
民怨沸腾  mín yuàn fèi téng








  • 对于房价之奇昂,老百姓是民怨沸腾
    prices for the expensive, people are boiling with resentment.

  • 为何每次此类涨价都弄成民怨沸腾、神秘兮兮?
    Why each of these price increases have made it popular discontent, mystery?

  • 在此之前,香港的公共部门腐败猖獗,民怨沸腾
    Prior to this, the rampant corruption in the public sector communities.

  • 夏的属国商便借着沸腾民怨在首领汤的率领下发起了进攻。
    Shang, a vassal state of Xia, attacked Xia at the height of the people's opposition.

  • 公元473年,吴国大灾,颗粒无收,民怨沸腾,机会成熟了。
    A. D. 473 years, Mr Ng Kwok big disaster, loss, Lee Teng-hui, opportunities mature.

  • 法庭内传来他被判刑三年的消息。一听到该消息,庭外顿时民怨沸腾
    Word came out that the sentence had been given - three years in prison. And at that point, the crowd erupted.

  • 反观上述事件中的网络监督,均是事后形成舆论,民怨沸腾之后再去追查。
    The network in watching afore-mentioned event instead is supervised, all be after the event forms public opinion, be found out after the people are boiling with resentment again.

  • 这年,县政府奉令加收“验契税”,税率翻番,搞得各乡鸡犬不宁民怨沸腾
    This year, the county government orders extra "inspection deed", the rate doubling in a rural utter confusion, people are boiling with resentment.

  • 众所周知的是,近年来,食品、医疗、铁路和生产等领域,事故频仍,民怨沸腾
    As we all know, in recent years, food, medical care, and production in areas such as railway, frequent accidents, and popular discontent.

  • 事实证明,向民怨沸腾的地方发动空袭和炮击,效果比向被镇压的游击队发动要好;
    Its aerial bombing and artillery fire have proved better at enraging locals than at subduing bands of guerrillas;

  • 然而,这么一个“利民工程”却在嘉禾决策者的不当操作下变成了一个民怨沸腾的“害民工程”。
    However, such a "people project" is the improper operation of the policy makers in Jiahe become a Lee Teng-hui's "harmed works.

  • 近日来,种种财务欺诈导致美国民怨沸腾,联邦及各州的调查人员正在准备对这些欺诈案来一波诉讼狂潮。
    Spurred by rising public anger, federal and state investigators are preparing for a surge of prosecutions of financial fraud.

  • 不仅如此,不少机关由于人员超编,经费不足,便利用手中的权力乱收费、乱摊派,乱罚款,闹得民怨沸腾
    In addition, a number of organs due to overstaffing, lack of funds, to take advantage of the power in the hands of arbitrary charges and levies, fines, and much popular discontent.

  • 她们还说,她们缺乏统御人民的能力,即便她们想去领导,只怕会被同侪嘲笑或被指跋扈专横、爱乱指挥,会引起民怨沸腾
    They also said they lack the ability to command people and, if they tried to do so, they would be laughed at by their peers or seen as bossy and make people mad.

  • 面对如此沸腾民怨,奥巴马认为,在美国政府极力推行十亿美元的援助计划之际,受援的各家银行必须在花钱方面保持克制。
    Faced with such clear signs of public disdain, Obama argued it was vital that the banks show restraint at time when his administration is pushing through a $1tn bailout package.

  • 龙应台当然反对啦,想当初她自己站在台湾所谓“民主”的高峰,对大陆横眉冷语,不成想台湾“民主”搞得贪腐横行,族群分裂,民怨沸腾, 反观大陆,经济腾飞,社会和谐,在国际上的地位更是不断飞升。
    This is what a free society should be. Everybody can express what they believe. Miss 龙应台 think to put Pres. Chen down is not the best interest for ROC (Taiwan) at that time. I personally think Pres.

  • 民怨沸腾造句相关
