
天朗气清  tiān lǎng qì qīng








  • 雨后的天气天朗气清
    The weather has freshened up after the rain.

  • 天朗气清,是不是?
    Beautiful day, isn't it?

  • 优雅的康德大概是不会有暴风骤雨的,心情永远是天朗气清
    Kant elegant hurricane probably will not have the mood is always a blue sky and clean air.

  • 夜间天朗气清;星光灿烂,但是风势并未减弱,而且冷气刺骨。
    The night was clear and starlight, but the wind had not fallen, and cold was piercing .

  • 是日虽略有寒气,亦不失天朗气清。余会友人,兴之所致,攀梧桐之巅。
    Today though it was kind of cold, it was actually sunny. Therefore, I met my good friends and we decided to climb the Wutong Mountain.

  • 天朗气清时,它们会披上蓝衣紫帽,在清澈的夜空中描绘出粗实的轮廓。
    When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky;

  • 天朗气清、惠风和畅的日子,信手捧起一把土,就能嗅出远古的暗香;
    In breezy sunny days, a handful of soil gives off immemorial delicate fragrance;

  • 上到山顶处,你可到北眺亭─那是一个欣赏长洲的极佳地方,尤其在天朗气清的日子。
    Up the hill, you'll come to a lookout pavilion - a wonderful vantage for admiring Cheung Chau, especially on a clear day.

  • 无论午后还是在天朗气清的白昼,一望无际的城市景色与缀满繁星的天空都在不经意间成为居住品质的亮点。
    Whether in the afternoon or the night-sky gas, urban scenery and kicked away the multitude of stars in the sky are almost inadvertently become a bright spot in the quality of living.

  • 是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅,仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。
    It is a clear spring day with a mild , caress-ing breeze, The vast universe, throbbing with life, …

  • 杜甫晚年,住在成都西郊的浣花溪旁。这一天,风和日暖,天朗气清,他闲坐在草堂里,透过窗口和门口欣赏外界的景物。
    One bright sunny day with fresh air and a gentle breeze, Du was sitting leisurely in his thatched cottage, admiring through the window and doorway the scenery outside.

  • 杜甫晚年,住在成都西郊的浣花溪旁。这一天,风和日暖,天朗气清,他闲坐在草堂里,透过视窗和门口欣赏外界的景物。
    One bright sunny day with fresh air and a gentle breeze, Du was sitting leisurely in his hatched cottage, admiring through the window and doorway the scenery outside.

  • 他还尤为喜爱游览圣皮埃尔市。在那里,每逢天朗气清之时,他就会一边兴致勃勃地进行探险般的散步一边沉浸在他生前最后的爱好植物学中。
    He particularly loved visiting the Île Saint Pierre, where he used to enjoy going for exploratory walks when the weather was fine and he could indulge in the great passion of his last years: botany.

  • 天朗气清造句相关
