
愤世嫉俗  fèn shì jí sú








  • 这样的建议并不仅仅是愤世嫉俗的。
    It is beyond *cynical to suggest otherwise.

  • 她变得对生活更加愤世嫉俗
    She is getting more cynical about life.

  • 信任别人,愤世嫉俗使你的人格变质。
    Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.

  • 杰夫:你看:非常愤世嫉俗
    Jeff: You see: Very cynical.

  • 我是不是太愤世嫉俗了?一点儿也不。
    Am I being unduly cynical? Not a bit of it.

  • 与老是愤世嫉俗的人一起工作是痛苦的。
    People who are chronically cynical are a pain to work with .

  • 然而,这次这些愤世嫉俗的人显然是错了。
    Yet this once, however, the cynics are apparently wrong.

  • 他爱莱弗斯太太,她超脱世俗,离奇古雅,愤世嫉俗
    He loved Mrs. Leives, with her unworldliness and her quaint cynicism .

  • 一些愤世嫉俗者认为体育不过是资本主义统治的工具而已。
    Some cynics say that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination.

  • 这些男孩找了几个愤世嫉俗的借口去掩盖他们被逐出这场比赛的失望。
    The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play.

  • 你说话从来不正经,做事却从来不犯错,你的愤世嫉俗只是摆摆样子。
    You never say a moral thing, you never do a wrong thing. Your cynicism is simply a pose.

  • 他一生中有两次不得不和整个社会闹翻;然而从不因此而变得愤世嫉俗
    Twice in his life he had to go against everything; and yet it never made him bitter.

  • 所谓愤世嫉俗的人就是他知道所有东西的价格而不知道任何东西的价值。
    A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

  • 什么是愤世嫉俗者?就是那种对价格一清二楚,却对价值毫无所知的人。
    What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

  • 愤世嫉俗的记者们常说这样一句话,“只有好消息本身就是一个坏消息”。
    The remark "the only good news story is a bad news story" is sometimes quoted by cynical journalists.

  • 硬汉小说也总是以第一人称展开叙述,而侦探叙述者几乎老是一名妙语连珠的愤世嫉俗者。
    Hardboiled novels are also often told in the first person, and the detective narrator is almost invariably a wisecracking cynic.

  • 马克·吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。
    Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains.

  • 彭妮的生命代表了一个充满爱心、关怀和分享的生命,与霍布斯愤世嫉俗的人生观形成强烈对比。
    In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing.

  • 就像愤世嫉俗者们指出的,布朗先生应该感激对身份的足够宽容让一个他苏格兰人来管理英格兰。
    As cynics pointed out, Mr Brown should appreciate the advantages of an identity capacious enough to allow a Scot to govern England.

  • 他们愤世嫉俗,他们残酷杀戮,人类反而赞扬他们。然而上帝却羞愧地急忙把他的回忆埋藏在青草下面。
    The hated and killed and men praised them. But god in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass.

  • 尽管波兰政府治国无方,但其表现甚好,这使得内外公众对其国内政治抱着一个愤世嫉俗与轻蔑的态度。
    Poland has done well despite its bad governments, causing the public to take a largely cynical and apathetic view of domestic politics.

  • 仍旧有一些人,他们足够愤世嫉俗的[讽刺的?]去接受这每天发生的事件,这些也是你无法付诸什么的事情。
    There are some people who are cynical enough to just accept this is an everyday occurence and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • 作为娱乐方式的电影只给出简单的答案,但是我认为,最终它该是更加愤世嫉俗的,因为它不给观众思考的空间。
    Films that are entertainments give simple answers but I think that's ultimately more cynical, as it denies the viewer room to think.

  • 愤世嫉俗者未能理解的是,他们脚下的土地已发生了变动,过去那种消耗我们太长时间的陈腐的政治争论将不会重现。
    What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

  • 韩国的愤世嫉俗者(这儿有很多这样的人)预期现在淹没了该国最大企业集团(或者称作“财阀”)的丑闻将不了了之。
    CYNICS in South Korea, and there are many, expect the scandal now engulfing the country's biggest conglomerate, or chaebol, simply to fizzle out.

  • 星期天下午,我们都聚集到一个小教堂内参加一次洗礼。我禁不住希望圣水能够将我的一些天生的愤世嫉俗的原罪清洗掉。
    Sunday afternoon, we all gathered for a baptism in the little church that would. I couldn't help but hope the water would wash away some of my original cynicism.

  • 如果有愤世嫉俗的人嘲笑自由、嘲笑社区……如果极其现实地说利益是唯一的理想……不要理睬他们,仍然使用对称版权。
    And if cynics ridicule freedom, ridicule community…if "hard nosed realists" say that profit is the only ideal…just ignore them, and use copyleft all the same.

  • 当这种悲剧事件中人的因素,(者关于人的数据,比如7423名死亡矿工)被忽略时,人们就会产生真正的愤世嫉俗的思想。
    True cynicism appears when people ignore the human dimension of such tragedies, or when the humanity of certain data, such as7423 dead miners, is not taken seriously.

  • 那天,那天当每一件事是混乱的,并且每一件事都发生,并且那太多,上海,悲伤,小的,恐惧,孤独,并且每一个人是愤世嫉俗的人。
    That day, that day when everything was a mess, and everything was in place, and it's too much, hurt, sad, small, scared, alone, and everyone's a cynic.

  • 你觉得自己的生活被别人控制了,命运对你不公平。最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的,或者是一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。
    You feel like your life is under someone's control, and it's unfair to you. All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.

  • 愤世嫉俗造句相关
