
对头冤家  duì tóu yuān jiā







  • 辛普森审判,以及冤家对头猫与狗。
    J. Simpson trial , and cats versus dogs.

  • 虽然是多年老友,这两个律师最后还是成了冤家对头
    Though friends for many years, the two lawyers finally ended up enemies.

  • 以往,音乐搜索引擎和唱片业颇像一对 “冤家对头”。
    Before, musical search engine and record industry resemble a pair quite " enemy correct " .

  • 这样看来,从男爵和他弟弟在各方面都有理由成为冤家对头
    So that the baronet and his brother had every reason which two brothers possibly can have for being by the ears.

  • 这样看来,从男爵和他弟弟在各方面都有理由成为冤家对头
    and his brother had every reason which two brothers possibly can have for being by the ears.

  • 把一对同宗同种的孪生兄弟,造就成了完全誓不两立的冤家对头,这只能说是人的残忍。
    It is human cruelty that turns twin brothers of the same feather into irreconcilable enemies.

  • 两人有如冤家对头一样争执不休,但通过一起调查一宗文物盗窃案,不知不觉萌发了爱情。
    They are both thrown together to investigate a stolen artifact, which leads to a bundle of unexpected turmoil.

  • 我知道你们两人是对头冤家,怎么会变得这样和气,大家睡在一块儿,没有一点猜忌,再不怕敌人了呢?
    I know you two are rival enemies; How comes this gentle concord in the world That hatred is so far from jealousy To sleep by hate, and fear no enmity?

  • 恢复角色的国会与坚决自主的行政部门之间斗争,其结果将如冤家对头般激烈,将使当局绝望地不胜其扰。
    The result will be a bitter struggle between a resurgent Congress and a determined executive, which will leave the administration hopelessly distracted.

  • 歌中唱得好:“世间自有公道,付出总有回报……”没准哪天你会发现自己的对头冤家竟然也可爱起来了呢。
    Sing a good song: "the world its own justice, to pay the total return on …" day perhaps you will find that their enemy was also head up so cute.

  • 最牢固的关系有时候也会结束,即使不是形如陌路、成为冤家对头或者水火不容,我们最后也会被死亡所分开。
    Even the most solid relationships sometimes end, if not with indifference, rancor or incompatibility, then eventually with death.

  • 不过,叶利钦的“冤家对头”戈尔巴乔夫却暗指这个死去的人曾犯下“严重的错误”,这表达了大多数俄罗斯人的心情。
    Yet Mr Yeltsin's great rival, Mikhail Gorbachev, reflected the mood of most Russians when he alluded to the dead man's "serious mistakes".

  • 夏雨不客气的赏了刘星四个字,虽然她的心理也觉的刘星刚才的那一番话也很有道理,不过两人的立场不同,他们可是对头冤家
    Yu Xia Liu Xing blunt words of the tours, although she also feel the psychological Liu Xing earlier that the remarks are justified, but two different positions, but their enemies accuser.

  • 对头冤家造句相关
