
形形色色  xíng xíng sè sè








  • 人生路上会遇到的人形形色色
    On the way they will meet all sorts of people.

  • 这一张张脸代表芝加哥形形色色的人们。
    The faces represent the many different people of Chicago.

  • 我们只能在形形色色的平庸人物中去挑选。
    We are asked to choose between various shades of the negative.

  • 作为一名精神科医生,他每天要和形形色色的病人打交道。
    As a mad doctor, he has to deal with various patients every day.

  • 今天我看见一个绿头发的姑娘,不过我想世上的人是形形色色的。
    I saw a girl with green hair today, but it takes all sorts I suppose.

  • 色彩斑斓、形形色色的条条心藤缠绕一起,肆无忌惮地爬满长长的酒歌。
    Colorful, diverse roads lead to heart vine entangled together, he noticed that a long wine wanton songs.

  • 如果你途经美景镇纪念医院,你会遇见形形色色为了痊愈而竭尽全力的人。
    If you walk through Fairview Memorial Hospital, you will encounter all sorts of people doing their best to recover.

  • 这个城市里,没有亲人,没有朋友,从我身边走过的都是形形色色的陌生人。
    In this city, no family, no friends, from my side are all kinds of strangers walked.

  • 英国电视生活指导皮特科亨说,如今,有形形色色的网页在猎取我们的注意力。
    "These days there are all manner of websites gunning for our attention, " said British television "lifestyle coach" Pete Cohen.

  • 威尼斯也是资金的来源,以资助贸易、十字军远征和欧洲形形色色的国王与王侯。
    Venice was also a source of capital, to finance trade, the crusades, and various kings and princes of Europe.

  • 社会是由形形色色的人组成。有些人很好。有些人很坏。也有些人介乎两者之间。
    Society is made up of a variety of people, some are good. others (are) bad. and still others (are) in between.

  • GNU项目的贡献者刚开始是开发一些简单的工具来替代形形色色的UNIX程序。
    Woody: The GNU Project contributors began to develop simple tools to replace all the various UNIX programs.

  • 形形色色的神,形形色色的宗教仪式,人类在历史中的全部活动都是每一个人的背景。
    The various gods, the various rituals, the whole movement of man in time is in the background of every human being.

  • 第四,要反对形形色色的贸易保护主义,要共同推动多哈回合谈判达成全面、平衡的协议。
    And fourth, oppose trade protectionism of various forms and work together to facilitate a comprehensive and balanced conclusion to the Doha round negotiations.

  • 这些数量繁多的笔记小说塑造了形形色色的商贩形象,也从不同侧面反映了当时的社会生活。
    These massive, literary sketches have portrayed various images of pedlars, and also reflected social life of that time from different sides.

  • 它们在形形色色的桶中可能只能算是小傢伙,但它显然和让宝宝重温子宫生活的环境最接近。
    They may just look like tubs in buckets, but this is apparently the closest these babies will get to life back in the womb.

  • 此外,大家还同意:在这两个城市里,绝不允许暴力行动,形形色色的小刑事犯一定要加以制止。
    It was also agreed that no violence would be permitted in these cities and that petty criminals of all types were to be discouraged.

  • 当你和朋友们拥有新的经历,开始参加新的活动,结识形形色色的人时,你们都会发生某种程度的变化。
    As you and your friends have new experiences, make on fresh activities and get acquainted with different people, you're all going to change to some degree.

  • 对于“人工智能”(AI)如何、合适可能出现的猜测成为了各个学术圈及流行文化中形形色色辩论中的话题。
    Speculation about how and when "artificial intelligence" (AI) might arise became the subject of colorful debate in academic circles, as well as in popular culture.

  • 作为巨富、歹徒、官员、工人、逃亡者以及艺术家的家园,这座城市是一个展示形形色色的人物的大都会。(答案)
    Home to magnates and gangsters, officials and laborers, refugees and artists, the city was, in its prime, a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the human character.

  • 仍在校念书的编剧导演,家喻户晓的演艺明星——形形色色的表演人士汇聚爱丁堡艺穗节,颇似飞蛾扑向巨型火源。
    Performers of all kinds, from schoolboy writer-directors to stars with household names, are drawn to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe like moths to a giant searchlight.

  • 所有这些解释都带有形形色色的个人偏见,也许作解释的本人是相信的,但从历史事实的角度看,却似乎颇不足信。
    All of these reasons suggested by every variety of personal prejudice may have satisfied their advocates, but in the light of historical facts they appeared quite unconvincing.

  • 最后,翻译是一种风格,它弥合了分歧,显示了个人的偏爱,形形色色精彩纷呈的译文折射了译者的特点。(纽马克)
    Lastly, a matter of taste, where argument ceases, preference are expressed, and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual differences. (Peter Newmark.

  • 迷宫一样的房间,又暗又乱,发出阵阵霉味,形形色色的破旧物品堆满一地;这里总是可望找到一件价值连城的珍品。
    There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litters the floors.

  • 在年底的时候,形形色色的投资人都是损失惨重且稀里糊涂,就像被小鸟误入羽毛球比赛一样(被反复打击、坠落)。
    By yearend, investors of all stripes were bloodied and confused, much as if they were small birds that had strayed into a badminton game.

  • 事实上,对批评的发展历史作一番考察我们就会得到这样一个教训,那就是我们多亏过去有那么多形形色色的批评理论。
    One lesson we gain from a survey of the history of criticism , in fact, is the great debt we owe to the variety of the criticism of the past.

  • 玩家有大量的武器可以选择,从简单的步枪到手榴弹、从火焰喷射器与大范围突击途中遇到的形形色色的敌人进行战斗。
    Players have a lot of weapons to choose, from simple rifles to grenades, flamethrowers and a wide range from a surprise encounter all sorts of way to fight the enemy.

  • 他们通常没意识到在很多国家,形形色色的贿赂行为正日益增多。在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的一种生活方式。
    They often do not realize that bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries and, in some, has been a way of life for centuries.

  • 我们朝那里走去,我感到特别高兴的是,我们是顺着码头走去的,旁边是形形色色大小不一、装备各异、国籍不同的船只。
    Thither we had now to walk, and our way, to my great delight lay along the quays and beside the great multitude of ships of all sizes and rigs and nations.

  • 北京是一个传统与现代相结合的城市。通过形形色色的建筑物你既可以了解许多历史事件,也可以感受到现代文明的活力。
    Beijing is a city combined tradition with modernity. By viewing these buildings, you can both learn historical story and feel the dynamic civilisation of modern times.

  • 形形色色造句相关
