
感人肺腑  gǎn rén fèi fǔ







  • 一个缠绵悱恻的爱情故事!感人肺腑
    A very touching love story! After reads, lets the human be filled with emotion!

  • 大家听过这则感人肺腑真实的故事吗?
    We listened to this while touching true story?

  • 这是一部感人肺腑,表演细腻,发人深省的电影。
    This is a moving, delicately performed, thought-provoking film.

  • 《山难》:现代版的狼来了的故事,感人肺腑的情感沟通。
    "Mountain": a modern version of the story of the wolf is coming, the emotional communication.

  • 这是因为他戏剧中感人肺腑的情节和栩栩如生的人物形象。
    This is so because his plays have good plots and life-like characters.

  • 同时文章还分析了作者溶注到这部感人肺腑的小说之中的终极关怀精神。
    Meanwhile, the article also analyzes how Amy Tan permeates her profound emotion of ultimate concern into the charming work.

  • 因为越来越多的人被从废墟中拯救出来,越来越多的感人肺腑的故事发生了。
    Since more and more people have been saved from ruins , more and more heart-warming stories have been discovered .

  • 无数撼人心魄、感人肺腑的场面,构成了社会主义大团结大协作的动人画卷。
    Countless awesome spirits, moving scenes, a great unity of the socialist collaboration of the moving picture.

  • 一些非常熟悉的旋律经她演奏,别具一格,耐人寻味,情到深处,感人肺腑
    Some are very familiar with the melody of her music, a unique, thought-provoking, to the depths of intelligence, moving.

  • 她的博客就像她一般完美,不仅仅是那些感人肺腑的文字,还有那些在云端飘摇的图片。
    Her blog is as perfect as she is. Not only her writing inspires tears, but also the pictures she made are out of the world.

  • 就是这些看似平凡的教师,身上却闪耀着不平凡的师德光辉,谱写了感人肺腑的英勇篇章。
    Is these looked that resembles the ordinary teacher, on the body is actually sparkling the extraordinary teacher's ethics glory, has composed the deeply moving heroic chapter.

  • 我还记得在共修上,慈济人跟大家分享自己如何与为何加入慈济,大多都是感人肺腑的故事。
    I remembered some of the sharing sessions, Tzu Chi people share with us how and why they joined Tzu Chi, mostly touching stories.

  • 这个国家到处充满感人肺腑的人与人之间相互帮助的故事,年轻的帮助年老的,富人扶助穷人。
    Hundreds of heart-warming stories-stories of people helping each other, of young helping old, of rich helping poor-unfolded in every corner of the country.

  • 讽刺的是,在最震撼人心、最感人肺腑的希林作品中,有不少是和种族灭绝有关的杰出墓志铭。
    Ironically, some of the most powerful and stirring works of the Theelin were the masterpiece epitaphs that accompanied the extinction of their people.

  • 这部影片的的每个地方都恰如其分,是一部从未在大银幕上讲述过的异常人群感人肺腑的故事。
    This film is FULL in every way that a film should and can be. It is the heart-filling and heart-wrenching story of one of the most extraordinarily human lives (beautifully acted) ever put on film.

  • 最近一期的《新英格兰医学期刊》也刊登了一篇感人肺腑的文章,记述这只猫所扮演的独特角色。
    A poignant essay describing the cat's unique role was also published in a recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

  • 特别是影片结束时,给那个刻薄美食评论家配音的彼得·奥图尔一段感人肺腑的旁白,令人心动而又振奋。
    When specially movieconclusion, dubs Peter for that unkind good food critic O'toolesection of deeply moving asides, but is also roused the person heart movement.

  • 也许应该感谢王母的无情,如果不是她的无情分隔,牛郎与织女的情与思,怎会如此的感人肺腑、荡气回肠?
    May be grateful to the Queen Mother of the ruthless, relentless, if not separated from her, Cowboy and the Weaver Girl and the thought of the situation, how could such a moving, ?

