
温故知新  wēn gù zhī xīn








  • 温故知新, 可以为师矣。”
    “Those who learn the new by restudying the old may be teachers.”

  • 温故知新,让学生预习来年的学习重点,有助适应新学年。
    Helps revise and consolidate what students have learnt in school and how to best prepare them for the next school year.

  • 我感觉和经验告诉我「温故知新」是十分有意思和推动力的。
    My experience tells me that this process of evaluating is very useful and provides motivation for my work.

  • 本文从回顾历史,温故知新入手,介绍神经肿瘤的研究背景和未来发展。
    This article reviews the history for the purpose of conceiving new ideas, and introduces the research background and future development in neuro oncology as well.

  • 课堂设计要做到内容有趣、目的明确,并采,用合理顺序帮助学生温故知新
    They design lessons that are interesting to students, that are purposeful, and that are appropriately sequenced, allowing students to build on their prior knowledge.

  • 不仅如此,对糖尿病患者的教育必须持之以恒,温故知新,以求长期稳定的代谢控制。
    Not only such, yesDiabeticThe patient's education must perserve, gain new insights through reviewing old material, the metabolization that in an attempt to stabilizes for a long time is controlled.

  • 和光本馆竣工现在已经76年了,约300天的装修工事,期间的关键词是温故知新
    And optical Museum has now completed 76 years, about 300 days of renovation works, during which the key word is new to review the past.

  • 作为教师,要善于引导学生温故知新,通过复习以前学过的知识,慢慢地导入新的知识。
    As teachers, we should be good at guiding new students to review the past, through the review of previously learned knowledge, slowly into new knowledge.

  • 温故知新”涉及以前章节讨论的基本概念,来帮助您更新您的记忆并且加固这些重要概念。
    Reminders refer to concepts discussed in previous chapters to help refresh your memory and reinforce important concepts.

  • 用比较法并采用“温故知新”的形式对向量代数和空间解析几何进行教学,使学生学得更加轻松。
    The author discusses comparing methods and "gaining new insights through reviewing old material" in Vector Algebra and Analytic Geometry class, and he finds it easier for students to learn them.

  • 您会有专用的练习本和生词本帮助你管理做过的练习、学过的单词。温故知新,系统学习,掌握英语!
    You will have a personal exercise book to help review all completed exercises, and a personal word book to manage learnt words, learn new words, systematically expand vocabulary effectively.

  • 求你降福引导我们学习圣善知识的双亲和师长,并赐予我们力量,使我们温故知新,学有所成。阿们。
    Bless our parents and teachers who are leading us to knowledge of good, and grant us energy and strength to persevere in our studies.

  • 您会有专用的练习本和生词本帮助你管理做过的练习、学过的单词。温故知新,系统学习,掌握英语!
    You will have a personal exercise book to help review all your completed exercises, and a personal word book to manage all your learnt words, systematically expand your vocabulary effectively.

  • 这样真的很难,对有英文底子的人来说还可以,但超过百分之五十的单字应该都看过了,只能说是温故知新
    The best way is talk a lot, watch some English TV shows, and find a good novel to read.

  • 至于词汇啊,就是个要下功夫记忆的工作。我一般习惯翻字典。有空就翻看,温故知新。慢慢的词汇量就大了。
    as to vocabulary, it is hard work anyway. u have to memorise. i prefer reading dictionary whenever possible. that is a good way for me to enlarge my vocabulary.

  • 作业危险分析对新募员工来说是一项有效的培训工具,而对有经验的老员工来说也是对必要技能的一次温故知新
    It will be a useful training tool for new employees and a refresher of needed skills for the experienced employee.

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