
湖光山色  hú guāng shān sè








  • 湖光山色,美不胜收——中国•青海湖!
    Too many beautiful lakes and mountains,    - China ? Qinghai Lake!

  • 哇!多美的湖光山色啊!
    Wow, what a beautiful landscape!

  • 游人泛舟于此,登石欣赏湖光山色,恍如身置画中。
    Here visitors boating, Tang Shi appreciate Huguangshanse, like body painting in the home.

  • 加拿大的啤标美丽如画,我们可以从中领略到很美的湖光山色
    Canadian beer trademarks are as beautiful as pictures, viewing them, you can appreciate beautiful lakes and mountains;

  • 每年吸引大量的游客到这里来欣尝她的湖光山色和她迷人的城镇。
    Each year thousands of travelers enjoy Lake Geneva's beauty and explore its charming cities and towns.

  • 非常激动。这是个很大的城市,湖光山色在蒙蒙细雨中特别美丽。
    Sarah: very excited. It is large city and very pretty. Scenery amid the misty rain looks very beautiful.

  • 每年吸引大量的游客到这里来欣尝她的湖光山色和她迷人的城镇。
    Each year thousands of tr***elers enjoy Lake Geneva's beauty and explore its charming cities and towns.

  • 对街的新饭店挡住了美丽的湖光山色,几乎抢走了旧饭店一半的生意。
    The new hotel across the street blocks the beautiful view of the lake and the mountain, and almost takes half of the business away from the old one.

  • 千年古井,清澈泉水,湖光山色,美不胜收,此外还拥有球场最大的果岭。
    The scenery is so beautiful with a millenary well, clear fountain, lake and mountain. Here is also the largest green in the course.

  • 它的湖光山色很迷人,当然我的夫人更喜欢胭脂路上极具中国风情的服饰。
    Its scenery is very beautiful. My wife likes the Chinese-style costumes on Yanzhi Road.

  • “三江”并流、石林胜景、湖光山色等山水景观为云南自然类特色旅游景观。
    The Scenery including"three rivers" run side by side, the marvelous scenery of Stone For est, and Landscape with hills and Lakes is the natural special touring Landscape in Yunnan.

  • 它以其修理的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹而闻名中外,吸引众多国内外游客。
    The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

  • 至此既可欣赏秀丽的湖光山色,又可观长城的清灵俊秀,还有绿树红花相伴身旁。
    This will not only enjoy the beautiful Huguangshanse, the impressive Great Wall of Hope-Junxiu, there are green trees safflower accompanied by side.

  • 是的,每年都有成千上万的人群在缅因州的湖光山色和美仑美奂的海岸倘佯休憩。
    Each year thousands of people retreat to Maine's lakes, mountains and beautiful coast to relax.

  • 奶牛们最近的旅游计划,是到苏必利尔湖畔,享受那里的湖光山色,以及明媚的阳光。
    The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior.

  • “轻舟不系任流去,”身心放纵于湖光山色,象水里的鱼龙一样物我两忘,自由安详。
    "Adventure is not any flow to the Department, " indulgence in physical beauty, as long as the water the fish were the two I forget, the Liberal serene.

  • 占地255亩的人民公园湖光山色,曲径回廊,歌榭舞厅,小桥流水,令游人流连忘返。
    Covers an area of 255 acres of People's Park Lake, winding paths and corridors, Cornwall Terrace Ballroom, bridges, so visitors away.

  • 那里有湖光山色,阳光大大海或者完全由人工塑造的景致,如加利福尼亚州的迪斯尼乐园等。
    It may offer mountain scenery, the combination of sun and sea, or features that are entirely manmade, like Disneyland in California.

  • 不远处,小坪水库碧波连天,茶坊清香四溢。山、林、水、岩共同构筑出一片广袤的湖光山色
    Not far away, lies the cool and blue Xiao Ping reservoir with its ripples playing in the sunshine and the faint scent of the tea house.

  • 景区内山川壮观、奇石林立、密林入海、流泉飞瀑、湖光山色、鸟语花香、天象奇景可谓美不胜收。
    Scenic areas within the spectacular mountains and rivers, Kistler forest, the forest into the sea, Liuquanfeibao, Huguangshanse, Niaoyuhuaxiang, Sky phenomenon is breathtaking.

  • 力求将昆明市建成集湖光山色、滇池景观、融人文景观与自然风光为一体的高原湖滨特色生态城市。
    Kunming will be built to collect Huguangshanse, Dianchi Lake landscape, financial cultural and natural scenery into one of the characteristics of the plateau lake ecological city.

  • 本校校区广阔,校地23公顷;湖光山色,绿意盎然,而且静谧脱俗,远离尘嚣,诚为读书之理想环境。
    The School Campus 1. The school campus, spacious (23 hectares), lush, quiet, faraway from the noisy city, provides the ideal place to study.

  • “引湖光山色入室,听鸟语虫鸣如屋”,以阳澄湖为卖点,昆山东方云顶度假酒店打出了这样的诱人广告。
    "-- from mountains, listening to tapes insects disturbed as housing, " as a selling point to Yangchenghu, Kunshan the East cloud top resort hotels displayed such attractive advertisements.

  • 杭州西湖,是一处以秀丽清雅的湖光山色与璀璨丰蕴的文物古迹和文化艺术交融一体的国家级风景名胜区。
    West Lake in Hangzhou, is punishable by a beautiful and elegant Huguangshanse the bright Yun-Feng heritage and culture and art blend into a state-level scenic spots.

  • 宛如一颗晶莹剔透的明珠镶嵌在青翠欲滴的山峰之间,春夏时节,山花烂漫,万木争荣,湖光山色,相映生辉;
    It is like a crystal pearl which is inlayed among verdant mountains. In spring and summer the bloomer of flowers and flourish of woods are in harmony with the natural beauty of lakes and mountains.

  • 专营台北–埔里小镇–日月潭观光路线,提供观光客亲近日月潭湖光山色最便捷的运输,是不可多得的优质观光巴士。
    We specialize in the tour route of Taipei-Puli-Sun Moon Lake, and provide the most convenient transportation to the beautiful scenery of Sun Moon Lake.

  • 如果观众向往湖光山色、崇山峻岭及寺院,本片不失为一个充满智慧的娱乐,并窥探保持了亚洲文化多个世纪的灵性依托。
    If the audience surrenders to the lake, the mountains and the hermitage, there is a great deal of wise entertainment and glimpses of a spirituality that has sustained Asian cultures for centuries.

  • 喜欢露营的朋友也可以选择在水库附近寻找一片空地支起帐篷,围起炉灶,进行野餐,融入秀美的湖光山色之中,定会乐趣无穷。
    The person liking camping can choose to look for a opening to prop tents near the reservoir, and have a picnic in the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. That will be more interesting.

  • 在阁楼之上,从环绕三面的楼台和走廊尽可一览美丽的湖光山色,英雄与美女的传说在这样的场景里变得触手可及,一个浪漫爱情故事的帷幕徐徐拉开。
    The legend of the Heroes and Belles will become true with the beautiful view from the towers and corridors around three-side over the loft, where a romantic love story usually begins.

  • 酒店客房依水而居,房型种类多样。现拥有各种房型共482间,房内配有智能自动调控空调和灯光系统,如您所愿,推窗而望,湖光山色自然美景尽收眼底。
    The hotel comprises 482 guestrooms, exquisitely appointed with auto-regulating air conditioning and light system. All rooms command magnificent view of the lake and mountain.

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