
慌不择路  huāng bù zé lù








  • 他快步走了,有点儿慌不择路
    He walked quickly gone. somewhat Huangbuzhailu.

  • 许多开发商慌不择路地到处圈地,地价越炒越高。
    Many developers Huangbuzhailu everywhere to protect, the more speculation higher premium.

  • 喊声虽然可怕,却没有令受到惊吓的狐狸慌不择路时丢下雷鸡。
    It was a fearful cry, but the fox, leaping away in fright, did not drop the ptarmigan.

  • 然而大战刚刚打响,鼠辈们便遭遇大败,他们慌不择路地寻找能够藏身的洞穴。
    Scarcely had the battle begun, when a great rout overwhelmed the Mice, who scampered off as fast as they could to their holes.

  • 起身后,他掩到洞口深蒨之处,看到一群人,一个个慌不择路,纷纷向山上攀逃。
    Getting up he concealed himself behind the rich vegetation at the mouth of the cave. From there saw a group of people running pell-mell uphill without looking where they were going.

  • 于是,有一种鸟逐渐形成了跟随掠夺大军的习惯,它们愉快地一个个地消灭空中慌不择路的飞虫。
    A kind of bird evolved to follow the pillaging army, happily picking off the agitated fleeing insects in the air.

  • 于是,一种鸟逐渐形成了跟随这个掠食大军的习惯,愉快地将那些在空中慌不择路的飞虫一一享用。
    A kind of bird evolved to follow the pillaging army, happily picking off the agitated fleeing insects in the air.

  • 为了生存,那些招架不住、慌不择路的企业已“浑然变质”,在质量上向“五劣板”看齐,打起擦边球。
    To live, those action are cannot sustain, confused not the enterprise of choose road already " muddy deteriorates like that " , go up in quality to " 5 bad board " dress, hit an edge ball.

  • 虽然a股的估值水平已与成熟市场接轨,但即便是机构投资者,不也慌不择路拼命把筹码割在地板上吗?
    Although a stock's valuation has been the level of maturity and market, but even institutional investors, non-Huangbuzelu also tried to cut chips on the floor it?

  • 等第二、第三个……一个个慌不择路、鬼哭狼嚎地跑上来时,就像炉火上烧开的沸水一样,只要一开就不可收拾。
    Then a second person, and a third …… all of them charging aimlessly, came boiling up like water on a stove, wailing and howling like banshees.

  • 慌不择路造句相关
