
心惊肉跳  xīn jīng ròu tiào








  • 电影中的暗杀场面使我心惊肉跳
    The murder scene in the film horrified me .

  • 这正是这类使油商人心惊肉跳的新闻。
    This is just the sort of news that makes oil traders jumpy.

  • 听到那消息时她心惊肉跳
    Her heart jumped when she heard the news.

  • 这地方真叫我心惊肉跳
    This place fairly gives me the jumps.

  • 当他发现床底下有条蛇时,吓得心惊肉跳
    He jumped out of his skin when he saw a sneak under his bed.

  • 我知道就要发生什么事了,心惊肉跳得厉害。
    I knew that something was going to happen, and I was very jumpy.

  • 这老太太知道要出事了,于是吓得心惊肉跳
    The old lady knew that something was going to happen, and she was very jumpy.

  • 露丝谛听着,每次有脚步声过去她就心惊肉跳
    Ruth listened and started nervously at every passing footstep .

  • 我们有时看到那些利用网络诱拐儿童的新闻都心惊肉跳
    The news that we see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension.

  • 能从膝盖以上把人腿切掉,并致伤周围其他心惊肉跳士兵。
    They were capable of tearing off a leg above the knee, or inflicting the wound that above all others terrified the soldiers.

  • 对于多数基金经理而言,2008年是令人心惊肉跳的一年。
    For the majority of fund managers, 2008 is the year Xinjingroutiao.

  • 一般常诉说神经过敏、心烦意乱、心惊肉跳、容易激惹及睡眠感缺失。
    It is neurosis, distracted, filled with apprehension, easy to often be recounted commonly stimulate offend reachMorpheusFeeling be short of break.

  • 看了之后,让人心惊肉跳,真想大声疾呼:香山别墅热,千万别热起来。
    Read, so perhaps, really loudly : Fragrance Hill villa hot, Never heat up.

  • 有一次做梦梦见我在考试,吓的我心惊肉跳,醒过来发现自己果然在考试!
    Dream to dream me at the examination once, frighten of I nerve-racking, wake up to discover oneself indeed as expected at examination!

  • 无论什么样的情况,他似乎都没有碰到过危险,但想到无形的威胁就使他心惊肉跳
    He seemed to be in no danger whatsoever, and that made him jumpy because he imagined invisible threats.

  • 表面上看来,圣·克莱亚的脾气一般还不错,但实际上却非常可怕,简直使我心惊肉跳
    St. Clare is really frightful-he frightens me-good-natured as he looks in general.

  • 虽然六年过去了,但只要有飞机低空飞过,或者消防车呼啸而过时,人们就会感到心惊肉跳
    Six years on, a low-flying plane or a speeding fire truck can make the heart pound.

  • 可她还是默默的把孩子做了,想想那个手术她就会心惊肉跳,那种撕心裂肺的痛在她的心头再也抹不去!
    But she was silent for the child to do, and think that surgery she would be gripped with horror that piercing pain in her heart could no longer wipe it away!

  • 我本是做贸易的,转来转去转到房地产上,这么高的暴利都使我心惊肉跳的,真担心哪一天会‘崩盘'。
    I was doing this trade, switch to real estate, The profits are so high that I appear, really worried days will 'collapse'.

  • 至此,鄙人怦然心动心惊肉跳,喜出望外,神魂颠倒(魂不守舍),感谢上帝赐给了我一位有钱的天使;
    By then, I was suddenli moved and shocked, amazing and upsetting. Thanks for God that sent me an angel with a lot of money.

  • 年轻人满眼恐惧,望着那看似令人心惊肉跳的无尽深渊,他连向独木桥上迈一步的勇气都没有,更别说射靶了。
    Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss, the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log, no less shoot at a target.

  • 但有一个小插曲,就是在麦当劳比赛的时候,他并没有成为扣篮选手。但我们各自在罚球线附近玩了一回心惊肉跳
    It was funny because he wasn't in the dunk contest in the McDonald's game, but in the layup line before the game we had a little dunk contest of our own.

  • 越往前走路越陡,我那点可怜的控制力越发微弱,终于,在加州巴斯陀西南一个令人心惊肉跳的陡坡上,它彻底消失了。
    The forwarder , the road the steeper, and the fewer my control power. eventually, the horrible stamp disappeared entirely, which located at West-Southern Bastu in California.

  • 越往前走路越陡,我那点可怜的控制力越发微弱,终于,在加州巴斯陀西南一个令人心惊肉跳的陡坡上,它彻底消失了。
    But as the day wore onthe road mounted higher, that little core of self-control grew smaller smaller, finally, on a heart-stop-ping grade southwest of Barstow, California, it vanished altogether.

  • 越往前走路越陡,我那点可怜的控制力越发微弱,终于,在加州巴斯陀西南一个令人心惊肉跳的陡坡上,它彻底消失了。
    More proceeds to walk steep, I that pitiful controlling force is even more weak, finally, on a California Buss tuo southwest fearful and apprehensive steep slope, it thoroughly vanished.

  • 生活中充满了难以预料的意外,不愉快的震惊会打乱我们的节奏,让我们时不时心惊肉跳,而越是不想就越会发生这种事。
    Life is full of nasty shocks, unpleasant surprises that jolt our systems, and cause our hearts to skip a beat, and these shocks always occur, when we least expect them.

  • 过去一年,油价飙升到每桶50美元并且曾一度达到70美元的峰值,加油站每加仑3美元的油价曾一度使北部地区心惊肉跳
    In the past year, oil has blown by $50 a barrel and peaked briefly at $70 altitudes, sending prices at the gas pump temporarily into the psychologically jarring territory north of $3 gallon.

  • 过去的一年,油价已突破每桶五十美元,并在七十美元大关作短暂停留,加油站的价格一度令北部地区心惊肉跳,达到每加仑三美元。
    In the past year, oil has blown by $50 a barrel and peaked briefly at $70 altitudes, sending prices at the gas pump temporarily into the psychologically jarring territory north of $3 a gallon.

  • 泰珀18年以上的老客户席利(AlanShealy)说,和泰珀一起投资就象是飞一样,有几个小时无聊透顶,然后是一阵阵的心惊肉跳
    'Investing with David is like flying, with hours of boredom followed by bouts of sheer terror, ' says Alan Shealy, a client of more than 18 years.

  • 更详细的消息还没有被透露,但根据多个消息来源,即将拍摄的电影将更关注于KieferSutherland的角色,而不是那个令人心惊肉跳的读秒。
    Details haven't been hammered out yet but, according to Variety, the proposed movie will focus more on the travails of   Kiefer Sutherland's character than on the ominously ticking clock.

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