
生杀予夺  shēng shā yù duó








  • 这位身居高职的人物手握对众多人口的生杀予夺大权。
    The man in high position has power of life and death over many people.

  • 这个教练可不跟你开玩笑,他是有着生杀予夺大权的上帝。
    This coach meant business and had the power to play God.

  • 总在慨叹人类为了自己的欲望随意的生杀予夺的同时,也为自然界中一切慷慨赴爱的壮举感动。
    As I sigh with regret about man killing other creatures to satisfy his own desires, I am also deeply moved by those creatures who pursue love at the expense of their own lives.

  • 同时也要看游戏本身的条件而衡量,不会因为是合资公司来进行游戏的代理而对此进行生杀予夺
    The condition that also should treat game itself at the same time and measure, because be joint-stock company, won't have have somebody completely in one's power to this.

  • 这项制度的要害在于,政府掌握着生杀予夺的主动权,企业只要获得免检资格,就可以决定自己的命运。
    The system's main objective, the Government holds the life or death over the initiative, as long as the business was eligible for exemption, they can decide their own fate.

  • 然而,上星期,在穹庐般高顶的法院大堂,端视着科克兰德的那位法官却有着生杀予夺的权利----至少有理由认为他有。
    But in a high-ceilinged courtroom last week, the man staring down at Kirkland had the ability to take it all away – and there was reason to think he might.

  • 宗族具备了作为治安权威所必须具备的约束力大小事务的裁决权,在族中享有大小事务的裁决权,握有生杀予夺大权,具备强制力。
    As the public security authority, the patriarchal clan has more control and binding force of the institution and the legalization.

  • 生杀予夺造句相关
