
百思不解  bǎi sī bù jiě








  • 你的话真是令人百思不解
    Your words are simply incomprehensible.

  • 我把他的文章读了一遍又一遍, 但对他的意图仍百思不解
    I read his article again and again, trying hard to understand what he was driving at but in vain.

  • 令我百思不解的是他们为啥无出现。
    What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.

  • 这是笔者百思不解的疑问之一。
    This is a hundred times the author of one of the doubt.

  • 那时有学问的人们对于电百思不解
    At that time learned men were puzzled about electricity.

  • 令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。
    What puzzles me is why they didn't show up .

  • 令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。
    me is why they didn't show up.

  • 令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。
    What p          me is why they didn't show up.

  • 令我百思不解的是他们为什麽没有出现。
    What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.

  • 惆怅之于,却发现了一些百思不解的现象。
    Disconcerted's in, it was discovered that some of wrath phenomenon.

  • 我们对向导的突然消失不见实在感到百思不解
    We were puzzled by the sudden disappearance of our guide.

  • 男子考虑后说,想把她运回国。承办人员百思不解
    The man thought about it and told him he would just have her shipped home. The undertaker asked why.

  • 二人百思不解
    Two hundred times.

  • 然而,让我百思不解的是,当时的班主任特别不喜欢我。
    However, I could not figure out why my chief teacher disliked me so much.

  • 从1970年代开始,一种奇怪的现象让全世界百思不解
    Starting in the 1970s, a strange phenomenon baffled and confused the world.

  • 一个人,特别是一个男人,怎么可以这样生活?我对自己百思不解
    I am puzzled: how can a person, a man, live this way?

  • 这些基因与动物的形体有关,序列却不会随演化而改变,真是令人百思不解
    This preservation of coding sequences over evolutionary time is especially puzzling when one considers the genes involved in body building and body patterning.

  • 马利卡又说:「令人百思不解的是,这种现象并未普及到村代会辖下其他区。」
    "The surprising thing is that this phenomenon does not prevail in other wards of the panchayat, " Marikar added.

  • 但他百思不解,不久,夏文汐亦被人追杀,她在逃亡中接触到元彪,成为亡命鸳鸯。
    However, he does not understand, and soon, Xia Wenxi were also people kill, she fled exposed to Yuen Biao, a desperate mandarin duck.

  • 为什麽每写完一篇专栏文章后,我就会觉得饥肠辘辘?我曾经百思不解,而今有了解答。
    Why am I so hungry after writing one of these columns? I have often wondered. Now comes an answer.

  • 如此畅销的商品他们怎么会要求退货呢?厂方百思不解,迅速派人前去调查,这才弄明白。
    The manufacturer remains puzzled after pondering over sth a hundred times, before sending a person quickly, go investigating, this ability figures out.

  • 小伙子从椅子上摔了下来,接着椅子就掉下了楼梯。小伙子百思不解,这些水都是从哪来的?
    The boy fell out of his chair. The next moment, it crashed down the steps. The boy didn't understand. Where was all the water coming from?

  • 没钱没房没车,休想前来骚扰。心中百思不解,为何世道变了;为何鲜花朵朵,都与牛粪结果。
    Do not have money to do not have a room to do not have a car, don't imagine that is possible comes round to annoy.

  • 英译汉,是谈宗教信仰与健康问题的文章,其中一段文字百思不解,请高手帮助译一下,谢谢!
    No less a killer than AIDS will back off at least a bit when it's hit with a double-barreled blast of belief.

  • 可菲利普•普尔曼与这些基督徒一样,也为同样的问题百思不解:基督教的创始者如何能兼具神人二性。
    But he is wrestling with the same question they are: how divinity and humanity could co-exist in the founder of their religion.

  • 邓不利多把粘在一起的柠檬硬糖分开,肯定让美国读者觉得百思不解,因为柠檬硬糖通常是不会粘在一起的。
    It is strange to American readers that Dumbledore is unsticking two lemon drops, since it's not particularly likely that lemon drops would stick together.

  • 然而,一个谜团却令华特百思不解:就算这些劫匪取得赎金,他们究竟怎麽顺利于封闭的地下铁管道中脱逃呢?
    But there's one riddle Garber can't solve: even if the thieves get the money, how can they possibly escape?

  • 第一个研究所设立在偏僻贫瘠的纳塔尔,虽然这种做法没有让一些巴西科学家觉得疏远,但也让许多人百思不解
    And if the approach alienated some Brazilian scientists, the decision to locate the first institute in the impoverished hinterland of Natal also mystified many of them.

  • “你是谁?谁在跟我说话?”莫斯科维茨问。他还未回过神来,为何在死后会被惨绝人寰地变成一只甲壳类动物,他深感错愕,百思不解
    "Who's that? Who's talking to me?" Moscowitz said, still dazed by the mystical slam-bang postmortem that had transmogrified him into a crustacean.

  • “你是谁?谁在跟我说话?”莫斯科维茨问。他还未回过神来,为何在他死后会被惨绝人寰地变成一只甲壳类动物,他深感错愕,百思不解
    "Who's that? Who's talking to me?" Moscowitz said, still dazed by the mystical slam-bang postmortem that had transmogrified him into a crustacean.

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