
池鱼之殃  chí yú zhī yāng








  • 放射线治疗的范围较过去集中,也避免了心、肺等正常组织遭池鱼之殃
    More focused radiation is also less damaging to normal tissues such as those of the heart and lungs.

  • 同时,几乎每一次内地发生重大食物安全事件,港人都难免遭受池鱼之殃
    Whenever there is a major food scare on the mainland, Hong Kong is almost invariably affected.

  • 如果说脱钩意味着发生在美国的萧条不会令发展中国家遭受池鱼之殃,这完全是无稽谈。
    Decoupling does not mean that an American recession will have no impact on developing countries. That would be daft.

  • 匈牙利和波兰等国的货币大幅下挫,不过,倘若苦盼贷款东欧国家最终未能如愿,那么恐怕欧元也难逃池鱼之殃
    Currencies in Hungary, Poland and other countries have dropped sharply - but the euro could be next if some kind of package of loans does not come to pass.

  • 至于他的人民,受困于斯里兰卡东北方的海滩上,任凭著僧伽罗政府军的轰炸,可就没有这麽容易逃离这场重伤罪等级的池鱼之殃
    His people, confined in the end to a beach in north-eastern Sri Lanka and shelled by the Sinhalese army, could not get away so easily from the mayhem Prabhakaran had drawn them into.

  • 大陆“财经”杂志13日报导,随着中国中小企业普遍面临出口危机,电子商务站点也遭池鱼之殃,阿里巴巴集团将遭“秋寒来袭”。
    China, "Finance" magazine reported on the 13th, with China's exports of the crisis faced by SMEs in general, e-commerce site has been Chiyuzhiyang, Alibaba Group has been "struck Qiuhan.

  • 中国大陆爆发的毒奶粉事件越滚越大,不只对岸婴幼儿吃的三鹿奶粉出问题,就连台湾金车集团的食品也都遭池鱼之殃,导致许多消费者选购无所依从,人心惶惶。
    Content: As the case of poison milk in Chinese getting worse and worse, not just SanLu milk powder but also Taiwan KingCar to be poisoned. Many people worry and don't know which one is safety.

  • 池鱼之殃造句相关
