
心旷神怡  xīn kuàng shén yí








  • 你那轻柔的声音使我心旷神怡
    Your gentle voice my spirit can cheer.

  • 日出的美真是令人心旷神怡
    The beauty of the sunrise is really breathtaking .

  • 天空、风筝,使人心旷神怡
    The sky, kites, people relaxed and happy.

  • 坐在阳光下令人心旷神怡
    It's enjoyable sitting in the sun.

  • 泰国冰茶,独特的茶香,让人心旷神怡
    Thai Ice Tea, the special ice tea with great aroma.

  • 哈定先生,一看见了你,使人觉得心旷神怡
    A sight of you, Mr Harding , is good for sore eyes.

  • 这花儿有一股沁人心脾的芳香,闻了使人心旷神怡
    This flower has a fresh, aromatic, refreshing smell of the people.

  • 微风轻柔,令人心旷神怡。蔚蓝的天空没有一片云。
    The air was soft and cheerful. Not a cloud covered the blue heaven.

  • 当您走上这五光十色的阶梯,你有一种心旷神怡的感觉!
    When you embark on this colorful ladder, you have a delightful feeling!

  • 那日子没有烦恼,没有忧愁,快活自在,使人心旷神怡
    That day there is no trouble, no worries, happy comfortable, relaxed and happy people.

  • 我肯定你是对的。无论如何,那都是一个心旷神怡的夜晚!
    I'm sure you were right. Anyway it was a great evening!

  • 经过风尘仆仆的跋涉之后,看到湖水真让人感到心旷神怡
    After our long, dusty hike, the lake was a sight for sore eyes.

  • 一缕清香使我颇乱的心变得如此的平静,顿时觉得心旷神怡
    Wisp fragrance makes me quite chaotic heart become so calm, suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

  • 经过这么多天的航行,凝视着这片大地,的确令人心旷神怡
    Gazing at the mainland after so many days of sailing was indeed a glorious sight.

  • 登山、划船、垂钓、吟诗、作画或者滑冰、赏雪定会使您心旷神怡
    Mountain climbing, boating, fishing, poetry, painting, or skating, shang xue will make you feel good.

  • 这是一种令人振奋的繁忙景象,然而,不知道为什么,又令人心旷神怡
    It was a busy, exhilarating scene and yet, I know not why, restful to the spirit.

  • 这是一种令人振奋的繁忙景象,然而,不知道为什么,又令人心旷神怡
    It was a busy, exhilarating scene and yet , I know not why, restful to the spirit.

  • 雄伟的酒店、优美的江景、秀丽的山峰合为一体,令人满目生辉、心旷神怡
    Integrated with majestic hotel, elegant river views, and magnificent mountains, it comforts your eyes and minds.

  • 不过,在阳光明媚的早上看到挂在屋檐下的冰柱,难道你不觉得心旷神怡么?
    But the sunny mornings with the icicles hanging from the roofs, weren't they a real pleasure?

  • 深夜时分,心旷神怡的你踉踉跄跄地走在幽暗的街道上,却依然谈论着,仿佛超然世外。
    Late at night you wobble through the darkened streets, still talking, feeling pleasantly at one with the world.

  • 我为拥有这新的指挥权而万分得意,阳光灿烂的天气和岸上不断变化的景色也使我心旷神怡
    I was greatly elated with my new command, and pleased with the bright, sunshiny weather and these different prospects of the coast.

  • 在完全不信仰神的人数目众多的无神论时代里,萧伯纳对他自己的信奉的确令人为之心旷神怡
    The way Bernard Shaw believes in himself is very refreshing in these atheistic days when so many believe in no god at all.

  • 局部热敷或全身浸浴,施加必要的热的作用,在最大程度上产生使人心旷神怡、舒缓疲劳的效果。
    Local hot applications or full submersion baths, in which thermal factors necessarily apply, have a soothing, relaxing effect and produce the maximum desired result.

  • 我也相信,我也会成为一个有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因为看那陈列的无数美好的商品一定是心旷神怡之事。
    And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display.

  • 春天沿岸的野花织锦,杜鹃怒放,走进其间,令人心旷神怡,是当地人理想的旅游、探险、消夏的发地方。
    Spring wildflowers along the coast of brocade, azaleas in full bloom, walked into the meantime, it is delightful, is the local people Would like to travel, adventure, the local holidays.

  • 橄榄石的能量可帮助舒缓“心轮”,令你心旷神怡,并减轻忧虑的情绪,让个人容易接受新事物,及与外界更加融洽。
    Olivine energy to help ease the "round of the heart, " you feel good and reduce feelings of anxiety for the individual receptive to new things, and more harmonious with the outside world.

  • 本宾馆(写字楼、住宅群)位于令人心旷神怡的花草绿地之中,离市中心只需几分钟的路程,并可观赏港口的壮丽景色。
    Our hotel (office Building, residential complex ) is located in the refreshing parkland, just a few minutes' drive from the heart of the city, and you can command a spectacular view of the harBour.

  • 两乘竹轿沿山溪而行,溪水淙淙,草木清新,颇感心旷神怡,只是韦方二人一见大树长草,便栗栗危惧,唯恐有毒蛇窜将出来。
    They were borne along the side of a stream, and the sound of gurgling water, and the sight of the lush green trees all around them, gready revived them.

  • 从窗户看出去,景色美不胜收,令人心旷神怡。最好的那个房间俯瞰着公园的草坪。那里的青草已枯黄,草丛中露出一个小湖。
    It afforded a vista pleasant to contemplate. The Best room looked out upon the lawn of the park, now sear and Brown, where a little lake lay sheltered.

  • 另外,该套丛书采用图文双色的形式推出,即人们在欣赏,赏读文字的同时,又能看到著名的山水画,使人产生心旷神怡的感觉。
    In addition, the sets of books using two-color graphic in the form of introduction, that people appreciate, Shangdu text, but also to see a well-known landscape, to create a feeling relaxed and happy.

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