
盛气凌人  shèng qì líng rén







  • 还是它就是一种盛气凌人的表现?
    May be it was kind of aggressive.

  • 如果你总是盛气凌人,你就会被孤立。
    You will be isolated if you always throw your weight around.

  • 共产党员决不可自以为是,盛气凌人
    Communist must never be opinionated or domineering .

  • 这个官员盛气凌人、飞扬跋扈很长时间了。
    The officer has been riding his high horse for too long.

  • 这个官员盛气凌人、飞扬跋扈很长时间了。
    The officer has been riding your high horse for too long.

  • 纪消子说:还不行,还是目光犀利,盛气凌人
    Ji eliminate child, said: Not yet, still looking sharp and domineering.

  • 马丁太盛气凌人
    Martin is too aggressive.

  • 我和老板的秘书吵了一架。这几天她总是盛气凌人
    I had a quarrel with our boss's secretary. She's been on her high horse these days.

  • 你要表达清晰、足够响亮、但不是咄咄逼人和盛气凌人
    You should reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard, without being aggressive or overpowering.

  • 这些盛气凌人的人物往往相当自负,且极其重视个人荣耀。
    Such thrusting figures often possess considerable egos and want to maximise personal glory.

  • 别让托尼盛气凌人地对待你,你为何不更多地显示威力呢?
    Don't let Tony walk all over you like that; why don't you assert yourself more?

  • 首先,无论伊政府多么盛气凌人,伊拉克仍将需要军事援助。
    For a start, Iraq will still need military aid, no matter how much its government throws its weight around.

  • 贝拉盛气凌人,死死的盯住了他,高吊的双眉凶恶地皱在一起。
    The towering Bela's brows knit ominously as she glared down at him.

  • 这一情绪标志着彻底告别布什时代的盛气凌人和“单极时刻”。
    This mood marks a complete break with the aggressive confidence of the Bush years and the "unipolar moment".

  • 今天看到一只猫,看上去盛气凌人,不知怎的让我想起一个女孩。
    Today I met a cat which looks very aggressive, somehow remind me of a girl i used to know.

  • 它不是迅猛或盛气凌人的动物,相反地,它具有刚强可靠的秉性。
    It is not a fast or aggressive animal, but is strong and completely dependable.

  • 我不知道克莱尔为什么这样盛气凌人。她毕竟没有理由如此自高自大。
    I don't know why Claire puts on air and graces. After all, she has no reason to be so proud of herself.

  • 然而盛气凌人的斡惕赤斤及其子孙,在蒙元时期几经叛乱,屡遭镇压。
    But the domineering Wotichijin and his descendants rebelled repeatedly in Mengyuan period and were suppressed again and again.

  • 正是由于他们最初盛气凌人的态度,是他们把贝克汉姆放逐到了另一个足球星系。
    By their initial condescending politics and attitude, they are the ones who have sent Beckham to his exile in another footballing Galaxy.

  • 如果银行必须卖的是钱包和钱袋,它们做起事来就不会像教堂那样(盛气凌人)了。
    If banks were required to sell wallets and money belts, they might act less like churches.

  • 起先他说话专横武断,盛气凌人,后来他发现这套吃不开时,才改变腔调,不再神气了。
    At first he was most dictatorial and aggressive in what he said, but when he realized that he would get nowhere by that means, he began to sing another tune.

  • 然而,在贝尔格维亚,你将会领略到最盛气凌人的广场。他们或许会全力让你感受到伦敦这个城市的经历。
    But it's in Belgravia that you find the snootiest squares and it's these that will perhaps deliver you the London experience at its fullest.

  • 唯一的例外是他和乔治桑的热烈恋情,这位盛气凌人、爱抽烟的法国女作家比他大5岁,两人从1838年开始交往。
    The only exception was a volatile affair with George Sand, a domineering, chain-smoking French novelist five years his senior, which began hesitantly in 1838.

  • 杰克是我们家养的狗,是条体格高大、盛气凌人的 公狗 ,有着博德牧羊犬、纽芬兰拾和一点儿德国牧羊狗的血统。
    Jake was our resident dog, a large dominant male, part Border collie and part Labrador retriever, with a little German shepherd thrown in.

  • 我当时是通过自己的奋发努力才爬到了该公司的高层,现在似乎任何一个盛气凌人的大学生都可以直接爬到公司的高屋。
    I worked my way up the firm the hard way; nowadays it seems that any high and mighty university type can enter the company straight at the top.

  • 凯瑟琳夫人希望达西娶她自己的女儿,一个冷漠、讨厌得可怜的姑娘。)凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎白放弃达西。
    Lady Catherine wished Darcy to marry her own daughter, a pathetically listless and unattractive girl. ) Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy.

  • 州司法部长调查了所谓的该公司搞不公平营销活动的问题。证券交易委员会也对AOL盛气凌人的会计帐目提出了质疑。
    State attorneys general investigate the company's allegedly unfair marketing practices. The Securities &Exchange Commission questions AOL's aggressive accounting .

  • 我讨厌他讲话的方式,因为他的声音里有一种盛气凌人的腔调,同时还有一种玩世不恭-相信人们无论做什么都是自私的。
    I dislike the way which he speaks, because in his sound has one kind of arrogant tune, meanwhile one kind looks down on the world - believed the people, regardless of makes anything is selfish.

  • 除了来自心怀嫉妒的异性同学与男主角盛气凌人母亲的人为阻碍,可怜的异性主角还要应付不计其数的植入广报:从奶茶到健身中心。
    And, envious female classmates and a forbidding mother are obstacles. And the poor girl has to deal with an endless line of embedded goods, from milk tea to a fitness center.

  • 林顿-约翰逊不鼓励批评,也不鼓励阁员或僚属之间互相争论。他常常盛气凌人地迫使顾问们顺从他,这也是导致他在越南问题上碰到麻烦的原因。
    Lyndon Johnson did not invite criticism or differences within his staff or cabinet, but bullied his advisers into compliance, which helps explain his troubles in Vietnam.

  • 盛气凌人造句相关
