
咬文嚼字  yǎo wén jiáo zì








  • 请把话讲清楚,不要咬文嚼字
    Please speak clearly and don't mince your words.

  • 咬文嚼字的文学而正式的口气。
    Literary and formal in tone. Used of words.

  • 她说话太咬文嚼字了。
    She is too genteel for words.

  • 她说话太咬文嚼字了!
    She is too genteel for words!

  • 这个看上去可能有点咬文嚼字,但是它很重要。
    This may look like just semantics, but it matters.

  • “你又来了。学术上的咬文嚼字。”莫德插话说。
    'There you go again. Academic nit-picking, ' interrupted Maud.

  • 判令里连篇累牍咬文嚼字地讨论乞讨是言论还是行为。
    The legal pavane included pages of discussion of whether begging is speech, or begging is behavior.

  • 你怎么能指望我去钟情于一个专爱咬文嚼字的书呆子呢?
    How do you expect me to fall in love with someone who speaks like a book all the time?

  • 他们把这些命题贬称为“琐碎”或“只是咬文嚼字罢了”。
    They stigmatize these propositions as "trifling" or " merely verbal".

  • 我也不喜欢。他总是装腔作势,不是咬文嚼字,就是舞文弄墨。
    I don't like either. He is always putting on an act, either speaking like a book or being playful with words.

  • 她说话咬文嚼字,样子咄咄逼人,真是一个典型的传统式的女教师。
    With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.

  • 咬文嚼字于你何用?深入内在并发现你什么也不是。其它一切无关重要。
    Putting words together will not take you far. Go within and discover what you are not. Nothing else matters.

  • 从“九多一少”、三面侵蚀谈咬文嚼字——别字“顽疾”的病因及诊治方法。
    Talking about analyzing words on "nine more one less" and three-side erosion——The pathogen and treatment of written or mispronounced characters.

  • 关于学校是否应强制学童宣誓效忠国家的讨论,一味咬文嚼字,而未能从历史观点探讨。
    The debate over whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be made compulsory in our schools has been long on rhetoric and short on history.

  • 德国的新教学者在19世纪早期带头,咬文嚼字地从新约里寻找“神话”背后真实的耶稣。
    Protestant scholars in Germany took the lead in the early 19th century, similarly sifting the New Testament for evidence of the flesh-and-blood Nazarene beneath the "myths."

  • 象个咬文嚼字的呆子似的,他还带着自负的神气补上一句:“他们的饿是我的渴的敌人。”
    " And he added, with the satisfaction of a serious man who is turning a phrase well:-- "Their hunger is the enemy of my thirst.

  • 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字
    He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his a wowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse.

  • 结果是,漫画维妙维肖地刻画了哈珀的伪善,其讽刺效果远远超过了许多篇咬文嚼字的社论。
    Yet the cartoon said more about Mr. Harper's hypocrisy than a dozen earnest editorials.

  • 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加 公然地 宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字
    He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his a wowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse.

  • 一个是律师,所受的训练是依据基本原理进行辩论,咬文嚼字;一个是工程师,知道怎样构造建筑并使之稳固。
    A lawyer, trained to argue from first principles and haggle over words, was speaking to an engineer, who knew how to build physical structures and keep them intact.

  • 如果田南在解释如何修复这个被毁坏的机构上多花些手笔,少花些时间咬文嚼字的话,他那书可能会卖得更好些。
    Mr Tenet's book would have had a better reception if he had spent less time justifying a phrase and more time explaining how to repair his damaged agency.

  • 在这种方式和直接的美国军事空运之间,很难看出有什么差别,因此要说有差别,就显得有些学院式的咬文嚼字了。
    The difference between that mode and a direct American military airlift was so esoteric as to seem academic.

  • 虽然这些仅是微不足道的疏忽,但让喜欢咬文嚼字的读者看到,多少会觉得美中不足的遗憾,希望再版时都能订正。
    Although these are only minimal oversight, but let the readers Yaowenjuezi like to see, how many will feel that fly in the ointment of regret that can be revised when the reprint.

  • 那位劝告的朋友笑道:“想不到先生吃饭,原来是咬文嚼字。”(双关语,原意是在字面上的功夫,这里指靠卖文谋生。)
    That advisory friend laughs: "Want to be less than a gentleman to have a meal, it is nit-pick on words so."

  • 比和那些咬文嚼字的人说话更有趣的是说话言简意赅,比如“午餐吃什么?”(比起叫我美女我更愿意听到“去吃饭吧~”
    It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?""

  • 好经典的一个“砸”字,中国语言的妙处就在于咬文嚼字,犹如一句“春风又绿江南岸”,一字之别,推敲之下,顿觉妙趣横生。
    A good classic "hit" in the Chinese language is the beauty of diction, as if the words "spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River, " the other word, under scrutiny, 顿觉fun.

  • 他尽管厌恶书籍,但在偶然得到一点闲空时也常读书,因此他并不完全不通文墨,这是可以从他谈话中喜欢咬文嚼字这一点上看出来。
    In his leisure moments, which were far from frequent, he read, although he hated books; this caused him to be not wholly illiterate. This could be recognized by some emphasis in his speech.

  • “我们作的事情大多是技术性的,”B&J历时最久的竞争对手,A&B精工公司的兰迪·阿尔奈特说,“更多的同数学,几何图形,而不是同咬文嚼字有关。
    "The majority of everything we do is technical, " said Randy Arnett of A&B Precision, B&J's longest competitor. "It has more to do with math, geometrical shapes, than verbiage. "

  • “他们”是“上流社会人物”,是“达官显贵”。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,“说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字”,事实上他们“全是骗子”。
    "They" are"the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".

  • “他们”是“上流社会人物”,是“达官显贵”。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,“说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字”,事实上他们“全是骗子”。
    "They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".

  • 咬文嚼字造句相关
