
如鱼得水  rú yú dé shuǐ








  • 他们运用得十分自然,如鱼得水
    They took to it like fish to water.

  • 他适应了大学的生活,如鱼得水
    He takes life to university like duck to water.

  • 她开始喜欢上网球,而且如鱼得水
    She's taken to tennis like a duck to water.

  • 查理眼看自己可以成个角色,在巴黎更觉得如鱼得水了。
    Charles breathed more freely in Paris when he saw that there was a part he could play there.

  • 这儿的一切都好,我感到很惬意。他们说我真有点如鱼得水
    All goes for the best here and I'm enjoying it quite a lot. They say I take it like a duck to water.

  • 众所周知,前次中量级拳王梅威瑟打140磅以上如鱼得水
    We know Mayweather, the former welterweight champ, fights comfortably above 140 pounds;

  • 在球场上,丹尼可是如鱼得水。他一直给学生们示范如何投球。
    On the field, Danny was in his element, showing the students how to pitch the ball.

  • 只要你在北京呆久了,你就不是如鱼得水,而是如鱼得“冰”了!
    A: But as long as you are in Beijing, you may be more like a fish in ice!

  • 所以来自利物浦科罗泰斯的本土的天才如鱼得水,即将进入决赛。
    So the home-grown talent from Croxteth in Liverpool was in his element, playing to reach another cup final.

  • 我们马上一拍即合。那晚我们如鱼得水。我们计划明年四月结婚。
    We hit it off right away and I knew that night we were perfect for each other.

  • 在乐成涉外区的豪丽坊,在不凡格调和国际文化中,他们如鱼得水
    In extraordinary style and international culture, they ease the lives at Holi Day of Landgent Foreign Zone.

  • 于是,我顺利地通过了面试,开始做我擅长做的事儿,如鱼得水啊!
    I passed the interview smoothly and began to do the job that was in my field, as if a fish comes back into the water.

  • 我想说的事,不管你是不是个人才,如果想在工作环境中,如鱼得水的话。
    What I want to say is no matter you are able or not, if you want to lead a smooth life in your job, like a fish in the water.

  • 你看到当地人在自己的私人空间如鱼得水,而你却觉得孤独而“没有归属”。
    You see the local people in their private spaces and you feel lonely and "outside".

  • 三人中年纪最轻的王海滨已经贵为中国击剑队男花主教练,在事业上如鱼得水
    Three of the youngest Wang Haibin of China has high fencing team coach men spend in the cause of home.

  • 这儿的一切都很好,我感到很惬意。他们说我真有点如鱼得水。(比较:如鸭得水)
    All goes on for the best here and I'm enjoying it quite a lot. They say I take to it like a duck to water.

  • 只要把这两个关节打通,“市场、资源、金钱”三者之间的资本运作就能够如鱼得水了。
    As long as these two joints up, "market, resources, money, " operating between the capital will be able to come.

  • 有时候确实有些困难,但是英超就是吸引任何人踢球的地方,在一队球员中踢球让我如鱼得水
    It can be difficult at times, but the Premier League is where everyone aspires to be and being in and around the first-team will make it easier for me.

  • 戈尔很乐意接受这项任务——如鱼得水。他请来了政府以外的专家,并广泛征询了政府雇员的意见。
    Al took to the job like a duck to water, bringing in outside experts and consulting widely with government employees.

  • 灵感是人的一生中最重要的一种能量。人们往往会产生灵感。有了灵感,人们在工作时就会如鱼得水,应变自如。
    Inspirations are the most important thing in life. People come to Truthmeetings for inspiration. I find the right word will start divine activity operating in their affairs.

  • 温州资金在寻找题材时,现在看来最为痛苦的就是缺乏信息,而这一点也成就着“超然”在上海如鱼得水的局面。
    Wenzhou funds in the search for stories, it seems the most painful is the lack of information, which is also the achievements of the "independent" in Shanghai immediately situation.

  • 我公司位于中国轻纺城,得天独厚的贸易氛围和优越的周边面料生产环境让我司在这块土地上如鱼得水,茁壮发展。
    My company is located in the China Textile City, abundant trade and superior atmosphere surrounding environment for the production of fabrics in Division I came home, healthy development.

  • 顺利落位的七尺大个加索尔的进攻如鱼得水——处理球的能力非常突出,但是你千万不要忽视他更具威胁力的中投。
    Sure, it helps that he is a seven-footer that moves well, but more than distributing the ball, he is also hitting his mid-range jumper.

  • 在这所为天赋异常之人量身打造的大学中,柯拉柯夫斯基如鱼得水:他可以不受打扰地读书、写作,偶尔也可谈话。
    In a university tailor-made for gifted misfits, Mr Kolakowski was happy: he was left alone to read, write, and, less often, talk.

  • 奥多姆的不稳定延续到了这个赛季,虽然他保证要打出一个伟大的赛季。位于科比和拜纳姆后的第三位置,奥多姆表现得如鱼得水
    Lamar's inconsistent play continued in this season, as he showed promise of greatness, he seemed to be more confident as the third option behind Kobe and Andrew Bynum.

  • 通过一些他们之间关系外在的表现形式,一个已婚的妇女可以看上去生活得很好,比如把家把持得仅仅有条,在社交活动中如鱼得水
    A married woman can get along nicely by fulfilling the outward forms of a relationship, running a home well, savoring a social life.

  • 不过,弗格森透露,29岁的欧文在新俱乐部如鱼得水,并对他在训练中的表现印象深刻。“我对他的训练感到很高兴,”弗格森说。
    However, Ferguson has revealed the 29-year-old is thriving at his new club and revealed that he has been impressed with what he has seen in training so far.

  • 久而久之,Usenet用户越来越成为Usenet矩阵中如鱼得水的一分子——因为他们自己支持了Usenet,并帮助着其他用户。
    Over time, USENETters get better at being parts of the USENET matrix -- because their *own* condensations support USENET's, and this helps other users.

  • 不过,也有一些会针对某个问题提出自己的观点,比如,哪类学生在学校里最如鱼得水或最格格不入。还有些视频可以带你简单参观校园或宿舍。
    But others include opinions on issues like what kinds of students fit in best or worst on campus, or mini tours of the campus or of typical dorms.

  • 不过命运使然,现在加索尔正在禅师的三角进攻体系中打得如鱼得水,队中有著自从乔丹时代以来的最佳得分后卫科比,加索尔已在球队中拿到总冠军,而且球队的发展方向正跟克劳斯所设想的无限接近。
    And as fate would have it, Gasol now plays in Phil's triangle with the best guard since MJ, on a team with one championship and more likely on the way.

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