
微乎其微  wēi hū qí wēi








  • 这对温度的影响将是微乎其微的。
    This will have a negligible effect on the temperature.

  • 他对这个项目的贡献微乎其微
    His contribution to the project was next to nothing.

  • 在他看来,所有这些问题都微乎其微
    In his eye, all of these problems are miniscule.

  • 他努力工作,但所得的报酬却微乎其微
    He got very little in reward for his hard work.

  • 然而,事实上我们对大猩猩的了解微乎其微
    Yet the fact is we know very little about gorillas.

  • 最新研究表明,事实上在许多大公司个人职业发展的机会是微乎其微的。
    The new study finds that in fact there is little opportunity for individual career development in many large companies.

  • 但是,我们应该心知肚明的是这种有限防御能够取到的作用也是微乎其微的。
    Yet it is worth keeping in mind just how limited a role such limited defences can play.

  • 如果用电流来传送动力,可以传送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎是微乎其微的。
    Power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negligible loss if it is carried by an electric current.

  • 巴西空军官员说,目前已打捞起51具遗体,发现更多遗体的可能性已微乎其微
    Brazilian Air Force official says it will be impossible to find more than the 51 bodies already recovered.

  • 国会预算办公室推断本周此法案将对老年人药物的价格有“一个微乎其微”的影响。
    The Congressional Budget Office concluded this week that the bill would have "a negligible" effect on seniors' drug costs.

  • 在这一点上,尽管同机器运转所产生的电子“背景噪音”比起来,这个信号微乎其微
    At that point, though, the signal is small compared with the electronic "noise" caused by the machine's operation.

  • 照咱们这一些门外汉看,咱们耗费那么多金钱和努力所取得的成根本那是微乎其微的。
    As far as the layman is concerned, the practical results of all the expenditure of cash and efforts are not negligible.

  • 当你专栏作家的孩子长大了,要解开他们的怨怒、积怨和冒失的需要,变得微乎其微
    As your columnist's children grow up, the need to untangle their tantrums, feuds and nonsense is becoming pleasingly rare.

  • 但是观察家认为,乌克兰与格鲁吉亚能够在布加勒斯特得到加入许可的机会微乎其微
    But observers say the chances that Ukraine and Georgia, which has also put in a bid, will win approval in Bucharest are slim.

  • 有时候很清楚彼此之间的距离,也知道无论自己多么努力,最后能在一起的几率也是微乎其微
    It is clear that the distance between us, the good happy ending can hardly come one day, no matter how hard I try myself.

  • 如果朝鲜和伊朗能违背规则还一直依靠中国和俄罗斯庇护,那么“无核”进展铁定是要微乎其微了。
    If North Korea and Iran can keep counting on the protection of China and Russia in their rule-breaking, progress will be all too slight.

  • 在促进美国的贸易平衡方面,服务业所起的作用微乎其微。服务业多半只是使人们的收入在国内流转。
    Service jobs do very little to help the U. S. balance of trade and mostly just move incomes around the country.

  • 如果火箭进入乐透,则几乎肯定拿到第14号选秀权——第14号球队赢得乒乓球的机会是微乎其微的。
    If Houston made the lottery it would almost certainly pick 14th -- the odds of the No. 14 team winning the ping-pong derby are miniscule.

  • 长期以来,阀门遥控系统及其所属的船舶装卸自动化系统技术一直被国外垄断,设备国产化率微乎其微
    For a long time, valve remote control systems and their automation systems of ships loading and unloading technology has been monopolized by foreign equipment localization rate negligible.

  • 尽管这个改变微乎其微,专家说它可能暗示海平面上升和全球变暖的预报(从全球变暖得到的实际情况)。
    Although the change is tiny, experts say it could have implications for predicting sea-level rise and the effects of global warming (get the facts on global warming).

  • 目前,切尔西赢得联赛冠军的机率微乎其微。他们仍然必须在联赛中对阵阿森纳、领先者曼联,以及埃福顿。
    Chelsea, who now only have an outside chance of clinching the title, still have to play Arsenal, leaders Manchester United and Everton in the Premiership.

  • 也因为没有原油被囤积起来,这些赌注对油价的影响是微乎其微的,甚至比足球赌盘对比赛结果的影响还小。
    And since no oil is ever held back from the market, these bets do not affect the price of oil any more than bets on a football match affect the result.

  • 最重要是猎取他的灵魂信息,随他一起潜入灵魂深处,迅速捕捉其灵魂哪怕稍纵即逝微乎其微的闪烁和震颤。
    The most important thing is hunting his soul, with him into the depths of the soul, quickly capturing the soul of fleeting even the little flashes and tremors.

  • 但是,在国会上共和党人说这些削减措施的影响力微乎其微。朱迪•格雷是参议院预算委员会共和党人的首席。
    But Republicans in Congress say they will have little if any impact. Judd Gregg is the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.

  • 业内人士说,停产将造成大量矿工失业,但是对于煤矿供应的影响微乎其微,因为涉及到的绝大多数都是小煤矿。
    Industry insides said the suspension will leave a huge number of miners jobless, but coal supply will only be slightly affected because most of the pits involved are small.

  • 每个人都有优点,哪怕是微乎其微的,这就靠你是否肯去挖掘,是否有自信心,是否把自己身上的小小优点错过?
    Everyone has advantages, even if it is minimal, which depend on whether you are willing to dig, do you have self-confidence, whether the small advantages of himself to miss?

  • 其实,那些因持续性疼痛而需要长期服用阿片类药物的患者,仅仅因每天服用这类止痛药而成瘾的风险微乎其微
    Patients with persistent pain who require prolonged opioid therapy have little to no risk of developing addictive disease just because they are taking pain medications every day.

  • 像宇宙中那样令人无法理解的景象一样,有些人断定相信圣经是一件不可能的事,因为地球和人类实在是太微乎其微了。
    Like the spectacle of universe which is hard to understand, so some people concluded believing the Bible is a impossible matter, because the Earth and the humanity are really too tiny.

  • 该设计改动微乎其微,通过将原有加法单元替换为一种改进的加法单元,对加法器原有关键通路无任何额外的时延影响。
    The modification was nearly negligible in which the full adder cells are substituted by cells termed modified full adder and such design has not any additional critical paths inside the adders.

  • 然而意外式的快乐出现的几率是微乎其微的,而平淡式的快乐虽然不起眼却产生于生活的角角落落,只待敏感的人儿去发觉去感悟。
    Whereas the first kind of happiness is rare, the second kind, plain as it is, virtually arises from every corner of life, waiting to be discovered and experienced by a sensitive heart.

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