
上窜下跳  shàng cuàn xià tiào






  • 他是如此的高兴以至于都上窜下跳了。
    He was so happy that he even jumped up and down.

  • 乔伊在沙滩上上窜下跳,兴奋地尖叫着。
    Joy was jumping up and down on the sand, screaming with excitement.

  • 呼啸的火箭上升时,好动的公鸡上窜下跳
    As the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked.

  • 上窜下跳,并且尝试找到点什么缓解疼痛。
    He ran up and down, and tried to find something to relieve the pain.

  • 你曾经为什么事情生气吗,上窜下跳,大声叫嚷?
    Kimi, have you ever got angry about anything, and jumped up and down and shouted?

  • 眼前的音符也就上窜下跳了起来,手也不听使唤。
    Also notes in front of Shangcuanxiatiao up, hands to lose control.

  • 它无礼地上窜下跳,戏弄士兵们,还朝他们扔果核。
    It jumped up and down disrespectfully, mocking the hunting soldiers. It threw a nut at them.

  • 它们是他隐隐约约想起的东西,在他面前上窜下跳,臭味刺鼻。
    They were something that he was half-aware of, hovering close to his face, a smell that clung to his nostrils.

  • 在吃早餐的时候,我一直在那儿上窜下跳,不停地拍手和大笑。
    All through breakfast I kept jumping up and down, clapping my hands and laughing out loud.

  • 上窜下跳,拖着缰绳,差点凭一己之力把马车丢进密苏里河。
    He reared and plunged, burst ropes and straps, and nearly flung the cart into the Missouri.

  • 汤姆的爸爸不让他去看电影,他就上窜下跳,大喊大叫的,像个傻瓜。
    Tom made a monkey out of himself by jumping up and down and yelling when his father wouldn't let him go to the movie.

  • 猴市:我国股票市场独特的形态,股市很不稳定,象猴一样上窜下跳
    Monkey City: China's unique form of the stock market, the stock market is very unstable, like monkeys, like Shangcuanxiatiao.

  • 有时他一整天躺在下层林丛中,看着鹌鹑上窜下跳,发出嗡嗡的声音。
    For a day at a time he would lie in the underbrush where he could watch the partridges drumming and strutting up and down.

  • 他抢起玻璃瓶,对著阳光看了看,只见有一个青蛙模样的小东西,在瓶中疯狂地上窜下跳
    Lifting it up, he held it against the light, and then saw something shaped like a frog jumping up and down inside.

  • 就这样,巨人的花园里是终年的寒冬,只有北风、冰雹,还有霜和雪在园中的林间上窜下跳
    So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.

  • 这种情况下,均价可能任股价上窜下跳而盘整不动,此时均价的位置是一个很好的进出参考点。
    Under these circumstances, any stock price may jump up and down and fixed consolidation, the average price at this time the location is a good reference point in and out.

  • 终于有点眉目了,那他不制作(模型)飞机时,是不是会像在月球上那样上窜下跳兴奋不已呢?
    Brilliant. We're getting somewhere. When he wasn't making planes, did he like to jump up and down yelping and pointing excitedly at the moon?

  • 于是我意识到,爱情只属于那些优雅文静的女孩子,而对像我这样上窜下跳的女孩则不会青眼有加。
    I came to believe that love belonged only to those who glided, who never shimmied up trees or even really touched the ground.

  • 一个堕入爱情的傻子,急得上窜下跳,为的是找一个洞放他的棍儿。这就是爱情的本质。---莎士比亚。
    For this drivelling love is like a great natural that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole.

  • 台独分子整天以“台湾人利益捍卫者”的面目上窜下跳,其实不过是想把台湾从中国分裂出去,好从中渔利!
    Taiwan independence elements throughout the day to "defend the interests of the Taiwan people" jump up and down the face, they are actually trying to separate Taiwan from China, a good profit!

  • 生日或者圣诞节的清晨,我太兴奋睡不著,天刚蒙蒙亮,就急匆匆跑到您房间,上窜下跳,搅得人不得安宁等等。
    And I do feel bad about all the 5 A. M. in-your-face wake-up calls on my birthdays, Christmas morning, and all those times I was too excited to sleep.

  • 他们忙着上窜下跳,甩头,尖叫,享受他们生命中最美好的一段时光,上帝的羔羊,为北京带来了一场金属的洗礼。
    They were busy jumping up and down, headbanging, screaming and generally having the time of their life as Lamb of God (LoG) descended on Beijing to deliver an education in Metal .

  • 哈利转头一看,只见德思礼一家三口都用手遮住头,拼命躲闪着上窜下跳敲着他们脑壳的杯子,杯里的酒溅得到处都是。
    Harry looked around; all three of the Dursleys were cowering with their arms over their heads as their glasses bounced up and down on their skulls, their contents flying everywhere.

  • 就在这时,两个跳霹雳舞的男女突然蹦了出来,如同跳蚤一样在舞台上上窜下跳。我觉得一般,可是女生却喜欢的不得了。
    Suddenly the crowed went wild as two hip-hop dancers entered the stage, performed a few tricks, and then the hall went boiling.

  • 但猴子可就不一样了,他们手脚并用,上窜下跳,所以猴子很瘦,更没有大肚子,就像我们形容有些人瘦的样子时说:“瘦猴!”
    But the monkeys can not be the same, they hands and feet, Shangcuanxiatiao, so the monkeys is very thin, and no paunch, as we describe those people who look thin, said: "Shou Hou! ""

  • 职员玛丽亚·萨耶恩兹和学工苏珊娜·吉伦都是小贝的“粉丝”。两个人接到冒牌贝克汉姆的第一个电话后“高兴得上窜下跳”。
    Clerk Maria Saenz and student worker Susana Guillen, avid fans of the real Beckham, "were just jumping up and down" after the first call.

  • 职员玛丽亚•萨耶恩兹和学工苏珊娜•吉伦都是小贝的“粉丝”。两个人接到冒牌贝克汉姆的第一个电话后“高兴得上窜下跳”。
    Clerk Maria Saenz and student worker Susana Guillen, avid fans of the real Beckham, "were just jumping up and down" after the first call.

  • 另一方面,如果公司令投资者确信,当现任老板感冒(或更糟)时,他们有一位强有力的接班人在等候,那股票价格也不至于上窜下跳
    If, on the other hand, a firm convinces investors it has strong successors-in-waiting, then rumours that the boss has the sniffles (or worse) are less likely to set its stock price aflutter.

  • 在流行文化中,脾气暴躁的老人形象从朝着上窜下跳的年轻人辱骂,要他们别玩疯了,转变为将那些生闷气的年轻人的耳塞扯下,求着他们去玩。
    The popular culture's grumpy-old-man archetype went from shouting at cavorting teens to stop having so much fun, to ripping the headphones off sullen ones and begging them to start.

  • 上窜下跳造句相关
