
牙牙学语  yá yá xué yǔ







  • 找开心扉倾听婴儿的牙牙学语和圣哲的微言大义;
    to listen to stars adn birds , to babes and sages, with open heart;

  • 别以为牙牙学语的幼儿心思单纯,一定会睡得好。
    Do not think the cheeper idea that learn to speak is pure, regular meeting sleeps well.

  • 牙牙学语的阶段,更能跟著音乐的节奏哼唱舞动。
    At the learning stage, your child will be able to follow the rhythm while learning to sing and dance.

  • 一岁,不会牙牙学语发音,指物或用姿势来表达需求。
    By age 1, doesn't babble, point or gesture.

  • 到目前为止牙牙学语只在人类和一些灵长类动物中发现过。
    Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates, such as pygmy marmosets.

  • 同行的不仅有年过花甲的老年人,还有仅能够牙牙学语的孩童。
    Even more than one year old young children took part in the activity.

  • 牙牙学语的宝宝离开摇篮后,地板首先成了他们最爱的地方。
    After the baby that learn to speak leaves a cradle, the floor became the place that they love most above all.

  • 电视或电台不能代替你的声音,因为它不会回应婴儿的牙牙学语
    A television or the radio can't take the place of your voice because it doesn't respond to coos and babbles.

  • 他的大女儿露西现已5岁,当她还在牙牙学语时,有一次他必须出差。
    When his eldest daughter, Lucy, now 5, was learning to talk, he had to take a business trip.

  • 在我的生命中,我的爸爸妈妈是我终生的伴侣,从牙牙学语,到蹒跚步;
    In my life, my father mother is I the whole life of companion, learn language from the tooth tooth, arrive to unsteadily learn a step;

  • 刚踏进该剧位于珠市口大街附近的拍摄地,记者就听见一阵“牙牙学语”声。
    Just stepped into this play located at the Zhushikou avenue nearby photography place, reporter hears one "to babble" the sound.

  • 小猩猩会模仿大猩猩爬上爬下,人类的婴儿也模仿父母,牙牙学语动作。
    Just as baby chimps learn to climb by aping their elders, so infants pick up words and gestures by copying parents.

  • 其实所有这些信息都在出生时很好知晓,而通常到孩子们2岁牙牙学语时消退。
    however all of this is known at birth and generally fades by age 2 and as each child begins to speak.

  • 其实所有这些信息都在人类刚出生时很好知晓,而通常到孩子们2岁牙牙学语时消退。
    however all of this is known at birth and generally fades by age 2 and as each child begins to speak.

  • 路透社台北讯–从牙牙学语的小孩到政治家,台湾欢欣沈醉在棒球投手王建民的热潮中。
    TAIPEI (Reuters) - From toddlers to politicians, Taiwan is abuzz with the exploits of baseball pitcher Wang Chien-ming.

  • 对于幼仔发声的更多研究可能揭示出哺乳动物牙牙学语要比以往我们所认为的广泛很多。
    Further research about infant vocalizations could reveal that babbling is a much more widespread phenomenon in mammals than was previously thought.

  • 父母之所以神圣,是因为我们在牙牙学语的孩提时期完完全全依赖他们赐予我们生命和养分。
    They are divine because as infants we are totally dependent upon them for life and nurture.

  • 刚开始,我们从牙牙学语,到能够慢慢地爬行,见大人们能够自由地走动。跳跃。散步,心中无不羡慕。
    At first, we babbling, to be able to crawl slowly, see great people be free to move about. Leap. To take a walk, the envy of all hearts.

  • 不仅因为我们是华人,母是华,从牙牙学语开始,我们所到的第一个带有感情的思维言,是华
    It stems not only from the fact that we are Chinese and Mandarin is our mother tongue;

  • 对于人类来说,牙牙学语被认为可以帮助婴儿锻练口腔肌肉,并且可以帮助他们锻炼将音节变成特定的声音。
    In humans, babbling is thought to help infants train the muscles of their vocal tract for adult speech and to help them practice combining syllables into specific sounds.

  • 我的小宝现在已经开始牙牙学语了,第一个发音就是“妈妈”,孩子在用他的方式,表达对妈妈的喜爱和需要。
    My Xiao Bao begins to talk, now. The first word he articulated is "Mum". The child is using his method to express his love and need of a mother.

  • 体重17磅,吃奶仍是七安士,仍未能坐稳;常常向人笑,或自己牙牙学语、喜爱尖叫,稚嫩可爱!仍未懂得转身。
    weighs 17 lb. , drinks 7 oz. of milk. He is still learning how to sit and stabilize himself. Screaming and smiling makes everyone happy.

  • 一般而言,我相信牙牙学语对形成一个复杂的声音体系是至关重要的。鲸鱼,海豚,鹦鹉和大部分灵长类动物都属于这一类。
    "In general, I believe that babbling could be essential to acquire complex vocal repertoires, " Kn?rnschild said. Whales, dolphins, parrots, and most primates fit into this category.

  • 但人类却有本能的倾向去说话,正如同我们可以在孩童的牙牙学语中看到的,然而却没有任何儿童本能地倾向去酿酒、烘焙或写字。
    Now, "man has an instinctive tendency to speak, as we see in the babble of our young children, whilst no child has an instinctive tendency to brew, bake or write."

  • 线上影片“术”提供,提供许多的短片,如还不会牙牙学语的婴儿,和不会指出玩具,或听到爸妈声音,而不会回应微笑的小孩等。
    The online video "glossary" offers dozens of clips, such as babies who don't babble, and children who don't point to toys, or smile in response to the sound of Mom or Dad's voice.

  • 牙牙学语到亭亭玉立,从步履蹒跚到一表人才,父母为我们付出了艰辛的劳动,尽管有时候,我们对父母的爱还理解不够,但她是神圣的、高尚的。
    From the beginning of learning languages, parents have put us on the difficult path although sometimes we can't understand the parents insufficiently, but they are noble.

  • 可能有一天你家里有一个牙牙学语、蹒跚步的孩子,即使你关着门、戴着耳机也能听到这个讨厌孩子在另一个房间里发出的痛苦而声嘶力竭的尖叫声。
    You might have a teething toddler in the house and, even with your door closed and headphones on, you can hear the poor kid screaming in a combination of pain and exhaustion in the other room.

  • 他说,“让我们敬畏的法律,让法律从每一个美国母亲的呼吸中吹向口齿不清的婴儿,吹向她膝头牙牙学语的孩子;让我们在小,中和大习它;
    "Let reverence for the laws, " he said, "be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap—let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges;

  • 体重15磅,吃奶七安士,已戒夜奶;又开始坐;现在很容易便向人笑,或牙牙学语、发出怪声、尖叫等,稚嫩可爱,逗得各亲友乐呵呵!仍未懂得转身。
    weighs 15 lb. , drinks 7 oz. of milk, no more mid-night feeding! He begins to learn sitting and screaming. He can easily smile now and make everyone happy.

  • 张小姐她和她的小宝来自于四川,小宝很小,还在走路和牙牙学语,今年发生在四川的一切她不曾再次提及,一直以来都没有看到小宝宝的父亲,只有她和小宝相依的身影。
    She and her little baby come from Sichuan, her baby just begins to learn walk and speak. She had lost her memorize about the big earthquake, It happened in Sichuan this year.

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