
沉鱼落雁  chén yú luò yàn








  • 沉鱼落雁”这则成语是形容女子容貌极其美丽。
    "Chen yu luo yan" is and idiom, used to describe a woman's beauty.

  • 西施是以为美女,当它到河边浣纱的时候,可以沉鱼落雁
    Xi Shi was "so beautiful as to make swimming fish sink" when she went to the river to wash silk.

  • 一个人,平常看上去不算沉鱼落雁,也不会说丑得像东施那样恶心。
    A people, they seem not Chenyuluoyan, it will not say that as ugly as the East Shi nausea.

  • 想当年啊,我那张脸是沉鱼落雁,往人堆里一站那是金光闪闪(老根:那是鱼鳞!)
    When you think, I know Chenyulayan face is, to a point I agree glittering images of people (old roots : I agree faces!

  • 别人怎么设计你的相亲的?你这么出名,人人皆知你沉鱼落雁。总会有人想占这个便宜的。
    how do u get set up? because u are famous and soul of famously gorgeous. i mean there may be people taking advantages in that situation.

  • 此时鲁小姐卸了浓装,换几件雅淡衣服,公孙举目细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。
    By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown, and then Zhu looked at her closely, he saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame.

  • 此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换几件淡雅衣服,遽公孙举目细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。
    By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown, and then Ju looked at her closely, and he saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame.

  • 老房子就像一个年老色衰的妇女,无论当年如何沉鱼落雁,光洁的皮肤上终究会出现岁月的痕迹。
    The old house was like a bad color of the elderly women, then no matter how Chenyuluoyan, smooth skin will eventually appear on Aging.

  • 姐姐:“沉鱼落雁的故事是说:西施长得太美了,连鱼都自觉比不上,所以沉到水下……”妹妹:“怪个得我每一次都钓不到鱼。”
    " Sister: "Chenyulayan The story is: Xi Shi Chang Detai the United States, even the fish are less consciously, so that Shen underwater …"sister:" In a strange every time I catch the fish can not.

  • 围绕埃及艳后和安东尼一直存在诸多谜团,如他们如何自杀、死后是否合葬、以及艳后是否真的沉鱼落雁等。考古队希望发掘工作能揭开谜团。
    The excavation is expected to unravel a number of questions that have lingered over the couple, including whether they were buried together, Cleopatra's reputed beauty and their suicide.

  • 奥基·多克斯的家庭在马肯姆特星球从事着辛加蛇养殖业。作为这个富裕家庭的第一个女儿,沉鱼落雁的奥基·多克斯除了外表美丽,更有数不尽的奢侈品。
    A swoon-worthy beauty and firstborn daughter of a wealthy schinga breeding family on Makem Te, Oakie Dokes had so many more gifts than physical attractiveness.

  • 现在有了俄罗斯女高音安娜涅特里布科---沉鱼落雁的面容,令人陶醉的魅力,具有迷惑力的抓住媒体,那些不知疲倦地记录下她对参加派对、时髦女装的嗜好。
    Then along comes Russian soprano Anna Netrebko—knockout good looks, bewitching charm and a mesmerizing hold on the media, which tirelessly chronicle her penchant for partying and haute couture.

  • 沉鱼落雁造句相关
