
杀鸡儆猴  shā jī jǐng hóu






  • 打狗给狮子看。\杀鸡儆猴
    Beat the dog before the lion .

  • 打狗给狮子看。/杀鸡儆猴
    Beat the dog before the lion.

  • 让一家大银行倒闭以谋求杀鸡儆猴之效。
    let a big bank go bust "to encourage the others".

  • 杀鸡儆猴”英语怎么说?
    To kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

  • 这同样对其他任何想帮助敌人的人有杀鸡儆猴的效果。
    This also sends a clear message to anyone else who might consider helping the enemy.

  • 我们相信,英国政府不起诉他是因为想让美国政府杀鸡儆猴
    We believe that The British Government not to prosecute because he wants the U. S. government Shajijinghou.

  • 大家都怕被杀鸡儆猴,所以暂停制作、更新海外剧,并开始观望。
    Everybody is afraid of by punish someone as a warning to others, so time-out is made, newer abroad theatrical work, begin wait-and-see.

  • 此“杀鸡儆猴”之举令总数已达300多家的视频网站惶惶不安。
    This " punish someone as a warning to others " the video website that lifts your gross to already amounted to many 300 is greatly upset.

  • 所以他那时就决定要杀鸡儆猴,把奴隶丢到镇民广场中央的狮笼里。
    That's when he decided that he would throw the slave into a cage with a lion in the middle of the town square to set an example.

  • 莱曼不幸成了杀鸡儆猴的目标,尽管他多么渴望2010年的世界杯。
    Unfortunately, Lehman has become the target of an example, even though he how eager the 2010 World Cup.

  • 这些事件引起中国政府高度的重视,展开一连串杀鸡儆猴式的严厉惩罚。
    The government has imposed stiff penalties and sentences on violators who produce these inferior goods.

  • 文中这位法官判费兰西入狱是要杀鸡儆猴,换作其他法官,可能只会告诫一下。
    In the article, the judge made an example of Ferenci by sending him to prison, when other judges might have just given him a caution.

  • 对贪污的高官名人、黑社会老大,不但严加调查,而且公诸于世,以收杀鸡儆猴之效。
    Corruption of senior officials of the celebrities, triad boss, not only in strict investigation and made public in order to effect an example.

  • 所以,辞退该类员工是为了杀鸡儆猴、奖优罚劣,铲除“一粒老鼠粪可以坏掉一锅汤”的隐患。
    So that retiring this sort of workers is to punish one as a warning to others, ----reward the excellent and punish the inferior.

  • 中国政府近年来大举严惩贪腐,以杜绝官员们普遍的贪污问题。但是杀鸡儆猴似乎起不了作用。
    The Chinese government has been passing out harsh sentences in attempt to stem widespread corruption among officials, but even such a policy seems to be losing its intended warning.

  • 法官还说,他做出最高程度的判决不仅为威慑(杀鸡儆猴),惩罚,而且也是为受害者(讨回公道)。
    "The breach of trust, "he said, "was massive. " And the Judge said that he wanted to give the maximum not only because of deterrence, punishment, but also for the victims.

  • 船长拜恩方案(为了纪念因渎职而被处死的水手)不失为答案之一;让一家大银行倒闭以谋求杀鸡儆猴之效。
    One answer would be the Admiral Byng solution, in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence; let a big bank go bust "to encourage the others".

  • “一旦你对某人‘实施斩首’”他说,“通过杀鸡儆猴(警告俄罗斯其他大亨),你可以告知对方要规规矩矩。”
    "Once you behead someone, " he says, "you give a good example [to Russia's other tycoons] of how to behave.

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