
不得善终  bù dé shàn zhōng






  • 查理是个注定不得善终的人。
    Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.

  • 《我们彼此敌视》是个悲哀的故事,不得善终
    Many people say my story is too sad. Yes, that is true.

  • 我就是最终未能战胜自己,才落得善始不得善终的可悲下场。
    I was ultimately unable to overcome themselves, and could end up with not only good hospice tragic end.

  • 老来入花丛的人,被爱情冲昏了头,结果弄得家庭破碎,积蓄耗光,不得善终
    He, who comes into flowers in his old age, will break his family and use up his money.

  • 蠢人对智者的妒忌总是被智者将不得善终的怀疑所平息”(麦克斯·比尔博姆)。
    "The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end" (Max Beerbohm).

  • 蠢人对智者的妒忌总是被智者将不得善终的怀疑所平息。(麦克斯·比尔博姆)。
    The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end. (Max Beerbohm).

  • 讽刺的是,押沙龙的名字虽有平安之意,但他终其一生不见平安,死时也不得善终
    Ironically, Absalom, whose name has the word meaning peace in it, did not sow peace during his lifetime; and therefore in death he also met with no peace.

  • 尽管新约的福音书中对于细节的描写并不统一,但毫无疑问的是其后的犹大不得善终
    The New Testament Gospels disagree on the details but leave no doubt that Judas came to a bad end.

  • 颜阖说:「你知道这位太子天性凶残,先后好几位太子傅都被他整得死去活来,不得善终
    Yanhe said, "As you know, the prince is born cruel. The precedent teachers were teased to death, without good results."

  • 颜阖说:「您知道,这位太子天性凶残,已经先后有好几位太子傅都被他整得死去活来,不得善终
    Yanhe said, "As you know, the prince is born cruel. The precedent teachers were teased to death, without good results."

  • 连媒体也坐不住了,前段也曾炮制出“嘉玲发福疑似怀孕”的小道消息,但一经时间冲刷,“不得善终”。
    Even the media sit still, the preceding also produced "Fa-Fu Ka-ling, a suspected pregnancy, " the gossip, but once washed the time, "no good death.

  • 同时明代在户部的用人政策与现实之间的差距、户部尚书任职的短暂以及他们大多不得善终的结局,也暴露出当时的政治体制中存在的问题。
    Meanwhile, the distance between appointment policy and reality, the fact that most of the ministers didn't wind up properly join to expose the problems existing in the political system at that time.

  • 不得善终造句相关
