
口若悬河  kǒu ruò xuán hé








  • 口若悬河不能作为才智的证实 。
    A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.

  • 口若悬河无所不能作为才智的证明。
    A flow of phrases is no proof of wisdom.

  • 口若悬河无所不能作为才智的证明。
    A fDannynouncedrned of phrases is no proof of wisdom.

  • 口若悬河并不能证明真有才智。
    A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.

  • 口说不如灌水。口若悬河,不如一灌"。
    Better to water well than to say well.

  • 口若悬河侃侃而谈,吸引了不少人听。
    He speaks volubly like a flowing river; many people are attracted to stop and listen.

  • 推销员口若悬河,说我们应该买他的东西。
    The salesman gave (us) a long spiel about why we should buy his product.

  • 爱情,让口若悬河的人,突然变得沉默寡言。
    Love makes mute of those who habitually speak most fluently.

  • 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明…[阅读全文。
    33A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.

  • 讲吧,唷,只要你愿意,你可以讲得口若悬河
    Why, you shall talk like a mill-stream, if you will.

  • 讲吧,唷,只要你愿意,你可以讲得口若悬河
    Talk! Why, you shall talk like a mill-stream, if you will.

  • 来了个演讲大家,确是口若悬河,但仅有点滴道理。
    Here come the orator, with his flood of word and his drop of reason.

  • 真奇怪?当祷告时要找一个字都好难,但与朋友倾谈时却口若悬河
    praying, but you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

  • 面试糟糕的应征者不是话太少就是口若悬河,不是过于拘谨就是粗鲁无礼。
    Condidates who interview badly are either talk too little or never stop taking. They are either over-polite or rudely abrupt.

  • 华盛顿所有口若悬河的反华尔街民粹人士都害怕投资者当真将口对准他们。
    All that populist anti-Wall Street rhetoric in Washington scares the heck out of investors.

  • 我们必须有那些哥们间口若悬河、脸不红心不跳且很淫荡地谈论性的场景。
    We needed to have lots of scenes with dudes talking about sex in a realistic, dirty way.

  • 那时你充满热情,口若悬河,你非常有趣,我必须承认我的心有几分已被你带走了。
    You were full of eagerness, and talked a great deal then; you were very interesting, and I really must confess I was a little carried away by you.

  • 这位学者对任何事物都有一番极深的见解,无论什么话题他都能口若悬河说上一大段。
    This scholar has profound opinion one time to aught, whatever topic he can eloquent says on one paragraph big.

  • 她表述一个观点,或反驳你的意见时,总是口若悬河直舒胸臆,也不管你受不受得了。
    She states a point of view, or when the opinion that refutes you, always be chest of bosom of eloquent straight easy, no matter you suffer, also do not can bear.

  • 为遇战疯人入侵银河系打头阵的是一个口若悬河、内心阴险的执行者,名叫“农·阿诺”。
    Spearheading the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy was a silver-tongued and black-hearted executor known as Nom Anor.

  • 为了表现自己是个口若悬河的演说家,这个年轻人就夸夸其谈,滔滔不绝的说着不着边际的话。
    In order to show that he was an eloquent speaker, the young man talked on and on about all irrelevant matters.

  • 她们的所思所言不受制于条条框框,因此,总的说来她们不仅能口若悬河,而且更机智更有见识。
    They don not think or speak by rule; and they have in general more eloquence and wit as well as sense, on that account.

  • 我们所拥有的资产以倍数增加,我们的价值却日益减少。我们口若悬河,却很少去爱,并常常心存憎恨。
    We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

  • 他说起话来,口若悬河,一语双关,诙谐动听,甚至使一个严肃的人也觉得有趣,因为他是最不善于此道的。
    He speaks with a disposition of lively rattle, put, and jest, amusing to a grave man , because it is what he himself can least easily command .

  • 9看笑话:口若悬河的推销员向一位少妇推销《幼儿百科全书》,说他的这套书能解答孩子们提出的任何问题。
    9 see joke: The bagman of eloquent is promoted to a young married woman " cheeper encyclopedia " , any problems that say this his book can solve children to put forward.

  • 周末,好友F君登门侃大山。天南海北,口若悬河。正投机时,F君呷口茶后,静静往房间角隅吐了口痰,随后用鞋底一擦。
    All over the country, eloquent. when the spec, after tea of mouth of Mr F sip, said an opening toward room horn border stealthily phlegm, brush with sole subsequently.

  • 要说邓智仁不会说话或不愿说话是假的,相反,他非常能说,而且嘴不饶人,说起话来,从来都是不假思索、口若悬河,还常常辅以很大的动作。
    Dengzhiren not speak or do not want to speak to be false, on the contrary, he was very able to say, and mouth are not going, soft, always thinking and talking, often accompanied by large movements.

  • 一个穿插的吹水人物,他经常口若悬河,但形容词来来去去只有三个,就是「丧」,「劲」和「超」。注:以上资讯由片主或其推广代表所提供。
    Note: The information above is provided by the owners of the film or their agents who are responsible for the promotion of the film.

  • 就如同我说过的,什么时候才是真的自己呢?现在的我们隐藏真实的自己才是真的自己。当我没有侃侃而谈,口若悬河的谈资。那多多的沉默才是不让自己觉得轻浮的唯一选择。
    As I have said, When is it really his?Now we have to hide the truth really is their own. When I did not speak, eloquent on the capital. That's a lot of silence not to think light is the only option.

  • 终其一生,特克尔宁愿与同胞相伴,真诚交流,用心倾听这些普通美国民众的心声;也不愿与那些知识分子一起夸夸其谈。他认为,这些口若悬河的知识分子只会纸上谈兵,脱离现实生活。
    In a life spent talking and, above all, listening to the voices of his fellow Americans, he rarely made time for intellectuals. Their eloquence, he said, came too easy.

  • 口若悬河造句相关
