
急起直追  jí qǐ zhí zhuī








  • 我们要急起直追, 否则就太晚了。
    We must exert ourselves to catch up with them, or it would be too late.

  • 一整年都落后竞争对手,我们决定在第四季急起直追
    After trailing our competition all year, we decided to turn on the heat in the fourth quarter.

  • 黑龙江省要加快现代化进程,现代物流业必须急起直追
    Heilongjiang province should accelerate modern process, modern other people sheds line of business must rouse oneself to catch up.

  • 日本经济就如同日本车一样急起直追,让美国人不寒而栗
    Japanese economy as Japanese car same make amends while there is yet time, let American shudder.

  • 在中国意识到和美国的巨大军事差距之后,军事上开始急起直追
    In China and the United States aware of the huge gap between the military, the military began to catch up.

  • 随着中国的人均收入急起直追,它的经济不久将使其亚洲邻国相形见绌。
    As China's income per head catches up, its economy will soon dwarf those of its Asian neighbors.

  • 反躬自问,我们离这理想甚远,我们必须急起直追,追求更完全的合一。
    We ought to show this oneness much more than we do.

  • 沃尔玛正在急起直追,誓与在内地拥有超过25间分店的家乐福一决高下。
    Inc. is up, swear and have more than 25 branches in the Mainland of sets one must end.

  • 在美国人独钟不动产与金融产业多年,遥遥落后的美国制造业必须急起直追
    S. manufacturing sector, after years of neglect in favor of real estate and the financial industry, has a lot of catching up to do.

  • 过去,我们有丧失机遇的教训,也有改革开放以来急起直追、加快发展的经验。
    In the past, we have the lesson that loses opportunity, since also having reforming and opening the rouse oneself to catch up, experience that accelerates development.

  • 非美国制造的搜索产品开始急起直追,老板们在思考:是美国佬太贪,还是我们太懒?
    Africa and American-made products began to search hard to catch up, the boss in thinking: Americans are too greedy or too lazy we?

  • 本文首先对西北近年来果品生产迅速发展进行了分析,指出宁夏水果生产须急起直追
    This paper analysed the rapid development of fruit production in northwest China in recent years and pointed out that Ningxia should catch up with the situation.

  • 本文发现地价税税基的评估价格比率目前约仅有一成,落后先进国家甚多,有待急起直追
    According to the empirical study of this paper, the assessment to sale price ratio is only about 10%. It is far behind that of the developed countries.

  • 山东作为农业大省尚未成为农业强省的差距在品牌、名牌,须认清形势,急起直追,加倍努力。
    The difference of Shandong as the agricultural big province but not the agricultural strong province lies in the brand, we must recognize the position and make great efforts.

  • 然而,之前未能入市的投资者或对是否急起直追犹豫不决,故大市在目前水平缺乏新的上升动力。
    However, investors in the stock market before the failure or indecision on whether or not to catch up, so the level of the market in the current lack of new growth momentum.

  • 汉弗瑞的支持率一直落后,但最后10多天他急起直追,民调增加了12个百分点,胜过尼克松。
    Han Winfrey's support rate has been lagging behind, but in the end his more than 10 days to catch up, the poll increased by 12 percentage points better than Nixon.

  • 因疏忽而微妙的平衡你的身体与灵魂,有害的习惯,例如吸烟,饮酒过量会急起直追,与你某一天。
    The negligence of the delicate balance of your body and soul, the harmful habits such as smoking, excessive drinking will catch up with you someday.

  • 恋爱会不会跟篮球一样,也有记分牌,虽然上半场落后了,可是还是有机会急起直追,最后赢得比赛。
    Love is not basketball, with scoreboards, even if you lose the first half, there is still a chance to catch up, and win the competition eventually.

  • 所以,我们还要急起直追,继续以改革为动力,进一步解放和发展生产力,向社会主义现代化目标迈进。
    So, we even rouse oneself to catch up, continue to be motivation in order to reform, be liberated further and develop productivity, to socialistic modernization the target strides.

  • 莱斯利对安德鲁的假卡不屑一顾,因为他是第一个耗资三十元买新卡的人。安德鲁不甘落后,急起直追
    In the end, this whole trading card game fell apart, yet people are still eager to play and people like him get fatter and fatter everyday- with money.

  • 所以我们必须面对现实,急起直追,冷静的思考,如何去突破台湾杂技艺术所面临的瓶颈困难与解决之道。
    Therefore, we must face the music and think clearly as to how we can make a breakthrough for the art of vaudeville of Taiwan.

  • 老虎伍兹打完廿五球后才取得领先,最后急起直追推进关键球,以赢三洞剩两洞击败洛夫三世,蝉连冠军。
    Tiger Woods went 25 holes before he finally took the lead, then roared past Davis Love III with key putts to win the Match Play Championship for the second straight year, 3 and 2.

  • 不过,现在拥有可扩充广大可耕地的国家,尤其是巴西,已急起直追,努力满足人口比日本大十倍,达十三亿的中国的需求。
    But countries with vast arable land for expansion, particularly Brazil, are now racing to meet demand in China, whose population of 1. 3 billion is 10 times larger than Japan's.

  • 这种革新促使日活公司急起直追,拍出了由铃木谦作导演的《人间苦》(1923)和沟口健二的《雾码头》(1923)。
    This innovative companies in urging Japan to live to catch up, Suzuki shoot-from the director for the "human suffering" (1923) and two-Mizoguchi Hiroyuki the "fog Pier" (1923).

  • 贫穷的国家为了保持地位不下降,在经济上不得不加快速度急起直追,因为贫穷的国家和富裕的国家在财富上的差距一年比一年大。
    The poor countries are having to run faster and faster in their economic activity in order to stay in the same place, and the gap in wealth between rich and poor countries grows wider every year.

  • 贫穷的国家为了保持地位不降落,在经济上不得不加快速度急起直追,因为贫穷的国家和富饶的国家在财富上的差距一年比一年大。
    The poor countries are having to run faster and faster in their economic activity in order to stay in the same place, and the gap in wealth between rich and poor countries grows wider every year.

  • 贫穷的国家为了坚持地位不降落,在经济上不得不加快速度急起直追,因为贫穷的国家和富饶的国家在财富上的差距一年比一年大。
    The poor countries are having to run faster and faster in their economic activity in order to stay in the same place, and the gap in wealth between rich and poor countries grows wider every year.

  • “妻子:”按揭公司再度呼吁。怎么你们注意阅读电子邮件业务走去?我们真的要急起直追对一些事情。那里的寒冷现在我们需要真金白银?
    Wife: "The mortgage company called again. How's your paid to read email business coming along?We really need to catch up on some things. Where's the cold hard cash we need right now?"

  • 不过,世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization)说,东北亚国家正在急起直追
    But, the World Intellectual Property Organization says countries in northeast Asia are catching up.

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