  • 他的皮肤像口袋似的松垮垮地搭拉着,两腿摇摇晃晃,他被獾那感人肺腑的规劝打动了,腮帮子上满是泪痕。
    His skin hung baggily about him, his legs wobbled, and his cheeks were furrowed by the tears so plentifully called forth by the Badger's moving discourse.

  • 长达近3小时的《勇敢的心》后者虽然是典型的个人英雄主义,但在爱尔兰的美丽风光下的该片确实感人肺腑
    Is near 3 hours "Brave Heart" the latter, although is typical individualistic heroism, but under Ireland's beautiful scenery this piece truly deeply moving.

  • 纽约人寿保单持有人葛雷格在一场感人肺腑的�役仪式中向棒球迷告别,他称自己为「这个地球上最幸运的人」。
    Calling himself "…the lu Marketing kiest man on the face of this earth. "ork Life policyholder Lou Gehrig bids goodbye to baseball fans at an emotional ceremony.

  • 如果《李尔王》第四幕第七场有音乐速度标记的话,可以算慢板,但它依然是世界文学中最感人肺腑的场景之一。
    Act IV, scene vii of Lear, if had a tempo marking as in music, would be an adagio, but it is still one of the most profoundly moving scenes in world literature.

  • 纽约人寿保单持有人葛雷格在一场感人肺腑的退役仪式中向棒球迷告别,他称自己为「这个地球上最幸运的人」。
    Calling himself "…the luckiest man on-the face of this earth. " New York Life policyholder Lou-Gehrig bids goodbye to baseball_fans at an emotional ceremony.

  • 罗森布拉特夫妇还开始到当地的学校和多个大屠杀教育中心演讲,在那里,赫尔曼感人肺腑地讲述爱如何战胜仇恨。
    The Rosenblats began appearing at local schools and Holocaust-education centers, with Herman giving his moving account of how love triumphed over the forces of hatred.

  • 有一出戏我要给多米尼克-珀塞尔一个拥抱,兄弟之间那种感人肺腑的拥抱嘛。结果当天晚上我脖子上就长了个皮疹。
    There was a scene where I had to give Dominic Purcell a hug - you know, a touching embrace between the brothers - and at the end of the night I had a rash on my neck.

  • 他说,我想要感谢所有帮助过我们的人,他们的义举感人肺腑催人泪下。正在这时,电话那头传出了他女儿响亮的呼唤。
    I want to thank all the people who were helpful. It was very moving, " he said, as his daughter gave out a loud yell over the phone."

  • 青春少年,对世界有着美好的憧憬,对事业有着执著的追求,对爱情有着忠贞的向往,是一本优美的散文,篇篇感人肺腑
    Young boy, the world has a better vision of the cause of a persistent pursuit of a loyalty to the longing for love is a beautiful prose, moving ?

  • 一双双渴求的眼睛,是我们信心地起源;一封封感人肺腑的来信,是我们滚滚的动力;一次次满意的微笑,是我们无限的骄傲。
    Your yearning eyes are the constant source of our confidence: the touching letters you send us turn out being a driving force: the approving smiles on your faces fill us with great pride.

  • 影片以波澜壮阔的战争场面,坚定不移的理想信念,感人肺腑的清廉行为,令人信服的高尚人格,塑造了一代伟人方志敏的光辉形象。
    The film offers a magnificent war scenes, a firm ideals and beliefs, touching and honest behavior, convincing a noble personality, shaped a generation of great men the glorious image of Fang Zhimin.

  • 余华的创作在当代文坛越来越凸显出来的重要性和愈益广泛的影响力表明,他的文本具有一种震撼人心、感人肺腑的穿透性力量,目前评论界对此方面还缺乏深入的研究。
    The progressive importance and influence of Yu Hua"s writing shows that his text has shaking and penetrating power. However, critics are short of profound research into him at present ."

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