
恶贯满盈  è guàn mǎn yíng








  • 偶尔作恶不难,难的是恶贯满盈
    Occasionally it is not difficult to do evil, it is difficult Eguanmanying.

  • 另一个问题涉及如何量化“恶贯满盈”。
    Another involved the sheer volume of guilt.

  • 古时候,上帝见地上的人恶贯满盈,就心中忧伤。
    Long ago, God saw that people had become wicked. He was very sad.

  • 时常起誓的人,必恶贯满盈,他的家庭必会遭殃。
    A man that sweareth much, shall be filled with iniquity, and a scourge shall not depart from his house.

  • 有两种人,恶贯满盈,而第三种人,更招致义怒与丧亡。
    Two sorts of men multiply sins, and the third bringeth wrath and destruction.

  • 这白贼七后来恶贯满盈,成了众矢之的,据说死得很惨;
    White Thief Seven later did so many wicked deeds that he is said to have been the target of every arrow.

  • 他会想起,那是刽子手用来粉刷恶贯满盈建筑物的颜色;
    He would remember that it was the color with which the hangman smeared "accursed"edifices;

  • 雅各布是个连他自己母亲的东西都要抢窃的恶贯满盈的坏蛋!
    Jacob is a double-dyed scoundrel who would rob his own mother!

  • 当他们恶贯满盈时,圣洁而公正的主,就必须责罚他们的罪。
    When their cup of iniquity was full, the Lord, who is Holy and Just, had to punish their sin.

  • 前来践踏!因为酒榨已满盈,酒槽已溢出,因为他们已恶贯满盈
    come and tread for the winepress is full and the vats overflow, so great is their wickedness!

  • 这些无疑是极端的例子,但却清楚说明,这是一个恶贯满盈的世界。
    These are extreme cases, of course, but they show clearly just how wrong things have gone in our world.

  • 尽管这些叛军看起来很吸引人,但是这里面就有很多恶贯满盈的暴徒。
    Though they looked fetching, the wrong sort of rebels were there.

  • 在他们王国的末期,恶贯满盈之时,要兴起一位面貌凶恶,诡计多端的君王。
    23At the end of their reign, when the sinners have reached their full number, a king will arise, insolent and wise in cunning.

  • 在他们王国的末期,恶贯满盈之时,要兴起一位面貌凶恶,诡计多端的君王。
    After their reign, when sinners have reached their measure, There shall arise a king, impudent and skilled in intrigue.

  • 那一天,耶稣会再临地上,更新这个疲惫而恶贯满盈的世界,令它重现光辉。
    On that day when Jesus returns to earth, he will renew this tired and sin-scarred world and make it wonderful again.

  • 莎士比亚笔下这位国王的形象当然有所改变,变得勤勉执政,而不是恶贯满盈
    Shakespeare's image of the king has certainly been altered—but to workaholic, rather than villain.

  • 其他一些臭名昭著、恶贯满盈的关东军将领要么受到惩罚,要么背着千古骂名苟且偷生。
    Other notorious, Wuguanmanying of the Kwantung Army generals or be punished, either through carrying Goujutousheng notoriety.

  • 你可以做一个光荣的英雄,也可以是一个一直的中立者,当然你也可以是恶贯满盈的坏人。
    You can be a glorious hero, remain neutral at all times, or experience the story as a cruel villain.

  • 和一个引以色列犯罪,给厄弗辣因开犯罪之路的乃巴特之子雅洛贝罕。他们二人都恶贯满盈
    And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who caused Israel to sin, and showed Ephraim the way of sin, and their sins were multiplied exceedingly.

  • 每谈及狼人们总会讲到,狼是如何的可怕,伤害家畜,甚至人类,这样说起来,狼的确恶贯满盈
    People always talking about each Wolf, the Wolf is how terrible, damage, even human, livestock, the Wolf really worst.

  • 如果能够的话,请您告诉我,我要怎样才能免受地狱的痛苦呢?我知道这是我一生恶贯满盈的果报。
    But tell me, if you can, how I can be saved from the pains of the hells, which I know I deserve as payment for my evil life.

  • 恶贯满盈的米氏无法被定罪判刑,此结果似难以告慰在其一连串种族压迫和血腥屠杀中的罹难者与幸存者。
    That the villain Milosevic escaped judgment for his crimes hardly consoled the victims and survivors of the string of ethnic persecution and bloody massacres that he instigated.

  • 并不是每个贝尔格德人都乐意看到电视上播出的在海牙联合国军事犯罪法庭接受审判的世界上最恶贯满盈的罪犯。
    Not everyone in Belgrade is interested to see the world's most wanted war crimes suspect appear on television at the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague.

  • 祸哉,犯罪的民族,恶贯满盈的百姓,作恶的后裔,败坏的子孙!他们离弃了上主,蔑视了以色列的圣者,转身背弃了他。
    A sinful nation, a people weighed down with iniquity, a wicked race, perverted children! They have turned away from Yahweh and despised the Holy One of Israel.

  • 对于莱柯特这一人物,哈里斯不仅创造一个恶贯满盈的恶棍,还创造了一个在所有文学作品中绝顶聪明并最令人胆寒的角色。
    In Lecter, Harris has gone beyond creating a master villain to present one of the most irresistibly brilliant and disturbing characters in all of literature.

  • 新法律下,任何“篡改”官方版本历史的人会被提起公诉,比如把希特勒与斯大林——20世纪两大恶贯满盈的屠杀者——划等号。
    Under a new law, anyone who "falsifies" the Kremlin's version of history, for example by equating Hitler and Stalin, two of the 20th century's worst mass murderers, may be prosecuted.

  • 新泽西州,Newark--一纸判决同意了新泽西有史以来最恶贯满盈的连环凶手捐献一个肾脏,当然医生还要确定他的肾脏是否适用。
    NEWARK, N. J. - A judge has agreed to allow New Jersey's worst serial killer to donate a kidney, but the donor and his doctors have to meet conditions.

  • 难怪上帝要开始在犹大施行审判,因为他们已恶贯满盈,尤其是玛拿西在位期间,「他流无辜人的血,充满了耶路撒冷」(24:3~4)。
    It is no wonder God began to bring judgment upon Judah for all their provocation, especially under Manasseh, because of much sin and the "innocent blood that he had shed" (24:3-4).

  • 安娜•帕夫洛夫娜继续说下去,“他已恶贯满盈,达到不可容忍的地步,我希望这是他的最后一桩罪行,各国国王再也不能容忍这个极尽威胁之能事的恶魔了。”
    "I hope that at last, " pursued Anna Pavlovna, "this has been the drop of water that will make the glass run over. The sovereigns cannot continue to endure this man who is a threat to everything.

  • 他痛惜道,当初在美国曾与纽伦堡审判庭所共同确立的一系列重要原则之下,即便是最为恶贯满盈的纳粹分子受到的也是公开和公正的审判,而现如今美国已经将这些原则抛诸九霄云外了。
    He laments that the administration has abandoned the high principles that America set with the Nuremberg tribunals, which accorded even the most venal and reprehensible Nazis open and fair trials.

  • 恶贯满盈造句相关
