
欺世盗名  qī shì dào míng








  • 用这种手段获利,简直是欺世盗名
    Profiting in this way is winning popularity by cheating the public.

  • 他是个欺世盗名的人,很可能背叛你。
    He sails under false colous and he's just as likely to betray you.

  • 现在,是人而非船只,被说是欺世盗名
    Today, a person, not a ship, is said to sail under false colors.

  • 以别人名义说话的人总是个欺世盗名者。
    Anyone who speaks in the name of others is always an imposter.

  • 还说:“这是猎奇的人士,用来欺世盗名罢了。
    Still say: "This is the personage of seek novelty, used gain fame by deceiving the public to stop."

  • 他满嘴谎言, 他欺世盗名,是个十足的白痴。
    He's lied, he's cheated and he's a damn moron.

  • 他的鞋子尺码,非他所往之地,用以欺世盗名的身份。
    His shoe size, not where he's off to, that one you pass off as yourself.

  • 因为我也许喜欢做一个伟大慷慨的人,说来说去,还是一套欺世盗名的把戏。
    because it would have pleased me to play the grand and generous;

  • 为了装神弄鬼,欺世盗名,竟然连自己的生身父母都可以当着众人随意作贱。
    To portray his spiritual magic, to make a name for himself, he even debases his own parents in public.

  • 威利会说他要帮你,当心点!他是个欺世盗名的人,很可能背叛你。他狡猾死了。
    Willy will tell you he will help you, but beware! He sails under false colous and he's just as likely to betray you. That Willy, he's a weasel!

  • 但这位“民族英雄”先是被指控违背研究伦理,紧接着又被指控欺世盗名、伪造研究成果。
    But the "national hero" first charged against research ethics, and then charged QiShiDaoMing, forged research.

  • 弗里曼博士欺世盗名,那些流亡叛军却将之奉若神灵,助纣为虐,四处引发骚乱,制造恐怖。
    Doctor Freeman's reputation is such that other desperate renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror.

  • 子路原本是个大而化之、好勇尚义的大老粗,他非常看不起读书人,总觉得这些人是不事生产,欺世盗名之辈。
    Zilu was a tough, brash fellow with a sense of justice. He looked down upon scholars because he thought they were unproductive bums who cheated the society for fame.

  • 欺世盗名的行销之子对程序员投诸轻蔑的目光。当然,身为冯·诺依曼的孩子,程序员也未曾将他们放在眼里。
    And the sons of Marketing thus became known as Suits, despising and being despised by the true Engineers, the children of von Neumann.

  • 在独立后,刚果、卢旺达和布隆迪政府(被欧美支持)改写了这些分歧的历史真相,并欺世盗名地用以保持他们的统治地位。
    After independence, governments in Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, backed by Europe and America, rewrote the histories of these divisions and cynically used them to stay in power.

  • 大多数中等学校都在数学,音乐,甚至传播媒介学等诸多领域中挑出那么一两科,然后冠以“专科学校”之名,然而这只不过是欺世盗名而已。
    Most secondaries are labelled "specialist" in one of a dozen fields, from mathematics to music to media studies, but this is mere flimflam.

  • 大多数中等学校都在数学,音乐,甚至传播媒介学等诸多领域中挑出那么一两科,然后冠以“专科学校”之名,然而这只不过是欺世盗名而已。
    Most secondaries are labelled "specialist" in one of a dozen fields, from mathematics to music to media studies, but this is mere flimflam. Parents hardly care;

  • “我们举双脚欢迎法官对原告针对‘俺的草窝’的玩忽职守、欺世盗名、歪曲真理罪名的置若罔闻,”一位网站发言人在MTV新闻上发布的一份声明中说。
    "We applaud the judge's decision to dismiss the plaintiffs' claims of negligence, fraud and misrepresentation against MySpace, " a spokesperson for the site said in a statement to MTV News.

  • 欺世盗名造句相关
