
情景交融  qíng jǐng jiāo róng







  • 小桥流水,贯通园内,情景交融,其乐无比。
    Water bridge, through the park, the integration scenario, the incomparable music.

  • 虚笔的表现则有两类,一是情景交融,以景传情;
    False has two aspects:feeling and setting happily blended, express feelings through setting;

  • 最后,“情景交融”的艺术手法扩大了词的表现内容。
    Lastly, the means of "merging feeling with scenery" broadened the writing contents of Ci.

  • 如此观点,可以说是对情景交融、物我合一的境界之追求。
    Such a viewpoint is indeed a pursuit of a state of mind, where there is profound harmony of human inner feelings and the secular world.

  • 特别是她的情景交融的意境,使作品画面升华为一种隽永的艺术境界。
    In particular, the scene of her blend of artistic conception, so that works into a meaningful picture of the art realm.

  • 其“境界”说深受李挚“童心说”的影响,并要求情景交融,意与境浑。
    "Realm" by Li Zhi, "said the child", and called for integration scenarios, Italy and muddy throughout.

  • 意境不等于情景交融情景交融只是创造与生发意境的重要方式和手段。
    Artisticconception is not equal to "emotion mingle with the scene", which is only an important manner and means to creative and arose Artistic conception.

  • 中文介绍:欢迎您玩“烟花三月”这个小游戏,诗情画意,情景交融……
    English Introduction: A quality suggestive of poetry or painting , feeling and setting happily blended, …

  • 因此,她制作的绢人不仅形似,而且神似,达到了情景交融的高超境界。
    As a result, she produced not only the shape of silk, and spirit to reach a high level of integration scenarios.

  • 他或寄情于景,或以景衬情,或情景交融,使情与景在词中和谐地统一在一起。
    Sometimes he sent feelings in scene, or with scene lining feelings, or scene blend , make feelings be with scene in Ci unification together harmoniously.

  • 情景论”关于情景交融关系的探讨,能使中学语文教学得到一定程度的启发。
    "The scene" about the relationship between the Chinese teaching of middle school, and to get to a certain degree of inspiration.

  • 情景论”关于情景交融关系的探讨,能使中学语文教学得到一定程度的启发。
    "The scene comments on " investigation and discussion about feeling and setting happily blended relation , can make middle school Chinese teaching get certain degree enlightenment.

  • 虚笔的表现则有两类,一是情景交融,以景传情;二是点到为止,不做深入剖析。
    False has two aspects: feeling and setting happily blended, express feelings through setting; analyse apparently, criticize implicitly.

  • 这几句唱词既写了秋天的景色,又写了离人的感情,情景交融,一直为人们所称道。
    These few lines have been long praised for their fusion of the autumn scenes with the feelings of the parting lovers.

  • 情理、情景交融。不言而喻,表现不同情感类型的歌曲的具体演唱技法是各不相同的。
    Of course, different from each other are special skills of the performance of songs expressing different sentiments.

  • 本文对情景交融的形式和规律及古代诗歌批评史上的有关经验和争论,阐述了自己的看法。
    In this paper views are expressed on the forms and patterns utilizing harmonious emotions and scenes as well as on related experience and arguments in the ancient history of poetry reviews.

  • 根据书籍本身的内容和受众,做有针对性的适量设计,使书与人在情景交融中互相影响和作用;
    Do Suitable design according to the book itself and the audience, so that books and people mingled with each other in influence;

  • 他的山水诗以情景交融见长,诗人善于描绘自然景物、环境气氛,作品往往具有很强的感染力。
    His scenery poem shows perceptibly by fitting scenery and feeling together. He is good at describing the natural scenery and the environment. People are often impressed strongly by his work .

  • 单体设计提倡“立体风景”,重视空间绿化,立体水景相结合,体现“购物公园”的情景交融
    Individual design promotes the "three-dimensional scenery, " emphasizing on spatial greening, with three-dimensional waterscape combination to embody scenes blend of the "Shopping Park";

  • 更重要的是,小说中的自然环境描写与女主人公苔丝的命运紧密地交织在一起,达到了情景交融的境界。
    But, what is more important is that landscape description is closely coherent with Tess"s tragic fate."

  • 他们的另一贡献在于将这种深厚的情感与自然物象有机地融合起来,使风意象达到了情景交融的新境界。
    Another contribution of them is that they i. make the deep feelings and the natural things melt together organically, this is a new confine .

  • 《西厢记》文辞典雅秀丽,情景交融,名句隽语,美不胜收,千载而下为人传诵,可谓美丽的长篇叙事诗。
    "The West Chamber" diction elegant beauty, scenes, famous paradox, beautiful, golden down from HG Wells, can be described as a beautiful long narrative poems.

  • 由于它的存在,冲破了封闭空间的制约而争取与户外空间取得更加广泛的联系,从而使主体与客体情景交融
    Because it is there, break the closure of the constraints of space and outdoor space for a more extensive contacts, so that the main object of scenarios and integration.

  • 在具体的设计中,我们要针对电子书籍本身的特点进行有效的设计,以充分展现电子书籍情景交融的艺术设计优势。
    In design, we must aim at the characteristic of E-book itself to carry on the effective design, and fully exhibit the advantages of E-book.

  • 数码图形艺术已经超越了传统的主、客相对式的审美方式,在很大程度上实现了欣赏层面的主、客互动和情景交融
    The art of digital graphics has surpassed the traditional aesthetics of setting subject against object, and realized the interactivity and blending of subject and object.

  • 它在生态保护的基础上,通过情景交融的主题景区设计与山野休闲功能结合,在城市的最深处,唤醒城市人对自然的记忆。
    On the basis of ecological protection, through the theme of landscape design and function combination of mountain leisure, in the depths of the city, natural memory of urban people will be awaked.

  • 总的来说,沈从文小说的语言风格就是在以自然、含蓄影响、隽永为基调的情景交融的艺术境界里从容叙述,淡淡抒情,隐含忧郁。
    In general, Shen Congwen's style is the language in a natural, subtle effects, the scene as the keynote Meaningful exchanges in the realm of art calmly described, light lyric, hidden depression.

  • 史诗大量描写自然景物,情景交融,已明确地意识到自然美与人之间存在着的“万物同情观念”,人与自然之间的审美关系由此而产生。
    Through a lot of descriptions of the nature and combining natural scenes with human emotions the epic Ramayana has come to realize that the natural beauty is aesthetically valuable to human pleasure.

  • 正文第二部分从三个角度,即:委婉曲折的抒情风格、含蓄蕴藉的比兴寄托式抒情方式及融情入景、情景交融兼胜的抒情模式,论述了张九龄诗歌的抒情艺术。
    The second chapter falls into three parts, i. e. the indirect and euphemistic lyric style, the veiled and implicit uBi Xing" lyric style, and the " feeling and setting happily blended" lyric mode.

  • 正文第二部分从三个角度,即:委婉曲折的抒情风格、含蓄蕴藉的比兴寄托式抒情方式及融情入景、情景交融兼胜的抒情模式,论述了张九龄诗歌的抒情艺术。
    The second chapter falls into three parts, i. e. the indirect and euphemistic lyric style, the veiled and implicit "Bi Xing" lyric style, and the " feeling and setting happily blended" lyric mode.

  • 情景交融造句相关
