
唱对台戏  chàng duì tái xì






  • 每年过完三十、初一,两村都会唱对台戏
    End each year over 30, who started two villages are opposing views.

  • 孩子们总是和妈妈站在一边,跟我唱对台戏
    The kids always sided with their mother against me.

  • 那么,这是不是市区住宅与郊区住宅在唱对台戏呢?
    So, this is not in the urban residential and rural residential sing to play?

  • 他似乎对自己的论点确信无疑,但是我故意跟他唱对台戏把他搞糊涂。
    He seemed very sure of his arguments but I played the devil's advocate just to confuse him.

  • 与两个月前国贸、军博轰轰烈烈唱对台戏相比,这次展会略显冷清。
    ITC and two months ago, gave strong singing with opera than this exposition somewhat desolate.

  • 麻生则强调以财政支出换取经济增长,基本与小泉当政时的路线唱对台戏
    Aso stressed that in order to finance expenditure in return for economic growth, and Koizumi in power when the basic line of a rival show.

  • 和美帝的中东政策唱对台戏,《辛瑞纳》是石油交易类阴谋论电影中的成功案例。
    set against the backdrop of the middle east, syriana is an intelligent examination of the oil trade.

  • 过去,两个戏班子为了抢生意,有时候会在同一时间上演同样的戏,称为唱对台戏
    In the past, in order to gain a good position in business, two drama companies would put on the same play in the same time.

  • 但是,让我们惊讶的是,仍有众多公司还在与互联网唱对台戏,他们妄图以旧日之方解今日之局。
    But what's surprising is that so many companies are still betting against the net, trying to solve today's problems with yesterday's solutions.

  • 于是,形成了京城东西两大着名房展会唱对台戏的局面,这就决定了两大房展期间铁定要有一番争夺。
    Thus, two prominent citizens formed recently things will sing's opposition to the situation, which meant that there must be a name for the two exhibitions period.

  • 我认为人为的信贷扩张不可持久,很快就会偃旗息鼓,结果让基金的买卖时点和风险头寸都在和市场唱对台戏
    I expected the ramifications of artificial credit creation to come home to roost, and failed to sync my time horizon and risk profile.

  • 商人们跻身政坛,不是要与政府唱对台戏,他们还得依靠政府在许多地方开绿灯,提供支持、进行许可、颁发执照等等。
    Businesspeople do not enter politics in order to antagonise the governments on whose patronage, permissions, licences and other favours they depend.

  • 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿玛蒂亚•森(AmartyaSen)说,“老是跟市场唱对台戏,就像别人说话你老唱反调一样令人奇怪。”
    "To be generically against markets would be almost as odd as being generically against conversations between people, " notes Amartya Sen, a Nobel prize-winning economist.

  • 村委会直选后,农村干部队伍结构得到优化,整体素质明显提高,但也出现了一些新情况、新问题。如个别村委干部摆不正自身位置,甚至与党支部闹对立,唱对台戏
    Village appoint after can be being chosen continuously, structure of rural cadre team gets optimizing, integral quality rises apparently, but also appeared a few new cases, new issue.

  • SPD的外长弗兰克-沃特尔·斯坦米尔(Frank-WalterSteinmeier)今年秋天将与默克尔女士唱对台戏,他对建立欧洲粮食银行的理念大加抨击,说每个国家都“应该照顾好本国的穷人”。
    The SPD foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who will stand against Ms Merkel this autumn, shot the idea down, saying that each country should "take care of its own poor".

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