
一了百了  yī liǎo bǎi liǎo








  • 难道死了就真的能够一了百了了吗?
    Is it true can die on the end of it?

  • 死对于他倒是一了百了的解脱。
    Death was a happy release for him.

  • 你怎么知道律师死后并非一了百了
    How can you tell there's an afterlife for lawyers?

  • 问:你怎么知道律师死后并非一了百了
    Q: How can you tell there's an afterlife for lawyers?

  • 成立了业主委员会真的就能一了百了了吗?
    Committee established owners can really solve the problem once?

  • 我们可以从日本撤军,这样不就一了百了了。
    clarkpaton:We could always leave Japan completely. That would solve the problem.

  • 可是,停止生物燃料的扩张并不能一了百了
    Yet putting a brake on the expansion of biofuels is not an easy way out.

  • 我知道我得在两件事中做出个一了百了的决定。
    I knew that I had to decide forever between two things.

  • 事情错综复杂,很难找到一个一了百了的解决办法。
    Matters are very complex. It's very difficult to find a single solution to all problem.

  • 你要是必须去看牙医,为什么不马上就去,一了百了呢?
    If you have to go to the dentist, why not go at once and get it over?

  • 清渴望一了百了,断之所有,如死了重新,失去所有关系。
    The longing for cutting and wiping out all of them, to reborn from death, is shutting down all relationship.

  • 清渴望一了百了, 断之所有,如死了重新,失去所有关系。
    The longing for cutting and wiping out all of them, to reborn from death, is shutting down all relationship.

  • “不要戏弄我,”那个可怜的姑娘呜咽着,“你杀了我吧!一了百了还痛快点。
    "Play not with me, " mourned the wretched woman; "kill me, and let there be an end. "

  • 佛教中的“涅槃”让人进入一个极乐世界,道教的顺“天道”而亡就有一了百了的寓意。
    Buddhism in the "Nirvana" leaves into a Paradise, Taoism Shun "Heaven" to death, there be the end of the implication.

  • 不过这样只是保护了液晶,后面的光管还在一直工作,所以我更赞成直接关了显示器,一了百了
    but this is only to protect the LCD, the lights are back to work, so I favor more directly related to the display, the end of that.

  • “还会有一列火车开过来的,我索性往轮子下一跳,一了百了,”喀秋莎自个儿想着,没有回答小姑娘的话。
    "A train will come - I'll throw myself under the wheels, and it'll all be over, " Katusha was thinking, not answering the little girl.

  • 这对老兄弟为一件事已经有两天争得不可开交了,最后他们同意打个赌来分出高低——无论什么事英国人靠打赌都能一了百了
    Those two old brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything.

  • 在途中跑最困难的时候,我有时候觉得,还不如一颗流弹飞来,一了百了:)可是,我知道,即使真的是非常辛苦,我也不能停,决不能停。
    In the hardest phase of running, sometimes, I just think, if I am shooed by a bullet, may be better. But, I know, even it's really tough, I can't stop, I do can't stop.

  • 但是,或迟或早,我们会意识到并不存在所谓的终点站,没有到达后可以一了百了的地方。人生真正的趣味在于旅行本身。车站只是个梦,永远遥不可及。
    Sooner or later, we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.

  • 曾经有一段真儿八经的爱情摆在我面前,可惜我甩不拉鸡的没的去珍惜,直到失去了才后悔莫及,我几次想拿菜刀抹脖子,一了百了,却每次都下不了手--人世间最痛苦之事莫过于此。
    I once let the truest love slip away from before my eyes without cherishing it, only to find myself regretting it when it was too late. No pain in the world comes near to this.

  • 一了百了造句相关
