
怒火中烧  nù huǒ zhōng shāo






  • 怒火中烧瞎心眼,真理在前看不见。
    When anger blinds the mind, truth disappears.

  • 大人物们怒火中烧,备忘录四下乱飞。
    Big shots get their dander up and memos start flying .

  • 我试图保持镇静,但忍不住怒火中烧
    I tried to stay calm, but I was mad.

  • 半夜狗吠常使我怒火中烧
    It burns me up when the dog barks at midnight.

  • 他说的话让我怒火中烧,至今也难以忘记。
    I was burning with rage at his words. I haven't forgotten them even now.

  • 旁白:王妃怒火中烧,回到了寝室找魔镜。
    Narrator:Extremely irritated, the princess went back to her bedroom and looked for the magic mirror.

  • 赛后鲁梅尼格怒火中烧:“足球不是数学。”
    After the game Lumeinige is burning with anger: "the soccer is not mathematics."

  • 在她怒火中烧的时候,他怎麽能如此冷静、如此随意呢?
    How could he be so calm, so casual, when anger was welling up inside her?

  • 他一阵怒火中烧,却控制住了自己,在身后轻轻带上了门。
    He felt the blood crawl in his veins, but controlled himself and closed the door softly behind him.

  • 怒火中烧时,在你爆发前数到十,如果非常愤怒,就数到一百。
    When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.

  • 人是一种理性生物,虽然当被要求屈从理性时,他们常常怒火中烧
    Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.

  • 他一边说,一边抚摸着巴克的头。巴克尽管怒火中烧,却没有动弹。
    As he spoke, he touched Buck's head, and although Buck was angry inside, he did not move.

  • 盼了那么久盼来的却是失望,于是,他们失落、委屈进而怒火中烧
    Looking so long selection was disappointing, therefore, they lost, pity and anger, burning.

  • 三十岁以后,一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就…
    But when I passed y thirty, I became sick once I saw a dirty old cab…

  • 军队方面虽然为兵变的损失而怒火中烧,但其与政府完全对立的可能性极小。
    It is still seething over the losses that it sustained in the mutiny, but a confrontation with the government is unlikely.

  • 我匆忙回家,但是被一辆丑陋的卡车堵住了,我怒火中烧,咬牙咒骂,真是倒霉。
    I hurried home as fast as possible but was blocked by an ugly truck. I simply flared up and cursed through my teeth: what a bad luck.

  • 埃莉诺怒火中烧,然而玛丽安娜对这一讽刺却似乎麻木不仁,因为她的回答很平静。
    Elinor was very angry, but Marianne seemed entirely insensible of the sting, for she calmly replied.

  • 他们都不知不觉地各自在嘲笑奚落他,这些滚动出现在屏幕中央的影像真的让他感到怒火中烧
    They unknowinglytaunted him from through their respective panels, but it was the scroll at center screen that truly stoked his ire.

  • 一个怒火中烧的人,其暴躁如雷的表现更像是要激怒我们和他本人作对,而不是与他的敌人作对。
    The furious behaviour of an angry man is more likely to exasperate us against himself than against his enemies.

  • 第一步是要承认你在发怒,并搞清愤怒的真正原因,然后判断这个原因是否严重到足以使人怒火中烧
    The first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of me anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about.

  • 高某某顿时怒火中烧,他认为那名男子勾引了朋友的妻子,决定找人教训他一下,替朋友武某某出口气。
    Gao immediately so incensed that he thought the man had seduced the wife of a friend, who decided to find him a lesson, for a friend Wu Moumou gas exports.

  • 为什么你也有这种愚蠢的想法?这太残忍了!我要是看到咱们的女儿在教室里被罚站很久,绝对怒火中烧
    Why do you also have the stupid idea? That's brutal! It makes my blood boil to see our daughter standing in class for a long time.

  • 我感到怒火中烧,因为他否定了我见母亲最后一面的权利,我意识到其实他是想做母亲死后唯一的哀悼者。
    I felt a tornado of fury that he had denied me the right to see her at the end and realised that he wanted to be the solitary mourner at his mother's passing.

  • 怒火中烧时,我们为什么选择争吵和打斗,而实际上,跳一曲恰恰舞危险更小、更有情趣、更能化解紧张局面?
    Why is it that when passions are inflamed we choose to argue and fight, when dancing the cha-cha is less injurious, far more enjoyable, and equally effective in resolving the tension?

  • 一桩又一桩的房产危机已动摇了人们对自由市场的信心,从一开始难以置信到后来人人自危,现在成了怒火中烧
    Faith in open markets has been poisoned by a crisis that has spread from one asset to the next. First there was disbelief and denial. Then fear. Now comes anger.

  • 一想到对冲基金正在做空自己的国家,这种滋味可不好受;要是知道它们还正在从中获利,那肯定更让人怒火中烧
    It is unpleasant to think hedge funds are betting against your country and it must be aggravating to know that they are making money from it.

  • 三十岁之后,一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就……不知道什么滋味,特别是年轻的、漂亮的女的名人。
    After thirty , upon hearing the names of celebrities, I feel lost, vexed and burning with anger, especially the names of those famous females , who are young and pretty.

  • 四十岁之后,一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就……不知道什么滋味,特别是年轻的、漂亮的女的名人。
    After forty, upon hearing the names of celebrities, I feel lost, vexed and burning with anger, especially the names of those famous females, who are young and pretty.

  • 三十岁以后,一听到名人有若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就……不知道什么滋味。特别是年轻的、漂亮的、女的名人。
    After I thirty, upon hearing the names of celebrities, I feel lost, vexed and burning with anger, especially the names of those famous females, who are young and pretty.

  • 三十岁之后,一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就……不知道什么滋味,特别是年轻的,漂亮的,女的名人。
    After I thirty, upon hearing the names of celebrities, I feel lost, vexed and burning with anger, especially the names of those famous females, who are young and pretty.

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