对投资上海房地产“有恃无恐”!
    With such a big profit space, the Shanghai people and more people and foreigners outside of the Shanghai real estate investment, "Nothing! ""

  • 在他的保护下,迈克尔是有恃无恐的,但是,把流浪者的身份加以保密,仍然被认为是必要的。
    Under his protection, Michael had nothing to fear, yet it was considered necessary to keep the fugitive's identity a secret.

  • 其四,获得美国、欧盟等重要国家鼎力支持,更使普里什蒂纳有恃无恐,坚定其迈向独立的决心。
    Lastly, the United States, Europe, and other important countries' support secure Pristina in the knowledge that it is firmly determined to achieve independence.

  • 乔丹根本没有把这些人看在眼里,他有恃无恐,今日凡是受电脑保护的人,连带地也要受电脑节制。
    Jordan didn't even give these people a thought. He was emboldened to act the way he did because he knew that whoever was protected by the computer, would be restrained by the computer as well.

  • 在他的保护下,迈克尔是有恃无恐的,但是,把 流浪者的 身份加以保密,仍然被认为是必要的。
    Under his protection, Michael had nothing to fear, yet it was considered necessary to keep the fugitive's identity a secret.

  • 现在我们知道为啥土鳖如此有恃无恐:因为土鳖押宝奥黑将为协议没有内涵背黑锅——他们赌对了。
    Now we know why – because China bet, correctly, that Obama would get the blame for the Copenhagen accord's lack of ambition.

  • 针对那些有恃无恐明目张胆、长期存在、影响恶劣的非法违法现象,现场打击取缔,现场解决问题。
    In response to those defiant, blatant, long-existing and evil-impacted violations, we will strike and outlaw the violators and come up with remedies on the spot.

  • 因此,如果最终诉诸法律的话,其过程也将是漫长和艰辛的,这或许也是谷歌能够有恃无恐的原因之一。
    Therefore, if the final resort to the law, the process will also be a long and difficult, but Google can an obsession with one of the reasons.

  • 由于占有不动产的税赋较轻,个人投资购买房地产的预期收益很高,使得炒房者有恃无恐,房价一路高涨。
    As a real estate tax lighter, the expected benefits of personal investment real estate purchase high, making people feel Cooking, prices continued to rise.

  • 华盛顿的政治家们不遗余力的指责那些经济危机下仍有恃无恐的高管们,并出台相应规定以使他们有所收敛。
    WASHINGTON'S politicians have relished the many chances to fulminate against reckless executives presented by the economic crisis, and to restrain them with regulation.

  • 我可以告诉你,在这个时候,美国设备制造商正在做很好在欧洲,都感到有恃无恐的帮助下,欧元兑美元的汇率。
    I can tell you that at this point in time, American equipment manufacturers are doing quite well in Europe, and are feeling emboldened with the help of the Euro versus Dollar exchange.

  • 注:盖茨火' (或塞莫希腊) ,给你一个机会,加入一支小部队62希腊士兵的人,面对压倒性的人数有恃无恐决心消灭你。
    Note: 'Gates of Fire' (or Thermopylae in Greek) gives you a chance join a small force of 62 Greek soldiers who face overwhelming numbers of Satyrs determined to wipe you out.

  • 自墨索里尼时代之后,没有哪届意大利政府如此有恃无恐地干涉媒体,如此令人担忧。记者以及其他意大利人完全有理由进行抗议。
    Not since Mussolini's time has an Italian government's interference with the media been more blatant or alarming. Journalists, and other Italians, have every reason to protest.

  • 如此鲜明的公众支持让他们的首相更加有恃无恐,认为参观靖国神社使他得到更多的认可,也表明他不愿意向来自中国的压力低头。
    The apparent public support could embolden the prime minister, convincing him that by visiting Yasukuni he will boost his approval ratings by showing he is unwilling to bow to pressure from China.

  • 感谢诸神赐予我和善的祖父、慈祥的父母、可爱的妹妹、渊博的老师、贴心的伙伴、善良的亲友,让我有恃无恐地畅游了一回大好人生。
    To the gods I am indebted for having good grandfathers, good parents, a good sister, good teachers, good associates, good kinsmen and friends, nearly everything good.

  • 希望事情可以早点过去,不过我并不赞成美国的救市方案,因为华尔街的错为什么要由政府和纳税人来承担,这样只能让他们更有恃无恐
    I hope the crisis can be resolved quickly. But I don't approval the bailout project. Because the Wall Street should be to blame for their fault, or they will be further intensified.

  • 本作中,描述了一个在森林中狩猎的猎人,遇到了一只行径诡异的猴子,猎人有恃无恐的想捉弄比自己低等的猴子,但事实却不是想像中的那样简单…
    In these article, a hunter hunt in the forest, meeting an odd monkey. The hunter tries to tease the monkey which looks as silly as its face, but the fact is never the same.

  • 有恃无恐,国家在全国范围内的打击犯罪,并且让他们获得额外的法律和秩序的权力,意大利的市长已经发出了一连串的议事日程来加强“公众礼仪”。
    Emboldened by a nationwide crackdown on crime and a government decree giving them extra law-and-order powers, Italian mayors have issued a string of often bizarre by-laws to enhance "public decorum."

  • 有恃无恐造句相关
