
得其所哉  dé qí suǒ zāi







  • 精力充沛的沃尔特斯真是得其所哉
    The indefatigable Walters was in his element .

  • 精力充沛的沃尔特斯真是得其所哉
    The indefatigable Walters was in his element.

  • 用一句陈腐的话说,他在这里可谓“得其所哉”。
    To use the hackneyed phrase, here he found himself.

  • 胡妁说:「那贪赃枉法之徒,不是得其所哉了吗?」
    Hu Shuo said, "Then those who are corrupt, or go around the law, get what they are after?""

  • 他的创造物在危机时期得其所哉,他很难要求有更好的变化。
    His creation comes into its own in times of crisis, and he could hardly ask for a more conducive turn of events.

  • 难道他比较喜欢天高地阔的感觉,只有大海这种地方才能尽其所长、得其所哉
    Maybe he likes the wild open sea with a high sky above?Or does the prince simply only like to "hunt in his field"?

  • 难道他比较喜欢天高地阔的感觉,只有大海这种地方才能尽其所长、得其所哉
    Maybe he likes the wild open sea with a high sky above?

  • 后来我找到一家在八角街的藏民旅馆,叫达夏家庭旅馆。就在市中心区,才一百人民币一天。真是得其所哉
    Afterwards, I found a centrally located family-run hotel at "Eight Corners" for only 100 RMB per night. I was really happy!

  • 但一旦需要进行欧洲的全面战争,这个人就显露头角,得其所哉,他就能把欧洲各国联合起来,领导他们奔向目的地。
    But as soon as a general European war becomes inevitable, at the given moment, he is in his place, and bringing the European peoples together he leads them to the goal.

  • 而巴西音乐结合了振奋人心的节奏律动元素与隽美无比的旋律和声,对爵士乐手的演奏是非常能够得其所哉的-如久宾、路易兹.邦法的音乐。
    The Brazilian music combined the element of rhythmic excitement with beautiful melodies and harmonies that were very logical for a jazz musician to play - music by Jobim, Luiz Bonfá.

  • 得其所哉造句相关
