
不值一钱  bù zhí yī qián








  • 在我看来,这幅画一钱不值
    In my view, that painting is of no value.

  • 所以你会直依赖社会福利,你不值一钱
    That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a shit.

  • 即使偷不值什么的针也是种罪过。
    It is a sin to steal a pin.

  • 即使是偷不值什么的针也是种罪过。
    No matter how trivial the thing you stole, your act is considered a sin.

  • 件T恤衫要卖千块,太贵了,才不值那么多呢!
    A T-shirt selling for one thousand yuan. The price is too high. It's for the birds.

  • 在周博士看来,如果无所事事地活着,那么生活就不值一钱
    But life is not worth anything if he is not kept busy.

  • 最新的办法是征收90%的奖金税,这样就使那些奖金不值一钱了。
    The latest idea is to tax the bonuses at a 90% rate, which basically reduces them to nothing.

  • 结构是对两个内容的否定,也说时间和花得都不值,言外之意这部电影根本不值看。
    It was worth neither the time nor the money. Q: What does the man mean?

  • 第二个危机涉及到全球金融机构内部隐藏的曾经价值数万亿美元、如今不值一钱的衍生品和“影子”负债。
    The second crisis involves the trillions of worthless derivatives and shadow liabilities hidden within the world's financial institutions.

  • 不幸的是随后发生股市崩盘;国家对“英国能源”伸出的援助之手虽使其不致欠债,但彼时它所拥有的股份几乎不值一钱
    At the root of this failure is uncertainty about how the burden of a bail-out should be shared between an LCFI's home country and its foreign hosts, where it may have lots of business.

  • 不幸的是随后发生股市崩盘;国家对“英国能源”伸出的援助之手虽使其不致欠债,但彼时它所拥有的股份几乎不值一钱
    Then power prices crashed; a state bail-out left the company just afloat, but its shares were almost worthless.

  • 那些叫嚣常规赛不值一钱的家伙应该到我费根的博客里来翻翻球迷的评价,看看常规赛火箭每输次他们的球迷是怎样评价的。
    And those that argue that the regular season is meaningless ought to check out the comments sent to this blog after any regular-season loss.

  • 不值一钱造句相关
