
形影相吊  xíng yǐng xiāng diào







  • 没有人是一座岛屿,孤零零形影相吊
    No man is an Iland, in tire of it selfe;

  • 从那以后,皮特形影相吊,万分悲痛。
    Form then on, peter has been lonely and in grief.

  • 一个人形影相吊这么多年了,但是我从来都没放弃过对爱情的执着。
    A person Xingyingxiangdiao for so many years, but I never gave up on love, dedication.

  • 大提琴和二胡如同形影相吊,如泣如诉的旋律交叠在一起,叫人不忍卒听。
    The duet of cello and erhu seems two shadows in solitude and the gloomy melody is too sad to hear once more.

  • 周建农教授介绍,“癌症性格”有十种表现:茕茕独立,形影相吊,惯于自我压抑;
    Zhou Jiannong teaches the introduction, "Cancer disposition " have 10 kinds of show: All alone and independent, body and shadow comforting each other-extremely lonely, wont ego is depressive;

  • 或是让他的遗孀把它浸泡在一个装满福尔马林液的瓶子里,并挂在斗篷上形影相吊
    Or would his widow keep it on the mantle in a jar of formaldehyde?

  • 总之是没有人去理他,使得他“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”,没有什么事做了,只好挟起皮包走路。
    In short, he was left out in the cold, "standing all alone, body and shadow comforting each other". There was nothing more for him to do, and he had to take to the road, his briefcase under his arm.

  • 形影相吊,思乡之愁向我袭来。透过小阁楼那唯一的窗户,我呆呆地望着远处艾菲尔铁塔出神。
    Lonely and homesick, I was staring at the Eiffel Tour from the single window of my attic.

  • 如此形影相吊,如此销魂,这景色生出了一种勾心摄魄的诱惑力,促使我全速跑向我孤独的尤物。
    Thus isolated, thus removed, the vision acquired an especially keen charm that made me race with all speed toward my lone gratification.

  • 形影相吊造句相关
