
山珍海味  shān zhēn hǎi wèi








  • 我要请你吃吃城市里的山珍海味
    I shall treat you to some delicious city food.

  • 这几天我只能在梦中享受山珍海味了。
    Thefeasting I do these days is in my dream.

  • 在古代,皇帝可以天天享用山珍海味
    In ancient times, an emperor could have delicacies everyday.

  • 相当多的人们羡慕可以吃到山珍海味
    A lot of people feel envious of someone can have precious food.

  • 这几天我只能在梦中舒服山珍海味了。
    The only feasting I do any days is in my dream.

  • 没有山珍海味,那生活还有什么滋味?
    What would life be without delicacies from hill and sea on the table?

  • 这几天偶只能在梦中享受山珍海味了 。
    The only feasting I do these days is in my dream.

  • 不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味
    Do not eat with the wicked man or be greedy for his choice food.

  • 不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味
    Eat not with an envious man, and desire not his meats.

  • 桌上的菜也比以前丰顺多了,鸡鸭鱼肉、山珍海味都有。
    Table dishes also Fengshun more than ever before for poultry and fish, have Delicacies.

  • 定州扒糕:是城里人山珍海味吃腻了换口味的土特食品。
    Dingzhou Grilled cake: It is tired of city people Delicacies eat food for the taste of Tute.

  • 特别是木兰湖中的各种淡水鱼及山珍海味,使您饱览口福。
    Mulan particularly in the middle of the lake and fish The professionals allowing you to enjoy the gastronomy.

  • 食时若配以冒汤饺子,就是山珍海味、美味佳肴也难以比拟。
    If the food to take with soup dumplings, that is, Delicacies, delicious food can hardly be compared.

  • 他住的是大房子,穿的是上好的绫罗绸缎,每天享受山珍海味
    He had a big house, bought fine silk clothes and enjoyed delicious food every day.

  • 海南是得天独厚的自然资源优势,盛产许多奇特罕见的山珍海味
    Hainan is the agvant ageous natural resource superiority, is rich in many unusual rare delicacies of every kind.

  • 仿佛生命的可贵,不需要吃什么山珍海味,只需要合理的营养饮食。
    As if the value of life, do not eat what Shanzhenhaiwei, just and rational nutritional diet.

  • 当你品尝着一盘盘山珍海味时,你是否想过动物们正在一批批的减少?
    When you taste a plate of Shanzhenhaiwei, do you think animals are reducing the number of approved?

  • 会议经常安排在著名景点城市召开,住在星级宾馆,吃这山珍海味,车接车送。
    Regular meeting arrangements held in the famous city attractions, live in the star hotels, eat this Delicacies, car access for bus passengers.

  • 通常到华西街夜就联想到吃蛇肉或是喝蛇血,但是在夜市也有其他许多山珍海味
    When go to hua-xi-jie usually associated with eating snake meat or drink snake blood. However, at the night market there are many other delicacies.

  • 如果在山珍海味中加多了盐,这时盐就变成了“小人”,破坏了山珍海味的美味。
    If more than the proper amount is used, it will damage, rather than enhance, the flavor of the delicacies.

  • 三沙粿仔,福建宁德小吃。以其具有集山珍海味于一丸之中的特点而深受人们的喜爱。
    3 sand cakes Tsai, Fujian Ningde snacks. Its a pill with a set of Delicacies on the characteristics of being very popular.

  • 忽然间,这群动物中有一个像人的说,有异象显明,我们不久要吃到山珍海味,碧绿的青草。
    All of a sudden, these animals have a person like that, there are obvious anomalies, we will soon have to eat Shanzhenhaiwei and green grass.

  • 或者,你要高规格地宴请贵宾,点的是山珍海味,高档酒水,你不可能仅支付快餐盒饭档次的费用。
    Alternatively, you have to high specifications to the banquet guests, the nightly point, high-grade charges, you can not only cover the cost of a fast food lunch grades.

  • 尽管与吃的山珍海味、喝的琼浆玉液、坐的奔驰、宝马比起来,豪华办公楼与豪华别墅毕竟只是小巫见大巫
    Despite the Shanzhenhaiwei and eat, drink Qiongjiangyuye, take the Mercedes-Benz, BMW than, luxury office buildings and luxury villas, after all, just pale into insignificance.

  • 本店以海鲜为主,有福建特色海鲜汤、佛跳墙(“佛跳墙”是集山珍海味之大全的传统名菜,为闽菜的代表作。
    We mainly in seafood, Fujian features seafood soup, Fotiao Qiang ( "Fotiao Qiang" is a set of the Encyclopedia of Shanzhenhaiwei traditional dishes, as the representative of the Min Cai.

  • 其实食物的功用,只在于提供我们身体的活力,粗茶淡饭就能活命,而粗茶淡饭在准备供应上远比山珍海味来的容易。
    In fact, food just supplies us with energy. Simple diets can make us live and it is easy to offer them than gourmet food.

  • 固执的蝎子在就餐上宁愿悠閒地品尝些家常小菜而不愿繁琐地应酬那些山珍海味。不过妳的胃口极好,这足以让妳享受各种美食。
    The tenacious Scorpio prefers to keep a routine and not be bothered with big meals, Your strong constitution will enable you to try a wide variety of dishes.

  • 固执的蝎子在就餐上宁愿悠闲地品尝些家常小菜而不愿繁琐地应酬那些山珍海味。不过你的胃口极好,这足以让你享受各种美食。
    The tenacious Scorpio prefers to keep a routine and not be bothered with big meals, Your strong constitution will enable you to try a wide variety of dishes.

  • 她最喜欢的就是去小卖部买三毛钱芒果干,一大袋,下课的时候,一边看《水浒传》,一边一根一根地慢慢嚼,看起来,就是在享受着山珍海味
    Her favorite is to a commissary money to buy San Mao, dried mango, bag full, after class, when watching "The Water Margin", while a one chewing slowly, it seems, is enjoying the delicacy.

  • 不是山珍海味、不是玲珑剔透、不是豪华大餐,阳光里约巴西烤肉是有特色,有食欲,真正可以感受到南美州热情奔放,让人吃起来留恋尽兴的巴西烤肉。
    Here there is no epicurean delicacies, exquisite or super luxury meals. Here in Rio BBQ authentic South American barbecue is tasted. It is special and tasty and arouses your appetite.

  • 山珍海味造句相关
